Recent Question/Assignment

Task 3
Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Portfolio Assessment Guide Summary
This is work. Weighting: 100% of Overall Portfolio Mark Word count: 2,500 word report per work (70%) and a 15-minute presentation per group (30%) Submission deadline: Wednesday, November 4 th, 2020 at 16.00 - Group report Wednesday, November 11th , 2020 at 16.00 – Group Presentation (Please note that oral presentations will take place during the seminar on Tuesday, November 10th 2020)
Learning Outcomes Evidenced by this assignment:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the underlying concepts, theories and tools of integrated marketing communications. (CI)
2. Demonstrate a knowledge of digital and integrated marketing communications planning theory within the context of the communications process. (EID)
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications strategy within the context of strategic marketing. (CI)
4. Evaluate the critical barriers to effective communication and how these might be possibly overcome by applying a variety of marketing communications models and perspectives. (EID)
5. Conduct primary and/or secondary research and plan a digital /integrated marketing communication campaign. (CID)
7. Develop key skills in writing and formal expression. (CID)
8. Develop skills in group discussion, oral presentation. (EID)
This assignment is a group Integrated Marketing Communications plan for the History of Advertising Trust. This exercise is designed to give students practical understanding of the marketing communications planning process and the importance of group work for integrated marketing communications campaigns.
Details of the task
This group portfolio assessment consists of both formative and summative elements, and requires students to work as groups collectively to develop an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for the following charitable trust:
The History of Advertising Trust (HAT) is seeking an Integrated Marketing Communications plan to enable them to connect with academics and students in Higher Education. They currently have a Twitter and Facebook presence but have not had the time to develop a campaign to engage Higher Education teaching and student audiences. They seek advice on which social media channels they should use for this campaign, which messages they should communicate, which communications campaigns they might run and how they might better target and engage with these audiences. They are a charity with a very small budget and limited resources, so the purpose of this campaign is as follows:
How can the History of Advertising Trust (HAT) increase awareness of their archive service, what communication channels should they use, which campaigns should they run and how can they best target and engage with their stakeholders? This History of Advertising Trust (HAT) are the marketing client for this project, and will both read group reports and attend the oral presentations of each
Portfolio Assessment 2 – IMC Plan
Please see for more info on the scope of the organisation’s archives and the reasons why it’s an essential resource for anyone teaching promotional communications and a variety of other subjects.
Students should work through the various stages of an IMC plan outlined below during the course of the semester, and develop their IMC strategy incrementally. you will be required to present a formative outline of their plan (no more than 15-minutes) in the seminar on Tuesday, November 3rd 2020 and Tuesday, November 10th 2020. The module leader will provide feedback on the strategy and direction of the campaign which you should consider as you finalise their creative approach. The presentation is “formative” (meaning it does not count toward the final grade), however students that do not take part in this exercise will not benefit from the feedback provided by the Module Leader on their campaign.
For the “summative” component of your Portfolio, each group must prepare a report of their IMC Plan. This should contain the following sections:
1. Cover Sheet
2. Title Page
3. Executive Summary (not included in the world count)
4. Introduction
5. Situation Analysis
6. Target Audience Profile
7. Communication Objectives
8. Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy
9. Evaluation, control and measurement of the campaign
Groups are encouraged to make use of appendices to include data (such as any primary data, secondary data, budgets, meeting minutes, etc.) as part of an appendices at the end of their report. It is vital that all group members work together to do the research on the company and develop the strategy collectively. Each group is encouraged to meet regularly, keep meeting minutes (these can also be included as part of your appendices), and ensure that all group members have a role and task within the group.
submitting evidence of non-engagement (non-attendance at meetings, non-submission of work, etc.) to support the expulsion of the non contributing group member.
In terms of developing a marketing communications plan for the company, students are advised to follow the approach of Egan (2015: 100) who outlines the following stages of the process:
1. Where are we? (Analysis)
2. Where do we want to go? (Design)
3. How will we get there? (Implementation)
4. How well have we done? (Control)
There is no single, universal format for developing an IMC plan, however the following books contain useful information on the development of an IMC plan: Egan, J. (2015) Marketing communications. 2 nd edn.
London: Sage Publications, pp. 99 – 112. Fill, C. and Turnbull, S. (2016) Marketing communications:
Brands, experiences and participation. 7 th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, pp. 172 – 177. Hackley, C. and Hackley, R.A. (2018) Advertising and promotion:
An integrated marketing communications approach. 3 rd edn. London:
Sage Publications, pp. 97 – 104. Pickton. D. and Broderick, A. (2005) Integrated marketing communications. 2 nd edn. Harrow: Prentice Hall, pp. 288 – 309.
As part of the Term 1 lecture series, students will be provided with a practical workshop and advice on conducting situation analysis, secondary research, the setting of objectives for campaigns, the development of IMC strategy and the evaluation and control of IMC campaigns.
This workshop will take place on Monday November 2nd 2020. The group report will be due on Wednesday, November 4 th 2020 at 16.00, and will account for 70% of the final grade for the integrated marketing communications plan. Groups should submit their reports to the Turnitin link.
Groups will also be required to deliver a group presentation of their report, which will account for 30% of the final grade for the integrated marketing communications plan. Presentations will take place on Tuesday, November 8 th 2020 during the scheduled seminar.
The presentations will be attended virtually via Teams by the History of Advertising Trust (HAT). Presentations should be uploaded by groups to the Turnitin link by Wednesday, November6th 2020 at 16.00.
– IMC Plan 5 Any group who fails to upload the correct cover sheet (slide) will be penalised 10% of the marks.
Your IMC plan for the company should contain the following key sections, although groups can select the content that is most relevant to their specific IMC plan: 1. Situation Analysis You should first analyse the current situation of the History of Advertising Trust, to understand where it currently is and how it got there. This will entail each group analysing:
• Key company information and data.
• An analysis of the Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental challenges facing the trust.
• A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the company evaluating the internal and external environment for the trust.
• The mission statement of the trust.
• Identification of the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the company.
• Evaluation of the current positioning of the trust.
2. Target Audience Profile Having conducted your situational analysis, each group should then develop a profile of the target audience for the campaign. This can be compiled from secondary data, dedicated lecture time will be devoted to the collection of secondary data during the term, details are provided in the module handbook. Each group should evaluate the segmentation and targeting strategy of the trust currently, consider its effectiveness and evaluate what segmentation and targeting strategy should be adopted for the current campaign.

3. Communication Objectives Groups should develop communication objectives for their IMC campaign. It is crucial that each of these objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Targeted and Timed), and groups are advised to formulate no more than six specific communication objectives for their plan.
4. Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy Each group should then develop their IMC strategy for the campaign. This IMC strategy should outline the following:
• The positioning adopted for the trust.
• The core IMC message for the campaign.
• Outlining of the IMC strategy for the campaign.
• The key IMC tools and how they will be used strategically and tactically within the campaign.
• How key IMC tools will be scheduled and implemented during the campaign.
• The key stakeholders and how audience engagement will be created.
5. Evaluation and Control Each group should develop a clear plan to evaluate and control their campaign, and how consumer feedback will be used for the analysis or correction of any IMC strategy.
Assignment Instructions (For Group Reports, for Group Presentation text should be presented in a legible format) Structure You have been asked to produce a report. It should contain the following:
• Title Page, including the given title in full
• Summary (No more than 250 words which will not contribute toward your final word count)
• Contents Page
• Introduction
• Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate headings
• Conclusion
• Appendices, which should be numbered o Make sure you refer your reader to them as required.
• Word count; excluding appendices and reference list Presentation Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
• Font style, Lucida Sans, at least size 20.
• Not too much clutter on each slide.
• Your name should not appear on the presentation.
Skills Advice Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions. Pay particular attention to:
• Your introduction
• Your conclusion
• The use of headings and/or signpost words
• Paragraph structure Do refer to Info skills at and Referencing The university expects students to use Harvard referencing as specified in the book Cite them Right.
• Refer to for further advice and a link to an online version of Cite them Right
• You should be careful to include citations within your work as well as a reference list at the end. Unreferenced work will fail.
Word Count
Your word count should not include your abstract, contents, reference list or appendices. You should provide your word count at the end of your essay. Exceeding the word count by more than 10% will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work. If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail required.
(Group Report) Marking Scheme Component Comments Weight Actual Mark Situation Analysis 10% Evaluation of Secondary Data and Identification of Target Audience 20% Formulation of SMART Communication Objectives 20% IMC Strategy 30% Evaluation and Control of the IMC Plan 10% Referencing, Presentation and Writing Quality 10% Total 100% General Comments: Agreed Mark: Assessment Criteria (Group Presentation) Marking Scheme Component Comments Weight Actual Mark Knowledge of the Material 30% Delivery of the Material 20% Ability to Work as a Team 20% Ability to Answer Questions 20% Overall Slide Presentation, Professionalism and Referencing 10% Total 100%
General Comments: Agreed Mark

Grading Criteria Used To Assess Work Undergraduate Programmes: General guidelines for standards expected at different levels of study. Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
First (70% or above) Thorough understanding of relevant ideas. Clear and well referenced argument. Coherent structure. Ideas critically analysed. Argument is clear, succinct and well supported. Evidence of a wide range of reading and some independent thought. Critical work evidencing excellent synthesis and application of ideas. Work is exceptionally well constructed and presented. Portfolio Assessment 2 – IMC Plan
Upper Second (60-69%) Sound understanding. Well written and relevant argument. Appropriately referenced. Critical consideration of relevant ideas. Arguments are precisely defined and appropriately referenced. The work is structurally sound and well written. Ideas are critically applied and coherently presented. Evidence of wide reading and some originality.
Well referenced Lower Second (50-59%) Evidence of understanding and independent reading. Adequate referencing, but some unsubstantiated material. Weaknesses in spelling, structure & grammar. Reasonable understanding of the relevant concepts, but some inconsistencies in application. Arguments are referenced, but disjointed. Poor structure, spelling or grammar. Clear grasp of concepts and some critical application. Appropriately referenced and relevant argument. Reasonable structure and syntax. Well presented
Third (40-49%) Indication of some understanding, but poor application of ideas. Minimal referencing. Generally weak structure. Generally descriptive work with limited evidence of a critical consideration of ideas. Inadequate referencing. Weaknesses in structure, spelling and grammar. Evidence of good understanding of issues, but crudely applied. Work indicates some critical thinking, but tends towards description. Argument may be unbalanced.
Poor structure and presentation Fail (Below 40%) Irrelevant or poorly analysed material. Indication of weak grasp of concepts. Inadequate structure. Poor grammar and spelling. Uncritical. Poorly referenced. Argument indicates little use of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written. Poorly referenced and suggests inadequate exploration of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written

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