Recent Question/Assignment

Folio of Written Tasks (4 x 500 words)
Due: Friday 25 May (11.59pm)
Available Marks: 20%
Deliverables: 2000 word folio (4 x 500 words) submitted as a single document
Students will be provided with four tasks over the course of the semester to be completed in classes or online. Each will be worth 5% of the overall unit grade. The four tasks will be collated and submitted as a single folio at the end of the trimester for assessment. Students should complete each task in the required week over the trimester.

Week 3 Exercise: Critical analysis of an advertisment (500 words)
Choose an advertisement. It can be anything related to sport but it should ideally (to make it easier for you) should have some visual and verbal message content (it can be print, radio, online or a TV advertisement). You should bring your ad to class.
Your weekly task is to critically analyse the core message and presentation of your advertisement in 500 words. Some questions you might ask or consider:
What is the target market for the advertisement or campaign?
What is the core message?
How is the brand positioned and does the advertisement align with this positioning?
Does the ad use a rational or emotional response?
Overall, give your advertisement a % score (out of 100) for effectiveness – and give some clear recommendations on how this could be improved?
Task 1 RUBRIC:
Criteria Level 5 - up to 100% Level 4 - up to 80% Level 3 - up to 70% Level 2 - up to 60% Level 1 - up to 50%
5 points 4 points 3.5 points 3 points 2.5 points
Task 1 - Advertising analysis Demonstrates exceedingly high ability to independently and expertly construct a clear, succinct and insightful statement about a about a developed communication tool. The advertising piece analysed to a high level, with excellent coverage and application of the unit concepts, including recommendations around effectiveness. (4-5 pts) Demonstrates a very good ability to independently and expertly construct a clear, succinct and insightful statement about a about a developed communication tool. The advertising piece is well analysed, provided clear discussion and application of the unit concepts around target market, message design and effectiveness. (3.5-4 pts) Demonstrates a good ability to independently and expertly construct a clear and succinct statement about a about a developed communication tool. The advertising piece is described and some analysis or discussion is provided. (3-3.5 pts) Demonstrates satisfactory ability to independently and expertly construct a clear and succinct statement about a developed communication tool. The advertising piece is described but little analysis or discussion is provided. (2.5-3 pts) Demonstrates a limited ability to independently construct a clear and succinct statement about a developed communication tool. (0-2.5 pts)

Week 4 Exercise: Integration exercise (500 words)
Using at least one (1) textbook source AND two (2) peer-reviewed journal articles, develop and justify a definition of ‘INTEGRATION’ relevant to marketing communications. Ideally, your definition will develop some distinct types or forms of integration in a marketing context to allow application and assessment of integration under your definition (250 words)
Next, choose a sport brand and consider how different components or examples of their communications are (or are not*) integrated (as per your definition). For example, what examples can be found in their advertising, sales promotion, media statements, direct marketing online or digital strategy, social media, content marketing etc. that suggest brand, message or strategic integration has been considered. You should make at least three (3) key points in your argument regarding where integration has (or could*) take place (250 words)
*If you can identify opportunities where integration has been poorly done or could be improved, you could include this as part of your discussion.
Task 2 RUBRIC:
Criteria Level 5 - up to 100% Level 4 - up to 80% Level 3 - up to 70% Level 2 - up to 60% Level 1 - up to 50%
5 points 4 points 3.5 points 3 points 2.5 points
Task 2- Integration
Definition is expertly constructed and indicates multiple types of clearly defined and distinct forms of integration. The required (or a greater number) of high quality sources have been used to achieve this. The assessment of integration shows an excellent application of the developed definition and highlights an expert understanding of the different types of integration as relevant to marketing communications in sport. (4-5 pts) Definition is well constructed and presents some distinct forms of integration. The required number of high quality sources have been used to achieve this. The assessment of integration shows a very good application of the developed definition and highlights strong understanding of the integration as relevant to marketing communications in sport. (3.5-4 pts) Definition is adequately constructed and indicates and understanding of the concept of integration. The required number of sources have been used, but a higher quality or better use is recommended. The assessment of integration shows sufficient application of the concept and highlights an adequate understanding of integration as relevant to marketing communications in sport.(3-3.5 pts) Definition is poorly constructed and does not clearly define integration or its key component or types. The required number of sources have not been used to achieve this .The assessment of integration shows a basic application of integration as relevant to marketing communications in sport.(2.5-3 pts) Definition is not constructed or very poorly presented and does not show or communicate an understanding of the concept of integration. No sources or poor sources were used in developing the definition. The assessment of integration shows a very poor or non-existent application of integration as relevant to marketing communications in sport.(0-2.5 pts)

Week 7 Exercise: Risk and Planning Exercise (500 words)
As part of class this week, we present a range of issues - both local and global - that provide a starting point for classifying PR issues in sport. We will use this as the starting point for the week 7 task.
PART 1: (200 words equivalent) Choose any sport organisation, and develop a list of issues that could potentially impact the organisation. Using this base, create a taxonomy for your organisation based on some key criteria. See the class notes for some ideas here but you could present relevant issues based on a key criteria (for example):
Potential damage or risk (e.g. high, medium or low)
Likelihood of occurrence (e.g. high, medium or low)
PART 2: (300 words) List some strategies and specific activities that your organisation could do in a proactive sense to protect its key stakeholders should some of your core issues impact the organisation.
Note: This task encourages the use of diagrams and tables – which for this task will be counted in your word count.
Task 3 RUBRIC:
Criteria Level 5 - up to 100% Level 4 - up to 80% Level 3 - up to 70% Level 2 - up to 60% Level 1 - up to 50%
5 points 4 points 3.5 points 3 points 2.5 points
Task 3 -Stakeholders and issue classification Components (map, tables and written strategies) are concisely and expertly presented to provide excellent coverage of stakeholders, issues and links between them. The material is highly specific to the organisation chosen and shows an exceptional ability to relate concepts of a practical nature and organise and communicate them with a high level of clarity and quality. Components (map, tables and written strategies) are concisely are very well presented to provide very good coverage of stakeholders, issues and links between them. The material is specific to the organisation chosen and shows a strong ability to relate concepts of a practical nature and organise and communicate them with a good level of clarity and quality. Components (map, tables and written strategies) are concisely are well presented to provide adequate coverage of stakeholders, issues and links between them. The material is relevant to the organisation chosen and demonstrates some ability to relate concepts of a practical nature and organise and communicate them with an sufficient level of clarity and quality. Components (map, tables and written strategies) need to be better presented and there is a lack of adequate coverage of stakeholders, issues and links between them. The material is general in nature or not relevant to the organisation chosen and demonstrates only a low ability to relate concepts of a practical nature and organise and communicate them with an sufficient level of clarity and quality. Components (map, tables and written strategies) or not complete or presented and there is a lack of coverage of the key elements required. The material present is limited in its ability to demonstrates understanding of the concepts or their practical application to the topic.

Week 11 Exercise: Reflection exercise (500 words)
Read the Luck and Moffatt (2009) paper provided here (IMC - Has anything really changed (Luck and Moffatt 2009)) and in the Week 11 material. From page 315, a table lists 10 emerging trends impacting marketers. Your final task for A3 is to provide a detailed application of one of these trends to one aspect of the unit (i.e. any communications tool from the unit from the diagram below).
Promotional Mix
Some points to note:
To what extent does the chosen trend from Luck and Moffatt (2009) trend impact sport marketing communications relevant to your chosen tool?
You should consider and provide: a) industry examples currently observed in sport organisations, and b) links to material and concepts presented in the unit
What do you see the impact of this trend being for sport organisations in the future?
As part of your response, you should use this exercise to reflect on material presented in the unit, providing examples of where the unit material or discussions have supported the impact of your chosen trend.
Task 4 RUBRIC:
Criteria Level 5 - up to 100% Level 4 - up to 80% Level 3 - up to 70% Level 2 - up to 60% Level 1 - up to 50%
5 points 4 points 3.5 points 3 points 2.5 points
Task 4: Reflective Exercise
Chosen trend is expertly applied to the sport context. Within the discussion, there are a range of thoughtful and well developed examples and well-constructed areas of alignment with the unit material.
Chosen trend is well applied to the sport context. Within the discussion, there are multiple appropriate examples and some good points of alignment of the trend with the unit material.
Chosen trend is adequately applied to the sport context. Within the discussion, there is some evidence of alignment of the trend with the unit material, including some examples.
Chosen trend needs more depth in its application to the sport context and unit material, with limited evidence of relevant examples of impact on sport context.
A poor effort is made to link the trend to the sport context. There is little or no evidence of examples of links with unit material.
NOTE: The four components should be submitted as a single document, with a single reference list.

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 2244 words including References

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