Recent Question/Assignment

Module Title: Aerospace Aerodynamics Module Code: 7ENT1111
Assignment Title: CFD Practical Exercises Individual Assignment
Tutor: Chaoyue Ji Internal Moderator: Joanna Rawska
Student ID Number ONLY: Year Code:
Marks Awarded %:
Marks Awarded after Lateness Penalty applied %:
Penalties for Late Submissions
• Late submission of any item of coursework for each day or part thereof (or for hard copy submission only, working day or part thereof) for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules at Levels 0, 4, 5, 6 submitted late (including deferred coursework, but with the exception of referred coursework), will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches or is 40. Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied.
• Late submission of referred coursework will automatically be awarded a grade of zero (0).
• Coursework (including deferred coursework) submitted later than five days (five working days in the case of hard copy submission) after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).
• Where genuine serious adverse circumstances apply, you may apply for an extension to the hand-in date, provided the extension is requested a reasonable period in advance of the deadline.
Please refer to your student handbook for details about the grading schemes used by the School when assessing your work. Guidance on assessment will also be given in the Module Guide.
Guidance on avoiding academic assessment offences such as plagiarism and collusion is given at this URL:
If the assignment is laboratory based (though not computer-based), or involves offsite activity, please attach the risk assessment form for the Internal Moderator to see.
Students, you should delete this section before submitting your work.
This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes (Take these from the module DMD):
LO2: Develop a knowledge and understanding of the application of CFD to model complex flows in aerospace applications
LO4: Apply Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software to simulate aircraft component flows as well as for a complete aircraft
Assignment Brief:
Marks will be awarded for a well-reasoned report, comparisons to theoretical models or experimental data and taking reasonable assumptions during simulation process. A description of these assumptions and models used in the simulations is also highly encouraged.
Submission Requirements:
Students are required to submit their work to Canvas as a WORD or PDF document.
No other document type should be submitted. No exceed 20 pages. No submissions by email will be accepted.
ENSURE YOUR FILENAME INCLUDES YOUR SRN: For example 1234567.docx or 1234567.pdf
This assignment is worth 20 % of the overall assessment for this module.
Marks awarded for:
Description – 15%
Mesh – 15%
Simulations and analysis – 30%
Comparison, conclusion and references – 20%
Overall quality – 20%
A note to the Students:
1. For undergraduate modules, a score above 40% represent a pass performance at honours level.
2. For postgraduate modules, a score of 50% or above represents a pass mark.
3. Modules may have several components of assessment and may require a pass in all elements. For further details, please consult the relevant Module Guide or ask the Module Leader.
Typical (hours) required by the student(s) to complete the assignment: 40 hours
Date Work handed out:
7th Feb, 2020 Date Work to be handed in:
24th April, 2020 Target Date for the return of the marked assignment: Approximately four weeks
Type of Feedback to be given for this assignment:
General feedback plus individual feedback, and any further feedback if needed.
Appendix Marking Scheme for CFD Assignment
1. Part 1 of the assignment
1.1 Description of physical problem and simulation parameters
1.2 Mesh quality
1.3 Simulation results
1.4 Analysis and discussion
1.5 Comparison with theoretical or literature results
2. Part 2 of the assignment
2.1 Description of physical problem and simulation parameters
2.2 Mesh quality
2.3 Simulation results
2.4 Analysis and discussion
2.5 Comparison with literature results
3. Part 3 of the assignment
3.1 Description of physical problem and simulation parameters
3.2 Mesh quality
3.3 Simulation results
3.4 Analysis and discussion
3.5 Comparison with literature results
4. Conclusion and references
(End of Report)
A. Overall quality
A.1 Technical Quality
A.2 Non-Technical Quality (Words Writing, Graph Displaying)
Total 100%
CFD Assignment
Write a single report including all the three parts of the assignment. Compare to the underlying theory behind the simulations and analytical or literature data.
3-1: Air Flow within an Annulus
The pipe is of 0.04 m in diameter, with a 0.02 m diameter solid core which is axially aligned. Inlet velocity: uniformly distributed, with a value to ensure the flow is within the laminar regime. Air temperature: 25°C. Compare the results of the simulation to an analytical model derived from Navier-Stokes equation.
It is expected that the velocity results of the derived solution and the CFD simulation should present a profile resembling a parabola but with a bias towards one side caused by the logarithmic term. Analytical details can be found in p. 362, Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition by F. M. White.
3-2: Airflow over an Aerofoil
Choose a Mach number and Angle of Attack to simulate the airflow a NACA 0012 aerofoil
(Fig. 1). Compare your simulation results with those from literature for validation. Details of geometry and mesh generation, assumptions and models selection, evidence of convergence, discussions and analysis need to be included.
3-3: Convective Heat Transfer from a Heat Source of a Radiator within an Enclosed Room
The simulation model resembles a radiator in a small room (3 m x 3 m, two-dimensional).
The four walls can be set at a steady temperature of T1. It contains a small 0.3 m x 0.75 m
‘radiator’ which is at a stable temperature of T2 and heated the room through conducting heat into air that it contacts and spread via convection flows to the rest of the room. The radiator is located near the left wall. Please give the exact location of the radiator by yourself.
T1 and T2 are to be chosen by you, and the temperature difference should be larger than 10°C. You can also choose to set no more than three walls, out of four (ceiling, floor, two side walls), as adiabatic. You just need to run one simulation under specific boundary conditions.
1) As the temperature in the radiator (orange colour in Fig. 2) is fixed, it is not needed to do the simulation within the radiator. Just use a model as shown in the shaded area as attached, where the black boundary has a temperature of T1, the orange boundary is with a temperature of T2. Only one material is in the shaded domain, which is air. No material such as aluminium etc. is needed.
2) As the problem is 2D simplified from the actual 3D reality, Fig. 2 is a side view. The lower horizontal line is floor, the upper horizontal line is ceiling, and the two vertical lines are sides of the room. The direction of gravitational force is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Schematic of a radiator within an enclosed room

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