Recent Question/Assignment

Subject: Info Systems Design and Development for Accountants
Need 150-200 words for each answer

QUESTION TWO (12 marks)
This question explores the Revenue Cycle, including the internal control aspect.

The Expenditure Cycle. You are required to evaluate two controls within this process and discuss some IS technologies which underpin it.

QUESTION FOUR (10 marks)
Specific to Internal Control, the purpose of having such systems , what they might achieve, and how they are classified.
QUESTION FIVE (14 marks)

This question explores Relational database, some theory, and evaluating and improving a given database structure.

QUESTION ONE (8 marks each = 48 marks)
A. 1. Functionally-based organisations are task-focussed. What do Process-based
organisations focus on? (3 marks)

2. Discuss (in around 100 words) what forces are driving organisations to become more and more process-based. (5 marks)

B. 1. List and briefly discuss two ways in which ‘Enterprise Resource Planning’ (ERP) systems such as SAP are different from the previous generation of computer systems that ERP systems are replacing. (4 marks)

2. Identify and briefly discuss two technologies that have made the development
of ERPS feasible. (4 marks)

C. 1. Why is the point-of-sale considered the best location for capturing sales data in electronic form? (2 marks)

2. Choose one banking transaction, and briefly explain how the data related to that transaction is captured. (2 marks)

3. List and briefly explain two reasons that may make bar-code data capture superior to manual keying. (4 marks)

D. 1. List and briefly explain two functions of the General Ledger. (4 marks)

2. What advantage does using an Enterprise Resource Planning package offer as a platform for the General Ledger, compared to having it run as a standalone system alongside such applications as Debtors, Accounts Payable and Payroll (4 marks)

E. 1. What purposes does systems documentation serve for an organisation? (4 marks)

2. Explain two reasons why accountants need to be familiar with systems documentation. (4 marks)

F. 1. Why is it essential that companies maintain a high level of security over corporate data? (4 marks)

2. Identify two strategies that would assist a company in ensuring its data is kept safe. (4 marks)

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