Recent Question/Assignment
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Australian Catholic University
NRSG266 Assessment One: Written Assessment
Due Date Week 5, Wednesday, 26th August 4pm
Weighting 40%
Word limit 1200 words +/- 10%
Criteria Appendix 1 of the NRSG266 unit outline
Learning Outcomes
LO1 critically analyse the concept of healthy ageing and its promotion at an individual and community level; (GA4)
LO2 understand experiences of ageing and how these are impacted by biopsychosocial, spiritual and cultural factors; (GA1, GA4)
Submission Assessment 1 dropbox located on your NRSG266 LEO campus tile.
Presentation 1.5 spacing; 11-point Arial or Calibri font.
No headings, cover pages, bullets, numbering, tables, or diagrams are to be used.
Footer is to include your name, student number and word count
This is an academic essay and as such, 3rd person writing is required.
Referencing APA 6th Edition as per the ACU study guide.
References must meet the academic standards of recency, relevance and reliability.
Minimum of 12 current (within five years) and credible references are to be used.
The World Health Organisation (2015) states:
“Healthy ageing is a process of developing and maintain the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age. Functional ability is about having the capabilities that enable all people to be and do what they have reason to value”
Using the context provided in the statement above, critically analyse your role as a registered nurse in empowering the older adult. In your response discuss current evidence-based approaches to the promotion of healthy ageing.
NRSG266 _ Assessment One: Written Assessment _ Semester Two, 2020 _ Page 1 of 1