Recent Question/Assignment
The task is to evaluate/audit a marketing plan (Your clients marketing plan). Need to state what the firm has/hasnt done in the marketing plan, back up with market data, marketing theories and suggestions of how they could improve that section. criticise the marketing plan, not how the firm operates. I have done up to core brand elements but Im so clueless and desperate, please help TTvTTT
MKTG1501 Marketing Plan Analysis – Over-the-top Creative Semester 1, 2019
It is expected that you will integrate your learnings (concepts and theory) from both seminars and workshops to analyse this marketing plan effectively.
Scenario: You are working for a large business consultancy firm. The firm has just acquired a new client. Your work team’s job is to undertake an audit of the client’s activities in the market in order for the senior consultants in your firm to develop a new set of strategies that will take this client to a new level of profitability and market share. The client has presented you with their latest marketing plan. You have been tasked with undertaking a detailed analysis of this marketing plan and to assess whether it can be modified or just thrown out and started again.
Criteria for marking Fail 5 – 6.5 7-8.5 9-10 Score
Identifying what the firm has done.
Weighting 10% Missing or underdeveloped. Unable to tell whether sections in marketing plan should be there or not. Identified some sections as incomplete or inadequate for a comprehensive marketing plan but not identified what the missing or redundant parts are. Identified some sections as incomplete or inadequate for a comprehensive marketing plan. Identified some of the parts missing in these sections. Identified all sections that may be incomplete or inadequate for a comprehensive marketing plan.
Identified all of the parts missing in these sections.
Explain rationale for including each section in a marketing plan.
Weighting 30% No grasp of rationale for having any particular sections. Key theories and or concepts left out. Or significantly plagiarized from other sources Provided rationale for why each section is included. No mention of rationale for any missing or incomplete sections.
Minimal referencing of theory. Provided rationale for why each section (including any missing / incomplete sections) based on marketing theories or concepts. Provided rationale for any missing or incomplete sections.
Minimal explanation about how these sections relate to each other. Showed evidence of referencing to theory. Provided rationale for each section (including any missing / incomplete sections) based on marketing theories or concepts.
Provided strong explanation of how sections relate to each other. Showed how later sections are informed by those that go before. Comprehensively referenced – showed strong evidence of further reading outside of the core course
In effect you are conducting a marketing audit. You are deconstructing every component of the marketing plan to check the assumptions, research, and strategies used.
The report back to the senior partners should be presented in the same sequence as the marketing plan sections.
For example, in each section you should explain:
1. What the firm has done?
2. Why they have done this (relate this back to theory)?
3. How have they arrived at that choice or decision (back this up with facts about the market)?
4. What other options could they have used?
This report is your opportunity to showcase your knowledge of marketing to the senior management team.
Analyse where the data for each section did/should come from.
Weighting 25% No analysis of data sources used to create the marketing plan. Minimal analysis of what the content was based on. Could not distinguish between sections that based the content on research and those based on assumptions. Information sources for data that should be used in a marketing plan identified but no analysis of the validity of these sources. No alternative data sources provided. Analysed what the content of existing marketing plan was based on.
Identified where content was based on research or assumptions. Analysed the validity of these sources.
Identified gaps or inappropriate information used.
Explained whether alternative information sources are needed to make this a comprehensive marketing plan.
Analysed what the content (whether it is based on research or assumptions) of existing marketing plan was based on.
Analysed the validity of these sources.
Identified gaps or inappropriate information used.
Explained whether alternative information sources are needed to make this a comprehensive marketing plan. Provided examples of valid market data to back up your recommendations.
Provided theory based rationale for alternatives.
Providing recommendations
Weighting 15% Accepted all parts of the marketing plan as adequate – failed to make any recommendations for improvement. Identified areas of improvement for Over-thetop Creative’s marketing plan but failed to provide suggestions on how to improve the validity of their marketing. Minimal
rationale given for these recommendations Provided alternatives, where appropriate, for Over-the-top Creative to improve the validity of their marketing.
Rationale given for these recommendations but minimal evidence that this was based on marketing theory. Provided alternatives and suggestions, where appropriate, for Over-the-top Creative to improve the validity of their marketing. Rationale given for these recommendations backed by marketing theory.
Marketing references, materials and practical information accessed and cited.
Weighting 10% No references to any sources. Only prescribed text or readings from Edge referenced. Evidence of some research:
prescribed text and readings from Edge. Other text books only. General websites and general data. Evidence of extensive research: journals, prescribed text, other books, verified websites. Used references to justify analysis and offered and integrated data.
Organization, Creativity and communication.
Weighting 10% No structure to the assessment. Reader cannot follow sequence. Minimal introduction, linking or conclusion. Disjointed Ideas not focused.
Reader has difficulty following argument. Main points difficult to identify. No transition between points. Awkward transition Main ideas presented in logical manner. Ideas are focused. Main points identified. Transition between points shows good flow. Some marketing creativity in the format and communication Ideas clearly organized. The purpose of the assessment is clear in all stages. Seamless transition between parts. Excellent flow and linked Discussion shows logic.
and NO flow. No marketing creativity in the format and communication between parts. Some marketing creativity in the format and communication