Recent Question/Assignment

Team Project Management Plan
Due Date
Week 11 – Fri, October 24, 2014, 5:00 pm – Team Project Management Plan
Week 11 – Fri, October 24, 2014, 5:00 pm – Individual Report
20% (60 marks)
Course Objectives
This assessment task relates to the following course objectives:
• identify and understand the critical roles and phases in IT projects;
• understand the basic components of project management and its importance in improving the success of IT projects;
• understand how to create an IT project plan;
• apply the project management knowledge areas to IT projects;
• demonstrate knowledge of project management principles and techniques;
• demonstrate competence in using appropriate project management software;
• discuss current issues in IT project management;
• understand and appreciate the importance of project management within a business environment; and
• value the significance of software quality in IT projects.
As stated by Schwalbe (2014) a project management plan (PMP) is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help to guide a project’s execution and control.
In this assignment, you will be required to form teams of four (4) people. One team member is to be elected the project manager for the duration of the project. Teams will prepare a PMP based on an IT project case study assigned to them and should use their own initiative regarding the scheduling all deliverables. Teams will NOT be required to produce ‘product related deliverables’ as part of this assignment the focus is purely on ‘project management related deliverables’.
An electronic copy of a case study will be available from your tutor or course lecturer or from Moodle website.

Deliverables for this assessment are divided into two areas, a). Team PMP Deliverables, and b). Individual Report Deliverables. Following are detailed requirements of each.
Team PMP Deliverables:
It is recommended teams use the structure as suggested by Schwalbe (2014) as a guide for preparing and creating their PMP. PMP headings include:
• Introduction
• Organisation
• Management and technical approaches
• Work to perform
• Schedule
• Budget
It is recommended that teams organise or conduct their projects using the project management process groups model, as discussed by Schwalbe (2014). Minimum, suggested project management related deliverables include:
• Project Initiation
o identify project manager and team
o identify key stakeholders
• Project Planning
o scope statement
o work breakdown structure (WBS)
o schedule (Gantt chart)
o risk management plan
o detailed budget
• Project Executing (product related deliverables not required – however these should be included in project planning documents e.g. WBS, Gantt chart)
• Project Controlling
o weekly status reports (see individual deliverables)
o change requests
• Project Closing
o lessons learned (see individual deliverables)
You make use of Microsoft Project or other tools to plan the project and include screen shots from MS project.
A quality team PMP will demonstrate a synthesis of plan content, templates and ideas acquired from project management professionals and academic authors with details from the case study provided.
Innovation marks may be awarded for evidence of additional deliverables completed by individual team members, for example project selection calculations, earned value management calculations, resource histogram or individual documents such as timesheets, meeting to do lists etc. These tasks should be submitted with the individual report.

Individual Report Deliverables:
Each student should submit a separate, individual report of approximately 800–1000 words including the following sections:
• Statement of Contribution
This statement should provide details and a clear description of all roles and responsibilities taken on by the student. The statement should also provide a list, description and purpose of all project deliverables created by the student, and an estimation of how long each took to complete.
• Weekly Status Reports
Individual weekly status reports should be completed by each student, and submitted to team project managers’ in team meetings. Copies of each student’s weekly status reports should also be included with their individual report. A template is available on moodle in the ‘Assessment’ section (/assessment specification document/templates/progress-report.docx) folder.
• Peer Review
A confidential statement estimating each team member’s contributions, meetings attended, weekly status reports submitted, any issues, how they were dealt with etc.
• Lessons Learned
A reflective statement documenting important things learned from working on the project, including technical and non-technical lessons. These lessons should include those aspects which worked particularly well, and also those which were problematic. A lessons learned template is available on moodle in the ‘Assessment’ section (/assessment specification document/templates/ lessons_learned_report.dox/) folder.
Academic Presentation:
PMP’s should be presented as a business report, in accordance with the suggested layout (see page 2 above), and adhere to academic writing presentation standards as outlined in the university’s general guide to referencing, see: For help on report writing, see:
Team PMP’s should be submitted in electronic format by the team project manager via Moodle (one per team). Individual reports should be submitted in electronic format via Moodle (a separate link will be provided for the individual report). Please refer to the “Course Description” for information regarding late assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see:

Assessment Feedback
Criteria Marking Scale
Poor Excellent
1 5
Individual – statement of contribution 0
– weekly status reports (weeks 8-11) 0
– peer review 0
– lessons learned 0
– innovation 0
– academic presentation 0
Individual Total [30 marks] 0.0
Team PMP – introduction 0
– organisation 0
– management and technical processes 0
– work to be done 0
– schedule 0
– budget 0
Team Total [30 marks] 0.0
Total Overall Mark [60 marks] 0.0
Total Worth [20%] 0.0

Marked by

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