Recent Question/Assignment
Task overview
Assessment name Authentic Arts Teaching Resource Pack
Purpose and Context As future teachers of authentic arts classroom learning, it is imperative that you develop an applied understanding of foundational arts knowledge and skills in each of the five art forms covered by the Australian Curriculum. This second assignment builds upon the first, and requires you to engage in practical arts experiences that will inform your awareness of foundational knowledge and skills in Dance and Drama, using these foundations to inform your planning for inclusive teaching and assessment of authentic arts learning in the classroom. To this end, you will provide evidence of your own engagement with practical arts learning experiences in Dance and Drama, and develop a teaching and assessment plan for a brief unit of learning based upon one* of these art forms.
Task outline Your school has recognised your expertise with developing authentic arts learning and you have therefore been asked to develop a resource pack to assist another teacher in facilitating authentic arts learning in Dance and Drama in their classroom. (You may choose the year level from P-6 for this task).
Your resource pack is divided into two sections:
Part A – Sample Dance and Drama activities (600 words)
You will provide the teacher with an overview of one Dance activity (a choreographed dance) and one Drama activity (Storytelling) that would be suitable for their classroom. (These activities will be covered in your tutorials and study guides). You will:
• Identify what content description is relevant to the activity;
• Explain the steps of each activity such that the teacher could understand how they could do the same activity in their class;
• Highlight important arts skills, concepts, and teaching strategies relevant to the activity;
• Support this explanation with video (1-2 minutes) or photographs. The intent of either is to select key highlights to best demonstrate arts skills, concepts and teaching strategies.
* You must personally engage with all activities, however participation from willing friends and/or family is welcomed!
Part B - Unit of learning (1400 words)
Select one of the learning experiences explored in Part A and extend upon this to develop an overview of a short series of Dance or Drama arts learning experiences (3-4 sessions in length) and later summative assessment task suitable for your chosen class context. To develop the teaching resource pack, you will need to address the following, and consider how best to present the materials so another teacher may find them useful and accessible:
a) A 2 page (maximum) unit plan using the template provided in the submission template. This will reveal a brief and clear overview of the flow of learning experiences, assessment tasks, resources, and any adjustments to meet the diverse needs of learners, with enough detail that another teacher could take your ideas and implement them.
b) An accompanying written explanation in which you explain and justify to the teacher:
o What important arts learning is developed in the unit. This should include reference to arts skills and concepts as outlined in the Australian Curriculum, and should be supported by reference to quality literature.
o The strategies you recommend for carrying out formative assessment during the series of lessons, and how and why the summative assessment will be completed at the end of the learning experiences. Justify, with reference to the achievement standard and wider research, why your suggested approach to assessment is appropriate.
o How your learning experiences facilitate inclusive student participation and engagement. Justify your strategic decisions with reference to research.
o 2-3 quality resources that the teacher may find useful in delivering authentic arts learning and how they may support their arts development through using these resources.
o How your recommended series of learning experiences, approach to assessment, and inclusive strategies all represent ‘authentic’ learning for the students. This will involve discussion regarding authentic arts processes which may include how the experiences develop creativity, aesthetic awareness, confidence with self-expression and opportunities for engagement with the wider world of art. See Dinham chapter 2 for further detail, as well as course materials and wider research.
Remember to support your work throughout this section with reference to research.
Submission Requirements You must submit your assignment using the provided Submission Sheet Template, available on the Assessment tab of the StudyDesk.
If video recordings are created, these must be stored in Panopto and links to videos created in the submission template. Further instructions for Panopto are available in the Assessment tab of the Study Desk.
Referencing Referencing
You are to include a reference list as usual at the end of your assignment/submission template with a minimum of 6 references that are cited in the body of your assessment.
Make sure you have all sources correctly referenced in APA 7th edition formatting.
The following help tools from FYI Study and Research may assist you to reference your assignment and understand academic integrity.
• FYI Guide to Referencing
• Academic writing: referencing (video)
• USQ APA Referencing guide
Task details
Length 2,000 words and photographic/video evidence (+/- 10%)
Weighting Total: 50%
Method of assessment Rubric (see the end of this document)
Learning objectives addressed in this assessment: In this assignment you will be applying an understanding about the importance and value of authentic Arts in the classroom, and strategies to support inclusive student learning and assessment. You will engage with – or be working towards the following:
1. apply knowledge and understanding of strategies to teach content of the five Arts forms and meet the learning needs of students (APST 2.1)
2. identify strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students (APST 3.3)
3. demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies used in the Arts including formative and summative approaches to assess student learning (APST 5.1)
4. identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement (APST 4.1)
5. access relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for teaching the Arts (APST 6.2)
6. use specialised arts expertise including research, associations and organisations, to broaden professional knowledge and practice and to enhance engagement with the arts in the school community (APST 7.4).
Please see for further information on these standards for teachers).
Submission Details
What you need to submit Submit your assignment in electronic format on Studydesk under Assignment 2. Within the Assessment Tab you will see the appropriate SUBMIT HERE link.
WARNING - Always remember to CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON when uploading otherwise it won’t be lodged properly and your assignment may incur a late penalty.
? Remember to use the submission template
? Videos must be uploaded to Panopto and a link to the file embedded in your submission template
Academic Integrity At university, students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using the ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always making due acknowledgement to the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy part of or all of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may also be reported for academic misconduct. Further information can be obtained via the USQ Academic Integrity Policy. You must understand what constitutes plagiarism
Please also be aware that your submitted work must be original. This means that any work you have submitted previously is not acceptable as original work.
Checking Originality
When you upload your assignment, you will notice a Turnitin score, or originality percentage. You may use this to check for the originality of your work, and make any final changes you wish before finalising your submission.
Further information is available
• Check the originality of your work - USQ.
Extensions In line with USQ policy, further extensions of up to 5 business days will only be granted for unexpected situations such as illness or extenuating circumstances.
In this instance, please use the Extension Request Online Application Form. You will be required to submit supporting documentation such as a covering medical certificate.
Please be aware that the application for an extension does not guarantee the extension will be granted. Extensions need to be applied for before the time of submission.
Further information is available within USQ's policy on late submissions of assignments.
Late Penalties The penalty for late submission without a pre-approved extension is a reduction by 5% of the maximum mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late (e.g. 2.5 marks per day).
An Assignment submitted more than ten University Business Days after the deadline will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. (Assessment Procedure 4.2 Assignments)
Moderation All University staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements of assignments based on the given rubric. Marks are moderated prior to grades being finalised.
Release of marks Marking will be finalised within 3 weeks of submission of your assignment, commencing from the day after the due date.
Receiving Your assignment feedback Feedback
• Please take the time to read the feedback on your rubric and throughout the Assignment. Our markers provide in text comments and a final comment to summarise key messages to focus on for the future.
• Before you engage in the feedback, the following video from FYI Study and Research is incredibly useful.
o Academic writing: understanding feedback
• Please check the marks add up in the Rubric to your final grade. (Even markers are human and can occaisionally make mistakes! – did you see what we did there? ?)
This Template was created by Melissa Fanshawe (2018), Lecturer, Mathematics Curriculum & Pedagogy in collaboration with Dr Eddie Thangavelu Associate Lecturer & Learning Advisor (Education); Materials from FYI Study and Research by Dr Ron Pauley & Dr Eddie Thangavelu; Format by Cathy Cameron, Educational Designer & Idea by Fiona Jacob (Lecturer); If you have any queries about content contained in the Step-by-Step Guide, please contact your Course Examiner.
Marking Rubric- how you will be graded
Part A
Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Dance learning experience
You provide creative and comprehensive evidence of meaningful engagement with practical learning experiences, going beyond expectations.
You explicitly and insightfully explain and justify strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You provide strong and clear evidence of meaningful engagement with the practical learning activities.
You explain strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You provide sound evidence of genuine engagement with the practical learning activities.
You describe strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You provide basic evidence of engagement with the practical learning activities.
You outline strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You fail to provide evidence of engagement with the practical learning activities that demonstrates adequate participation.
You do not adequately outline strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students
Drama learning experience You provide creative and comprehensive evidence of meaningful engagement with practical learning experiences, going beyond expectations.
You explicitly and insightfully explain and justify strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You provide strong and clear evidence of meaningful engagement with the practical learning activities.
You explain strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You provide sound evidence of genuine engagement with the practical learning activities.
You describe strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You provide basic evidence of engagement with the practical learning activities.
You outline strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students You fail to provide evidence of engagement with the practical learning activities that demonstrates adequate participation.
You do not adequately outline strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students
/15 13-15 11.5 – 12.5 10-11 7.5-9.5 7.5
Part B
Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Strategies to plan for and implement effective arts-based methods to provide curriculum learning opportunities for students
(APST 3.3) Clearly and specifically explains and justifies important arts learning that is developed in the unit, including reference to arts skills and concepts as outlined in the Australian Curriculum
Clearly explains important arts learning that is developed in the unit, including reference to arts skills and concepts as outlined in the Australian Curriculum Describes important arts learning that is developed in the unit, including reference to arts skills and concepts as outlined in the Australian Curriculum Outlines important arts learning that is developed in the unit, including reference to arts skills and concepts as outlined in the Australian Curriculum Important arts learning that is developed in the unit, including reference to arts skills and concepts as outlined in the Australian Curriculum is not clearly outlined or is not appropriate.
/10 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7 5-6 5
Understanding of assessment strategies used in the Arts including formative and summative approaches to assess student learning (APST 5.1) Highly appropriate formative and summative assessment is explained and justified. Highly appropriate formative and summative assessment is explained. Appropriate formative and summative assessment is described.
Somewhat appropriate formative and summative assessment is outlined.
Formative and/or summative assessment is insufficiently outlined, or is not appropriate.
/5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 0-2
Strategies to support inclusive participation and engagement
APST (4.1)
Objective 2 Explains and justifies inclusive arts education in the context of the learning with highly appropriate strategies to support inclusive participation and engagement
Explains inclusive arts education in the context of the learning, with appropriate strategies to support inclusive participation and engagement Describes inclusive arts education in the context of the learning, with appropriate strategies to support inclusive participation and engagement Outlines inclusive arts education in the context of the learning, with satisfactory strategies to support inclusive participation and engagement
Fails to identify inclusive arts education in the context of the learning, with appropriate strategies to support inclusive participation and engagement
/5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 0-2
Relevant sources for professional learning for teaching the Arts.
APST (6.2) Explains and justifies highly relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for teaching the series of learning and how teachers may support their own arts development through using these resources Explains appropriate sources of professional learning for teaching the series of learning and how teachers may support their own arts development through using these resources.
Describes sources of professional learning for teaching the series of learning and how teachers may support their own arts development through using these resources
Outlines sources of professional learning for teaching the series of learning and how teachers may support their own arts development through using these resources
Insufficiently outlines sources of professional learning for teaching the series of learning and how teachers may support their own arts development through using these resources.
/5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 0-2
Knowledge and understanding of strategies to teach content of the five Arts forms to meet the needs of students (APST 2.1) Explains and justifies, with judicious support from quality research, how the learning and teaching strategies employed represent authentic arts learning as indicated in course content Explains, with strong support from research, how the learning and teaching strategies employed represent authentic arts learning as indicated in course content.
Describes and evidences how the learning and teaching strategies employed represent authentic arts learning as indicated in course content. Outlines how the learning and teaching strategies employed represent authentic arts learning as indicated in course content. Insufficiently outlines how the learning and teaching strategies employed represent authentic arts learning.
/5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 0-2
Professional competence in cognitive and communication skills, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and bibliographic referencing Fluent, lucid academic writing that clearly conveys key concepts and is virtually error-free.
Referencing (in text and reference list) and presentation conforms to APA style, and is error free with one or two exceptions. Extensive use of high quality academic literature. Fluent academic writing that clearly conveys key points with few errors in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, or organization.
Referencing (in text and reference list) and presentation conforms to APA style, with a few errors.
Strong use of quality academic literature. Sound academic writing that conveys key points with some errors in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, or organization.
Referencing (in text and reference list) and presentation mostly conforms to APA style, with some errors.
Sound use of quality academic literature. Satisfactory academic writing that conveys key points. Errors in the use of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and/or organization hamper clarity, but key points are still evident.
Referencing (in text and reference list) and presentation is recognizable as APA style, with many errors and inconsistencies.
Some use of quality academic literature.
Unsatisfactory academic writing. The degree of errors in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and/or organization is such that it is difficult to know what the writer is trying to express.
Referencing (in text and reference list) and presentation does not conform to APA style with missing essential information.
Unsatisfactory use of quality academic literature.
/5 (45.-5) (4) (3) (2.5-3) (0-2)
Final grade /50 Overall comment: