Recent Question/Assignment

UPP010 XAB011 Assessment Task 1 - Journal Reflection
U»ing Rolfe** model of reflection;
• Describe and analyte the content discussed in the unit and connect to your individual learning pathway and outcome*.
• Evaluate development and use of effective study and academic skills and application to a future pathway (propoied actions for the fuiurc)
Your reflection should consist of;
• One reflective paragraph (SOO words) from the fortnightly journal entries students arc encouraged to write after each workshop.
Please make sure you have edited and proofread your work and read through the ‘style* guidelines in the Unit Outline on how to academically present your individual work.
Assessment Criteria
.?.uexrnrcnr Criteria allows students to understand the requirements and outcomes they will be assessed against.
1. Reflect on skills, techniques. and strategies for learning.
2. Apply a reflective model to practice.
3. Use creative techniques and formats to communicate ideas and information.
Assessment Submission
Please submit a Word Document, titled with assessment task, student name and student number.
Please ensure you correctly name your document “Assessment Task I - Journal Reflection
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