Recent Question/Assignment
Country - Costa Rica
Assignment: Country Research and Analysis Written Report
You are to research a country and prepare a written report assessing the attractiveness of this country to companies considering taking their businesses to an international market.
Report to Include:
One brief paragraph explaining the purpose of the report. Include what type of analysis and research has been done to provide the required information, and conclusions.
Background and Research
Provide high level information, based on facts and analysis, about the country’s:
• History and geography •
• General economic conditions (ie. Income levels)
• •Market size and segmentation (population stats and basic demographics)
• •Literacy and Education
• •Government and Political Climate
• •Cultural Factors •
• Technological Infrastructure
• *Note: No more than one paragraph per topic please
A Summary of Key Findings–Risks and/or Opportunities
Based on your research, what are the most important things you learned, as they relate to the marketing task. Choose three to five points and explain why a risk or opportunity
Final Statement
Two to three sentences summarizing the report, and youropinion as an “analyst” as to whether or not this country is a good choice for a company looking toexpand globally.
Written Report Format•
• Include a cover page with Assignment Topic, your name, student # and date•
• Your report should not exceed 4pages in length (not including the title page and bibliography)
• •It should be double-spaced, 12 pt. font.