Recent Question/Assignment
Coversheet and Feedback
Please sign and upload this coversheet and feedback document for every unit of competency completed.
CODE CHCPRP003 UNIT TITLE Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Qualification Code HLT54115 Qualification Title Diploma of Nursing
Task Number
Name 1. Student Assessment Workbook
Student ID Number Student Name
Student Declaration
• I hold a copy of this assessment which can be produced if the original is lost/damaged.
• I have been advised of the assessment requirements, including reading and understanding the information in the Student General Information of this document.
• I have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as a student and have read the student handbook.
• This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
• No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person, except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
• I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit.
• I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person.
• I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.
• I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by UOW College for review and comparison, including review by external auditors
• Note: the UOW College will hold a copy of this completed form and relevant completed task for 6 months.
• I declare that I agree to the above statements
Signed Date
Assessor to complete:
Task outcome 1st Submission Date 2nd Submission Date
? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory ? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory
General feedback to student
1st Submission
2nd Submission
Assessor declaration – I declare that I have conducted the assessment/s with this student and provided appropriate feedback
1st Submission Signed Date
2nd Submission Signed Date
Feedback from student
I agree with the result of this assessment ? Yes ? No
Please provide feedback for Trainer/Assessor here.
declaration I declare that I have been provided with feedback on my performance
Signed Date
Trainer/Assessor declaration Assessment documentation is complete, results finalised, checked and submitted.
Signed Date
Program Coordinator Assessment documentation and supporting documents have been checked and submitted to Administration
Signed Date
Administration Officer The assessment, results have been entered against the students training record and filed.
Signed Date
Results awarded for assessment tasks and units of competency
You will not be awarded any grades for these assessment tasks. Each task will be marked either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. If your task is marked Not Satisfactory, you may be able to revise your work and resubmit your task. Once all individual tasks are complete and submitted, the trainer will use these individual task marks to determine whether you are Competent or Not Yet Competent in this Unit of Competency.
Result Code What this result means
Satisfactory S You have completed the individual task to a satisfactory standard
Not Yet Satisfactory NYS You have not completed the individual task to a satisfactory standard, in this case please discuss your options with your Trainer/Assessor, you may be able to resubmit if this was your first attempt at the task.
Competent C You have successfully completed all assessment tasks satisfactorily and are now competent in this Unit of Competency
Not Yet Competent NYC The evidence presented suggests you have not demonstrated your competency in the unit/s being assessed. In this case, please discuss your options with your Trainer/Assessor.
If you disagree with the task result, you have the right to appeal the decision. Please refer to the student grievance policy found on the UOW College website.
Please remember that our purpose is to keep working with you to achieve competency. However, if you are marked as not competent in a unit of competency you will be required to enroll in the subject in a future session to be eligible for the qualification. This will incur extra fees at your cost.
Information on Work placement
Your trainer will provide you with separate documents/s where applicable.
Reasonable Adjustments
If you have any special needs that may require modification of these assessment documents that you have not advised prior to enrolment, please inform your Trainer/Assessor as soon as possible who will be happy to discuss any relevant modifications.
Referencing and Plagiarism
If research has occurred in order to complete any of these tasks, the source must be referenced. It is a serious offence to copy another’s work without acknowledging it.
Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions, etc, of other people are presented as your own.
Plagiarism is avoided where:
• Information, ideas, etc, quoted or paraphrased from another source, are acknowledged with quotation marks around the relevant words/sentences or ideas, and cited at the end of your document. This means a list of the sources of information, ideas, etc, is provided in alphabetical order by each author’s surname (including author’s full name, name of document/book, etc., and year and place of publishing) such that the assessor or another reader may locate the source information if necessary
• Relevant details of an assessment or assignment are researched and put forward in your own words. Where necessary, include original information, e.g. from the Internet, as an attachment
For further information, please refer directly to your Trainer/Assessor
Task Due Date Steps required for completion – Learner to check each requirement
1. Student Assessment Workbook One week after delivery of refresher unit, on Sunday 2400.*Trainer to confirm exact date ? Learner must download the CHCPRP003 Student assessment Workbook from the Resource tab of the Axcelerate Student Dashboard.
? Complete assessment as a work document – Do not covert
? Learner must respond to ALL questions in the case study
? All answers must utilize in text citations and a reference list
? Upload the CHCPRP003 Student assessment Workbook at the submission point in Axcelerate.
If you disagree with the task result, you have the right to appeal the decision. Please refer to the student grievance policy found on the UOW College website.
CHCPRP003 – Reflect on and Improve your own Professional Practice
TASK 1 – Student Assessment Workbook
Due Date: Sunday 2400, Two (2) weeks after completion of unit.
Word Count: Answers can be brief but must included all required information. Unless specified answers should be composed in full sentences with a logical progression of ideas.
Submission Method: Student Assessment workbook
References: Harvard format, including in text citation and reference list.
Your answers do not need to be over lengthy, but do need to provide sufficient information and detail to demonstrate that your knowledge and ability is consistent with the following criteria:
• theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for specialised and/or skilled work and/or further learning
• broad factual, technical and some theoretical knowledge of a specific area or a broad field of work and learning
• broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply a range of methods, tools, materials and information to complete routine and non-routine activities
• knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and limited responsibility in known or changing contexts and within established parameters
Your answers should reflect your learning in class and utilise the resources recommended by your trainer.
You may be required to provide examples, strategies, methods or give your opinion which may come from your nursing work, nursing training or other professional experiences.
You should be providing sufficient detail to demonstrate your underpinning knowledge, understanding, and also provide any additional information or knowledge which supports your recommendations.
Section 1
1. Reflect on own practice
(KE) Question 1. a. List and briefly describe three (3) models or processes of personal reflection.
b. Using one of these models, write a 500 word reflection on your performance in your last placement. Identify opportunities where you could have gained greater knowledge and deeper learning during the placement. What could you do differently next time to achieve this?
Reflection -
Question 2. (1.1) From your reflection self – evaluate your performance on your last placement. Utilising feedback from your trainer/supervisor (from your clinical placement book) compare your supervisors or peer’s feedback to your self-evaluation. Alternatively you may work with a partner have them give feedback on performance on your last placement (or a previous placement where they have worked with you) Compare your peer’s feedback to your self-evaluation. (NB – For this question the response focus on self evaluation and how it supports your learning outcomes and development as a nurse)
Complete the following table:
Case/incident/Example Feedback from peer/trainer Discussion
Question 3. (1.2) Considering your last placement (or any previous relevant placement), Reflect on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice. You may consider your own values, the person/patient/client or the organisation. Your answer must include relevant examples.
1. Values
2. Beliefs
3. Behaviour
Question 4. (1.3) Part of the review process requires giving and receiving feedback with co-workers.
Working with a partner review their reflection and give feedback on their performance on clinical placement. (NB for this question the response should focus on GIVING feedback)
1. One (1) area in common between your feedback and your partner’s self-evaluation
2. One (1) area of difference between your feedback and your partner’s self-evaluation
3. What should you consider when giving constructive feedback to minimise any negative effect on your relationship with you co-worker?
Question 5. (1.4) Go to and locate two (2) examples of healthcare feedback, including both positive and negative feedback. For positive feedback discuss how you can use the feedback to improve your nursing care. For negative feedback discuss what the nurse could have done differently.
1. Positive Feedback
2. Negative Feedback
Section 2
2. Enhance own practice
Question 6. (2.1) Considering the feedback you obtained for Section 1, list and discuss three (3) areas of personal and/or professional improvement.
Question 7. Identify and discuss three (3) potential support networks that would facilitate the improvements discussed in Question 6.
Question 8. (2.3) Specialist advise and further training are integral factors of your Professional Development plan. Discuss two (2) short term (within three (3) months) and two (2) long term (within three (3) years) professional goals. Your answer must include additional resources (including people) you would consult as part of your Professional Development plan.
1. Short term goals.
2. Long term goals.
Question 9. (2.4) a. Consider your recent clinical placement or simulation experiences. Identify and briefly discuss two (2) stressors that have or could have adversely affected your practice.
a. Stressor 1 –
Stressor 2 –
b. Formulate and discuss a strategy that you can implement to manage the negative impacts of these events & provide support for yourself to remain effective in your role.
Question 10. (2.5) Self-development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop skills and potential, facilitate employability and enhance coping skills.
Devise, document and implement a self-development plan that sets realistic goals and targets.
Your answer must include three (3) goals or targets based on the S.M.A.R.T goals strategy and how you have implemented or commenced the process of implementation of your goals and targets in the immediate short term and how you will measure your progress:
How I implemented this goal:
How I will measure my progress:
How I implemented this goal:
How I will measure my progress:
How I implemented this goal:
How I will measure my progress:
Section 3
3. Facilitate ongoing professional development
Question 11. (3.1) (KE) How would you identify current industry developments and where appropriate how might you apply them to improve your area of practice?
Complete the following table to demonstrate you have accessed and review information on current and emerging industry developments:
Strategies for industry development Example and description Benefit to nursing practice
Membership with peak body
Mentoring from senior staff
Further study
Professional networks
Question 12. (3.2) Access and read the NSW Health Code of Conduct.
a. List and briefly describe the six (6) standards that require compliance as outlined by the Code.
b. Briefly discuss how the NSW Code of Conduct relates to the Enrolled nurse standards of practice and your own nursing care and practice. Your answer must include discussion of:
• Duty of care
• Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers
• Work role boundaries, responsibilities and limitations
Question 13. (3.3) List and discuss three (3) opportunities for Continuous Professional Development. Your answer must include relevant examples of available CPD and how you feel this would expand your own expertise.
Question 14. (3.4) Discuss three (3) strategies that demonstrate your commitment to participating in review processes and upgrading skills and knowledge. Your answer must include relevant examples.
Section 4
Additional Knowledge Evidence
Question 15. (KE) Discuss three (3) types of work methods and practices which can improve performance.
Question 16. (KE) Discuss five (5) Learning styles and how they impact the individual’s learning process.
1. Reflect on own practice
Student Evaluation
(complete one only at the end of each unit of competency)
Code Qualification
Student ID Number Student Name
Training Content
What did you like best about the training, and why?
What did you like least about the training, and why?
If your attitudes have changed through undertaking this training, please indicate what has changed, and what part of the training influenced this change.
Are there any changes you would suggest to improve the training program? If so, what would they be?
Did the trainer establish and maintain a supportive learning environment?
Please tick as appropriate (1 – Poor ? 5 – outstanding)
RATING 1 2 3 4
Was this session relevant to you in your work? (if applicable)
Was the trainer prepared and organised?
How do you rate the quality of the resources used?
How do you rate the usefulness of workbook activities?
How do you rate the effectiveness of practical exercises?
I authorise the use of the above comments in marketing material and publications.
Yes ? No ?
Student Signature Date