Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment Task 2:
Title: Group presentation, student feedback and group reflective review
Due date: Group presentation and student feedback - in class
Group reflective review - by email to lecturer - end of teaching period
Details of task:
This assessment is in three parts, 1) group presentation 2) student feedback (individual task], and 3) group summary review. The purpose of the assessment is to highlight a decision making scenario using analytical techniques and to stimulate in class or online discussion and interaction in relation to that issue.
Details are available on the Moodle site. You should have farmed a group during by the end of week 3. If you do not have a group by this time then please contact your lecturer for allocation to a group.
Part 1-20 minute Group Presentation - 10%
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Course Description (Higher Education)
Informative and engaging group presentation actively promoting class participation.
In order to share experiences and insights on the decision-making scenario, the group is asked to prepare a 20 minute presentation based on research and analysis of the chosen topic, and where relevant, integrating group members' work-related experiences. The presentation may be in any format the group considers appropriate. Examples may be one or a combination of formal meetings (using agendas, allocating roles and designated seating arrangements), power point presentations, small group work (facilitated by group members), role plays, reality formats and so on. Use of visual material, creativity, and interactive activities are encouraged to stimulate audience interest and engagement
The presentation should reflect theory and practice and perhaps include a handout.
All group members are expected to participate in the presentation. Marks for Part 1 will be allocated equally within the group unless advised otherwise by the lecturer.
Part 2 - Individual contributions following presentations - 5%
This required participation in other group's presentations including completion of a feedback sheet.
Students individually are required to participate in a minimum of five presentations (other than that associated with their group). At the end of the presentation, students must submit to the lecturer a feedback on the form provided. This will then be distributed to the group. This feedback should reflect developed thinking, supportive and constructive comments, and show a reasonable effort.
Part 3 - Group reflective review - 5%
Task - 500 word group reflective review (maximum words excluding references [if any] - no minimum word count)
Following individual discussion contributions, the group will review their presentation and audience (other students) feedback in the light of other learnings in the course. The review should make a critical appraisal of key issues, approaches to analysis and indicate the key learning resulting from this assessment (this may include comments on both the content and process).
The group might also comment on: What worked well? What did not work well? How might the presentation have been improved? Was the feedback received as expected?
See also assignment marking guide on the course site.
Task summary:
• Group presentation - around 1000 words or equivalent effort contingent on the format used.
• Individual feedback for presentations posted by five other groups
• Group reflective review - up to 500 words
Weighting: contributes 20% in total towards final assessment comprising:
• Group presentation and review 15%
• Individual discussion contribution 5%.
Presentation requirements: Open format
Estimated return date:
Marks for this assessment will be provided within two weeks of the final the group reflective review submission date or due date - whichever is the latter.
Criteria for marking: Provided on the course Moodle site
Submission details:
Group presentation and class discussion will be conducted in class, at the discretion of the lecturer, ideally during weeks 4 to 8. Group summary review is to be submitted via Moodle by the end of week 9.
Penalties for late lodgement:
Group report and summary: A penalty of 10 per cent of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each day that either part of assessment is late.

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