Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 2
Assessment Type: Group Assignment - Report and Video Presentation. All of the group will
assessed equally on the group presentation (see marking below). Group members must be
confirmed with your tutor and must include 3-4 people.
Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills acquired in the
subject. It also allows students to further develop teamwork skills that are expected in a modern
professional accounting practice. This assessment relates to learning outc.omes a, b, c and d.
Value: Weekly report (individual mark)
Group report (Group mark)
Group presentation (Group mark)
Total value
Due Date: Report and Presentation material submissions — Week 10 — all groups - hard copy to the
lecturer I tutor at of class. Presentation Week —11 — specific times will be allocated in class.
Submission: Group report — One copy group to to the KOI Moodle subject homepage
by 5.00 pm Monday of Week 10. Only one student per group is to upload the report.
Presentation Video — electronic copy of the video and hard copy of the video content summary to the
lecturer I tutor in class beginning of class Week 10 — all groups. Each student must have contributed
in presenting the material. Students who do not present in the video presentation and students who do
not answer questions from the lecturer / tutor will receive no mark. Presentation — video presentation
in class week— 11 — specific times will be allocated in class.
Topic: Identify and apply theories and models in accounting to a current topical issue related to a
corporation of your choice from a list of corporations provided (note approval must be sought from
your lecturers and tutors). You are required to demonstrate your understanding of your chosen
accounting theories to matter current to the approved corporation by reference to published material
from the corporation and other related sources.
Task Details: Choose a firm frorn a list of corporations provided by your lecturer / tutor, then find a
news piece related to your chosen firm's issues. Pick one of the following issues: Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) or Capital Market Reactions (CMR). Identify and rationalise with appropriate
accounting theories, the motive, effectiveness and impact of the firm's CSR/CMR disclosures in
addressing these issues. Based on the case findings, groups must make recx)mmendations on
CSR/CMR reporting at the corporation level as well as at regulatory level. Emphasis must be given to
effectiveness of CSR/CMR disclosures.
Group Presentation: Groups are to present their analysis and findings/ conclusions in a professional 5
(five)-minute video presentation. Presentations should be a critical analysis covering the main theory
elements of the course — not just presenting a factual story — reference to corporate reports and other
material is encouraged. Information can be covered in any order in the presentation, but should
contain elements of the course. It is strongly recommended that groups prepare their presentations
well in advance of the presentation date, and make some effort to review their video presentation.
This will improve the presentation overall, and give groups a chance to improve and time manage
their presentations. Videos may prepared using any available platform such as iMovie,
MovieMaker, Prezi and others. Students are reminded that extensive use of third-party video materials
in their video presentations may increase the risk of plagiarism.
Research Requirements: Students need to support their analysis with references from the text and a
minimum of ten (10) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources — check with your
tutor if unsure of the validity of sources. Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their
analysis with increased number of reference sources comparable to the grade they are seeking.
Weekly Progress Report: Your lecturer I tutor will assign each student and group specific weekly
targets. All students must demonstrate to their lecturer I tutor each week (weeks 7 to 9) that their
tasks are on schedule. The purpose is to ensure students do not leave the task till the last minute.
Group 2500 + 10% word report format — Word .doc or .docx. Title page, executive summary,
table of appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations/findings/conclusions, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard — Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single
font Times New Roman 12pt.
Video Presentation: 5-minute video presentation in class supgMted by appropriate visual aids.
Presentations will be timed — groups going over 5 minutes will be asked to stop - this will affect marks,
as will presentations that are short (under 4 minutes) or long (over 6 minutes). All group
members must participate
Marking Guide:
Weekly Progress Report 5%
Students are required to view and keep a for submission of at least 10 videos from the
Channel link for Top Videos. This must be provided to your tutor prior to week 10.
Please subscribe to the channel and then click on the bell for notifications as videos are
constantly being uploaded to the channel. As a record of your weekly progress report you will be
expected to view and comments on the you have viewed.
Group report: 10%
Research — extent and application
Report content
Total mark will be scaled to a mark out of 10 marks.
Group Presentation: 15%
A group mark will given for the team component of the presentation and a mark will be scaled to a
mark out of 15 subject marks. Detailed marking guides are in the following rubric.
Research — extent and application
Video content
Total mark will be scaled to a mark out of 15 subject marks.

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