Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment Details
Assessment 1: Group Assessment - In pair
Articles Collection & Structured Abstract 30% Due: Friday Week 6, 11.30 pm
Undertake a literature review on a theoretical concept/construct of dining consumption in a restaurant context that has real world management implications (e.g., customer satisfaction, behavioural intention, customer perception of authenticity, motivation, dining experience etc.). Research the field to find four academic articles (the first article to propose the theory) relating to the concept (published any time); and three other more recent articles (2014 onwards) one of which must apply a quantitative research design, the second, a qualitative design and the third, a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) design.
Please note that all articles must be full papers (e.g., not research notes, book reviews) sourced from refereed academic journals. Please review them and write an 1,500 word structured abstract, which draws upon all the articles you have reviewed, using the following headings:
• Brief summary of the theory and progression in the field (i.e., how has the theory developed since first proposed?)
• Common themes/findings across the four articles.
• Different themes/findings across the four articles.
• Study limitations and how these differ across the various study designs (quantitative, qualitative).
• Future research directions proposed in the articles.
• Reviewers’ critical evaluation of the reviewed articles.
The assessment criteria can be found on page 9 (and on VU Collaborate). Submit the following documents (in separate files) onto the Assessment Dropbox through VU Collaborate by Friday Week 6, 11.30 pm:
- Assignment cover sheet;
- List of reviewed articles (see page 8);
- Reviewed articles; and
- Structured abstract.
All hard copies are to be submitted to your lecturer.
Assessment 1 – Article Collection & Structured Abstract (30%)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Student id: _________________________________________________________________
Theoretical concept the articles relate to: ________________________________________
List of reviewed articles:
Provide reference for each academic article (formatted using the Harvard Referencing Style)
Conceptual article (proposed theory)
Quantitative article
Qualitative article
Mixed method article
Assessment 2: Group Assessment – In pair
Part A: Questionnaire development 20% Due: Friday Week 9, 11.30 pm
In pairs, design a questionnaire to address the following management problem.
Dimensions of servicescape, empathy and customer perceptions on authenticity are critical in forming the dining experience of a restaurant (Arnould et al., 1998; Chang, 2016; Jang et al., 2012; Wood and Muñoz, 2007; Hsieh 2008). Literature supported the relationship that an individual’s perception of authenticity drives the customer’s involvement in a restaurant (Chang, 2016; Mehrabian and Russell, 1974). This involvement was also demonstrated to increase the revisit intention in a restaurant (Campbell et al., 2014; Tarkiainen and Sundqvist, 2009). However, there is a lack of research examining these relationships generally and in the context of boutique restaurants in particular. The Restaurant and Catering Association of Australia decided to commission research to get a better understanding of the factors such as servicescape, empathy, authenticity perception, and dining experience, that influence customer future behavioural intention in the context of boutique restaurants in Melbourne. A quantitative method research will be applied using a questionnaire survey with customers.
Design a survey questionnaire with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 questions to gather data to address the management problem. Use a mix of open and closed question formats. At least, one of your questions must employ a replicable scale – a scale that has previously been tested in the academic literature relating to consumer behaviours and found to be reliable and valid. Ensure your questionnaire has a brief introduction to inform respondents as to the purpose of the research.
In addition, in pairs write a brief 1000 word report explaining the structure of the questionnaire and the steps your group took in designing it to address the management problem.
In Week 9 (Friday, 11.30 pm) submit through the Assessment Dropbox on VU Collaborate the following documents in separate files:
• Assignment cover sheet (signed Declaration);
• Questionnaire
• Brief report.
The hard copies are to be submitted to your lecturer.
Assessment 2: Group Assessment – In pair
Part B: Questionnaire Piloting & Administration 20% Due: Friday Week 12, 11.30 pm
Based on the questionnaires designed by all students, a final questionnaire will be developed by the unit coordinator. In pair pilot test this Final Questionnaire by administering it to ten (10) people by way of a convenience sampling technique. These people must all be over 18 years old and have previously dined in a boutique restaurant in the last six month. You can administer the questionnaire face-to-face, by telephone or online.
Once the fieldwork has been completed, in pair write a 1,500 word reflective report detailing:
• Your reasons for selecting the particular method of survey administration used? What were the advantages and disadvantages of using this method?
• Was the administration procedure a success i.e., did respondents understand the questions (look confused or ask questions)? was there missing data (i.e., skipped questions)? on average, how long it take for respondents to complete the survey?
• What suggestions would you make for improving the administration procedure used?
• What, if any changes, would you make to the questionnaire before administering it to a larger group of respondents?
• On reflection, what were the key lessons you learnt from the survey administration process?
In Week 12 (Friday, 11.30 pm) submit by ONE GROUP MEMBER through the Assessment Dropbox on VU Collaborate the following documents in separate files:
• Assignment cover sheet (signed Declaration);
• Group reflective report;
• Revised questionnaire highlighting the changes being made.
• Ten (10) completed questionnaires.
Hard copies are to be submitted to your lecturer.
BMO6630 Business Research Methods
Assessment 2 Part A Marking Criteria
Student Names: ------------------------------------------------------ Student ID. Numbers: -----------------
Contains 10–20 questions YES OR NO
Contains a replicable scale YES OR NO
Assessment Criteria Mark
Allocation Excellent Very
Good Good Fair Below minimum standard
Questionnaire development (10 marks)
Mix of open and closed questions
Brief introduction detailing the purpose of the research 1
Relevance of the questions (including replicable scale items) to the management problem 2
Question wording (easy to understand, simple language used) 2
Questionnaire layout (easy to follow, logical flow, appealing) 2
Presentation (style, expression, grammar)
Reflective Report (10 marks)
Explanation of questionnaire structure
Explanation of steps in questionnaire design
Presentation (style, expression, grammar)
Grade ______________/20 marks
Signed: Dated:
BMO6630 Business Research Methods
Assessment 2 Part B Marking Guide
Student Names: ................................................................ Student ID. .........................................
Reflective Report Assessment Criteria Mark
Allocation Excellent Very
Good Good Fair Below minimum standard
Justification for survey administration method used (including supporting references where necessary)
Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the survey administration method used (including supporting references where necessary)
Reflections on the administration procedure
Suggestions for improving the administration procedure (including supporting references where necessary)
Discussion of changes required to the questionnaire before administrating it to a larger group of respondents (including supporting references where necessary)
Key lessons learnt (including supporting references where necessary)
Presentation (style, expression, grammar)
Grade ______________/20 marks
Signed: Dated: