Recent Question/Assignment
Submission Guidelines:
• All students are to submit their Portfolio through the dropbox “Portfolio 2” under the Assessment folder on vUWS along with the completed assignment cover sheet. (You can download the assessment coversheet from the assessment area on 700205 Academic skills for ICT vUWS site)
• You must use the given Portfolio 2 template file (Portfolio 2 template.xlsx) available on vUWS. Make sure that you have named the submitted file according to the following format: FirstNameLastNamePortfolio2 e.g. JohnSmithPortfolio2.
• Answer to each question (1-5) must be included in the named worksheet of the given workbook.
• Apply formatting to each of the worksheets and present the data in a visually engaging way. Use the formatting instructions given below as a guideline.
Workbook Organization and Formatting Guideline: [20 marks]
• Organise the data in the worksheet using a table format, (e.g: use columns for variable data/labels, rows for observations/grouping and cells for data.)
• Format rows and columns to convey the grouping of the information. This may include setting font type, font colour, font size, cell colour etc.
• Add a meaningful title/heading for each of the worksheets. You may also choose to insert your own details such as name, student ID in the worksheet.
• Format each worksheet to make it aesthetically pleasing. This may include setting the border, colour coding of relevant data, text alignment in a cell etc.
• Select a suitable data format for each cell according to the data. E.g.: If a cell contains price, then cell must be formatted as currency.
• In case, a worksheet contains answers to multiple questions, arrange them in distinguishable sections by adding appropriate heading and setting border around.
• Rename the worksheets named Question 1, Question 2 and Question 3 as instructed in the questions 1-3.
Question 1. Careers in ICT. (10 marks)
I. Rename the worksheet named Question 1 in the -Portfolio 2 Template.xlsx- to -Careers in ICT-. You are to work on that worksheet in this question.
ii. Choose one of the ICT career streams that interests you. Find a minimum of three job advertisements relating to this career stream.
iii. Complete the information requested in the table below, based on your research in ICT career streams. Present the information using a table format in the -Careers in ICT- worksheet. (10 marks)
ICT Career stream: X: [Title]
Business Skills required as per SFIA skill level and categories.
Number of job advertisements in that career stream. (Scope of search: Sydney, Australia, etc.)
Three job advertisements relate to the chosen career stream
Related Industry/domain as per the three job advertisements (e.g.: banking, government)
Salary range as per the three job advertisements
Reguired gualifications and or certifications
Common Skill set based on the three advertisements you choose
Refer to university handbook http://hgndbook.we?t ?m?ydn,au/hbook/course sear ch.aspx to list which major/units learned will align with ICT career stream of your choice.
Question 2. Hardware research. (15 marks)
i. Rename the worksheet named Question 2 in the -Portfolio 2 Template.xlsx- to -Hardware research-. You are to work on that worksheet in this question.
A small-to-medium size business has hired you to investigate the hardware parts for a computer that can be used for any of following scenarios listed below. Assume the customer's current system will be compatible with the parts that you order. You are expected to order six parts for any scenario. The part specification for the selected scenario must include the specification for the part listed on the second column.
Scenario New Parts
I.The customer needs to run an audio and video editing workstation to record music, create music CDs. CD labels, and to create home movies. Sound Card, Video Card, Hard drive. Dual monitor
2. The customer needs to run computer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. CPU, Video Card, RAM. Monitor
3. The customer wishes to use a Personal Computer for a home theatre. Case, Power Supply. Surround sound Audio System, TV tuner cards
4. The customer wishes to upgrade to a gaming computer CPU. Video Card. RAM. Monitor. Hard drive. Cooling System
Present your research findings into the worksheet named -Hardware research- in the following table format. (12 marks)
2020.1 700205 Academic Skills for ICT Portfolio 2
2020.1 700205 Academic Skills for ICT Portfolio 2
Part 4
Part 6
References (6 marks)
Place a list of references used to determine the hardware and software requirements in questions 2 and 3 in the worksheet named -References-. You should include a minimum of three references for hardware research and three references for software research. Use APA style.
Reflection. (2 marks)
Use the marking criteria given in the worksheet named -Reflection- to self-assess your Portfolio 2 submission. Shade the relevant marks range according to your own judgement. Shade only one category for each criterion (2 marks).
Workshop participation & completion of activities in week 5-8. (6 marks)
iii. Create a pie chart showing the price for each hardware as a percentage of the total expenditure. You must add a title and legend to your chart. Place the chart on the same worksheet. (3 marks)
Questions 3. Software research. (16 marks)
Rename the worksheet named Question 3 in the -Portfolio 2 Template.xlsx- to -Software research-. You are to work on that worksheet in this question
Research the software requirements for the computer that is upgraded with the hardware specification that you have specified in Question 2. Identify at least 10 different software that you would like to purchase for the computer. It may include both system software such as operating system, antivirus and application software such as MS office. Adobe Photoshop etc.
i. List the software that you have decided to buy into the worksheet named -Software research-. You will use this worksheet to track down the spending in relation to your budget. Assume you would like to spend a maximum of 1000 AUD for this purpose.
ii. For each software, research independently to collect data such as type of software (system or application), developer (Microsoft, Apple, etc.), initial release date, unit price (approximate), latest release date, user rating etc. Consolidate and present the data on the same worksheet.
iii. Calculate some basic statistics about the prices of different software that you have chosen such as total price, maximum price, minimum price, and average price.
iv. Create a column to prioritize your spending according to the user rating of the software. If a software has a user rating more than 4.5 (out of 5), you mark it as high priority, otherwise it is on tow priority.
v. Create a pie chart showing the price for each software as a percentage of the total. You must add a title and legend to your chart. Place the chart on the same worksheet.
2020.1 700205 Academic Skills for ICT Portfolio 2
2020.1 700205 Academic Skills for ICT Portfolio 2
Marking criteria
Criteria Fall 0-49 Pass 50-64 Credit 65-74 Distinction 75-84 High Distinction 85-100
Careers in ICT Does not identify the career stream, include job advertisements and/or table summarising research Career stream identified, with three job advertisemen ts and a completed table. Career stream identified, with three job advertisemen ts and a completed table Career stream identified, with three job advertisements and a completed table. Career stream is identified, more than three job advertisements are included, and the table summarising research is complete and accurate
Hardware research Hardware research not attempted and/or not relevant to a given scenario. Hardware research includes some required specification Hardware research includes more most of the required specification Hardware research includes comprehensive specification as specified. Hardware research includes comprehensive specification as specified.
Software research Software research not attempted and/or not relevant to a given scenario. Software research has been done and required data has been entered in the spreadsheet with three references. Software research includes all the required data with three references and the basic statistics have been calculated. Software research includes all the required data with more than three references and the basic statistics have been calculated. A pie chart has been inserted. Software research includes all the required data with more than three references and the basic statistics have been calculated. A pie chart has been inserted and a column has been created to prioritize the spending on purchase
Organizatio formatting Portfolio is created using an Excel application but not formatted according to the provided guidelines. Portfolio is created using an Excel application and formatted to some extent according to the provided guidelines. Portfolio is created using an Excel application and formatted to some extent according the provided guidelines. Portfolio is created using an Excel application and mostly formatted according to the provided guidelines. Portfolio is created using an Excel application and correctly formatted according to the provided guidelines.
References Less than three references /no references provided. At least three references provided. APA referencing guide is used. At least four references provided to cover both hardware and software research. APA referencing guide is used All the used references (at least five) provided to cover both hardware and software research. APA referencing guide is used. All the used references (list exceed six) provided using APA referencing guide.
Criteria Fall 0-49 Pass 50-64 Credit 65-74 Distinction 75-84 High Distinction 85-100
Attendance and participation in workshop discussion Attendance and participation in workshop discussion are unsatisfactory. Minimum 50% of attendance to practical sessions with little participation workshop discussion. Minimum 60% of attendance to practical sessions with fair participation in the workshop discussion. Minimum 80% of attendance to practical sessions with good participation in the workshop discussion. Attended 100% practical sessions with very active participation In the workshop discussion.
Completion of weekly workshop activities and quality produced Did not complete the required exercises and activities Satisfactory completion of some portion of the required exercises and activities. Satisfactory completion of a large portion of the required exercises and activities. Satisfactory completion of most of the required exorcises and activities. Satisfactory completion of almost all the required exercises and activities
2020.1 700205 Academic Skills for ICT Portfolio 2
2020.1 700205 Academic Skills for ICT Portfolio 2