Recent Question/Assignment

MGMT8054 Assessment 3: Individual Project CONSULTANCY REPORT
(Due: 29th May,2021 9 am.
Weighting: 40%
Length: 4000 words (all inclusive)
What strategies should Australian Business adopt during diverse trends

Please select one from these current trends:
a) COVID-19 19
b) Black Lives matter
c) Brexit
d) USA China Trade war
e) The rise of the Internet Revolution
· This assessment requires students to provide a briefing report as a consultant on a key global issue in international business management.
· Select any existing Australian business small or large operating overseas in any country and select a current issue impacting their business and research and write a consulting report on that topic.
· YOUR TASK: You are a consultant tasked with a submission, developing a comprehensive analysis of the impact of any current global event in general and to -AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS- in particular to assist them with their future internationalisation strategy. Whilst doing this your focus will be on the -CULTURE- and the “CONTEXT” you select, and you will analyse the situation based on the cross-cultural dimensions, concepts and cultural theories that you study in this or other units on international business.
· Your report should consider encompass all risks: Political, Cultural, Social, Legal, Economic and provide advice on the impact of the current happenings to Australian businesses operating globally. In particular you are required to critique, analyse and assess (NOT JUST DESCRIBE).
Your individual report will be assessed as per the following format. PLEASE STRICTLY FOLLOW THIS STRUCTURE
• Title Page
· The project title, student Name & ID, unit name/code, tutorial class, tutor’s name
· MUST MENTION Word count all inclusive (excluding the title page and table of content)
• Table of Contents
· List main sections of the report (avoid too many levels of sub-sections)
· Choose self-explanatory section titles
· Indicate page numbers where each section starts

1. Executive Summary (400 words) (5 marks)
A one-page summary of the report, written as a series of short paragraphs or in point form, outlining:
· Your chosen organisation's strategic position and industry environment.
· A description of what issue the report is about (problem/opportunity.
· Your recommended strategy
2. Introduction/ (600 words) (5 marks)
· Why you are writing this report and to whom are you writing for (i.e., client)
· Outline the next steps on how your report progresses (the roadmap taken as the report proceeds)
· What are the key results/findings/solutions?
3. Current Situation (800 words) (5 marks)
· Current happenings to Australian businesses operating globally - consider all risks: Political, Cultural, Social, Legal, Economic and their impact. (1 mark)
· Literature review on specific topics/issues etc. Must cite a minimum of 6 academic sources i.e., research article, business report, book, news/magazine article using Harvard referencing style (4 marks)
4. Body of Report (800 words)(10 marks)
· Analyse the strategy/strategies identified (2 marks)
· Provide supporting evidence and arguments (3 marks)
· Apply previous units’ theories, concepts, and frameworks (5 marks)
Note: Students will identify one or two theories from the vast knowledge in the discipline of International Management and investigate their research informed by these theories. Can integrate various theories/concepts.
5. Discussion (800 words) (10 marks)
· Compare and evaluate different solutions/strategies (4 marks)
· Evaluate your strategy/solution against what have been done in the past by the client, by other companies/industries in the same or similar situations (6 marks)
Note: Convince the reader that your recommended strategy is a good one. Acknowledge the validity of alternative strategies during contingencies and should situations or environment change
6. Conclusions (200 words) (5 marks)
A concise summary of your findings, solutions, and their managerial implications
List all the references referred to in the report. Use the Harvard system of referencing, carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. You should cite publications in the text using the author's second name(Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names of two, and (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or more authors. At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied.

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