Recent Question/Assignment

Subject Code and Title MKT101A - Marketing Fundamentals
Assessment Marketing Report
Individual/Pair Individual /Pair
Length 2500 words +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes a) Reflect on the evolution of the Marketing Concept.
b) Outline the elements of the Marketing Process.
c) Analyse the Social, Cultural, Global and Environmental Responsibilities of the professional marketer.
d) Demonstrate an understanding of Analysis, Problem-Solving and Communication Skills in Marketing.
e) Describe key marketing metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing plan.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6 (Week 12)
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 100 marks
• The aim of this assessment is for you to demonstrate both your understanding of, and ability to identify the key components of a Marketing Plan for a product or service.
• You can work individually or as a pair to complete the assignment. If working in a pair, please inform the lecturer via email or in class. It is also recommended that you present a draft covering sections a) to d) by week 9 to the facilitator for feedback.
• You need to select one (1) organization/ product /service. You are to conduct a full analysis of the marketing environment, the target market and the marketing strategy through the application of theory presented and discussed in this subject. The key submission will be a marketing report.
• The presentation recommended for this Assessment is REPORT FORMAT.
• An Executive Summary is NOT required, although you should include a Title Page, a Table of Contents, and use suitable Headings for the information presented, Student Identifier (Name and Number) and Page Numbers should appear on each page of the document – ideally in either the Header or Footer.
• The assessment should be submitted in a format that would be acceptable in the business world. All assessments are to be submitted to Blackboard. All work must be word-processed, spell checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance.
• Assessments should not be written from a 1st person context, but rather from the 3rd person perspective.
That is, “I, we, my, our” are not acceptable.
• All claims and recommendations are to be supported by suitable and relevant marketing and/or theoretical principles and the relevant references.
• Should include a correctly constructed Reference List and accompanying in report citations as per College guidelines (APA Referencing).
• The use of any combination of narrative, point form, diagrams, screenshots, graphs or charts including presenting the information in table form is permitted – particularly if these devices reduce the wordiness and increase the -readability- of the submission.
Assessment Brief: Marketing Report
• The marketing report can use the following as a format. The report analysis should include:
a. Introduction – to establish the purpose /content of the report.
b. Company Background - A brief background Information on the Company and selected Product/Service.
c. Situation Analysis that:
i. Examines forces and identifies key changes in the marketing environment that may influence both marketers’ and customers’ decisions including economic, political, legal, socio-cultural, environmental and technological factors ie., PESTLE analysis.
ii. Includes a brief competitor analysis including an identification of major direct competitors.
iii. Includes a brief consumer analysis that includes the level of involvement in decision-making and any key consumer behavior influences on the buying decision process.
iv. Includes a SWOT Analysis based on factors identified from the above analysis of the Marketing Environment and includes:(Opportunities/Threats) and any relevant internal factors (Strengths/Weaknesses).
d. Target market, Positioning and Branding analysis that includes:
i. Targeting strategy adopted and target market (s) profile ii. Positioning Strategies - Identification of a positioning statement iii. Brief summary of brand strategies
e. Marketing mix variables that include applications of:
i. Product strategy:
• The three levels of product.
• Classification of the product /service
• Identification of product mix (include width, line and depth)
ii. Pricing strategy:
• Apply relevant pricing strategies that may be used and associated terminology /concepts.
iii. Placement:
• Marketing/distribution channel strategy
• Distribution coverage strategy
iv. Promotion: Identifying how the following tools are being used
• Advertising
• Personal selling
• Sales promotion
• Public Relations
• Direct Marketing
• Digital
• Others eg., product placement, sponsorship, co-branding
f. Brief summary of any relevant marketing metrics or evaluation tools that may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing strategies identified.
g. Conclusion that summarises the key findings.
h. References - Any information that is obtained from primary or secondary sources (i.e. books, journal, newspapers etc.) must be correctly referenced. This should include in-text citations and an alphabetical Reference List.
Learning Rubrics
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass
l) (50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
(Exceptional) (85-
Introduction and
Company Background
Provide report introduction and background information of the chosen company and product/service.
10% The introduction did not meet the minimum standard. Inadequate information. Lack of identification of specific product/service. Meets minimum standard. Basic background information provided. Introduction establishes report purpose. Moves beyond minimum
standard. Shows evidence of research. Introduction establishes report purpose. Exceeds minimum standard. Information well synthesised and evidence of research. Introduction establishes report purpose. Exceptional standard. Background information of the company
demonstrates ability to research and synthesize information into clear and concise information
Situation Analysis
identification and understanding of
forces in the marketing environment including a PESTLE,
Analysis and
SWOT analysis
20% Limited understanding of Situation Analysis. Missing elements in the PESTLE, Competitor, Consumer
Analysis and SWOT analysis
Analysis not supported by research references Adequate understanding of
Situation Analysis. Some missing elements in the PESTLE, Competitor, Consumer Analysis and SWOT
Analysis supported by limited research references A good understanding of Situation Analysis. Good coverage of
PESTLE, Competitor, Consumer Analysis and SWOT analysis
Analysis supported by multiple research references from quality sources A very good understanding of Situation Analysis. Very good coverage of
Analysis and
SWOT analysis
Strong critical analysis supported by multiple research references from quality sources. Very good application and interpretation An excellent understanding of Situation Analysis. Excellent coverage
of PESTLE, Competitor, Consumer Analysis and SWOT analysis
Strong critical analysis supported by multiple research references from a wide variety of quality sources. Excellent application and interpretation of the data.
Target market, Positioning and Brand Analysis
Demonstrated understanding of the relevant concepts of segmentation and targeting. Appropriate application of Positioning and Branding concepts
15% Little understanding and analysis of target market. Limited understanding of Positioning and
Branding strategies. Adequate understanding and analysis of segmentation and target market. Some understanding of
Positioning and Branding strategies.
Some efforts of supporting the argument have been shown. Some research evident. A good understanding and analysis of segmentation and target market. Good understanding of Positioning and Branding strategies with examples. Good effort of supporting the argument with validation from in-text referencing. Good research effort evident. A very good understanding and analysis of segmentation and target market. Very good understanding of Positioning and Branding strategies with examples.
Very good effort of supporting the argument with validation from intext referencing. Very good research effort evident. A sophisticated understanding and analysis of segmentation and target market. Excellent understanding of Positioning and Branding strategies with examples.
Excellent effort of supporting the argument with validation from intext referencing. Excellent research effort from a variety of quality sources.
Marketing mix
Demonstrated the analysis and application of the marketing mix variables.
Limited understanding and analysis of the marketing mix variables. Not all variables have been analyzed. Analyses are patchy. Little research evident. Some understanding and analysis of the marketing mix variables. Relevant concepts have been outlined. Minor concept inaccuracy may happen. All marketing mix variables have been outlined. Some analyses may be patchy.
Some research evident. A good understanding and analysis of marketing mix variables. Concepts have been outlined accurately. All marketing mix variables have been outlined. Substantial research demonstrated to support argument. A highly developed understanding and analysis of the marketing mix variables. Concepts have been outlined accurately. All marketing mix variables have been outlined.
Demonstrated the effort to show all marketing mix variables are integrated. Argument
substantiated. A high level of research evident. A sophisticated understanding and analysis of the marketing mix variables. Concepts have been outlined accurately. All marketing mix variables have been outlined.
Demonstrated the effort to show all marketing mix variables are integrated.
Substantial research demonstrated to support argument.
Excellent referencing.
Metrics and Evaluation
Demonstrated the ability to identify relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness.
Did not identify relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness Limited identification of relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness Good identification of relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness Very good identification of
relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness Excellent identification of relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness
Demonstrated the ability to outline a conclusion and acknowledge any relevant evaluation metrics or tools that may be used to measure strategy effectiveness.
5% Conclusion not outlined.
If it is outlined, conclusion does not reflect the analyses at all. Conclusion has reflected the analyses. However, some key elements may be missing. Conclusion has reflected the analyses. Only minor elements missing. Conclusion has reflected the analyses. All key findings have been included in conclusion. Conclusion has reflected the analyses. All key findings have been
included in conclusion. An excellent summary of key
findings presented.
Overall Presentation and referencing
Appropriate length & content. Professional standard of writing style, grammar, spelling and editing. Professional report presentation following submission instructions. Correctly referenced.
10% Unprofessional writing standard. Major spelling and grammatical errors throughout the submission. Major inconsistencies with submission instructions. Limited or no in-text referencing. Overall report presentation poor. Few or no references used. Writing standard satisfactory. Minor spelling and grammatical errors throughout the submission. Minor inconsistencies with submission instructions. Limited in-text referencing. Overall report presentation adequate.
Limited references used. Good writing standard. Few spelling and grammatical errors throughout the submission. Few or no inconsistencies with submission instructions. Good intext referencing. Good overall report presentation. Good variety of references used. Writing standard very good. No spelling and grammatical errors throughout the submission. No inconsistencies with submission instructions. Very good in-text referencing and support from academic sources. Overall report presentation very good. Wide variety of quality references used. Content and writing level excellent. No spelling and grammatical errors throughout the submission. No inconsistencies with
submission instructions. Excellent in-text referencing and support from references. Overall report presentation excellent. Excellent variety of quality references used.

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 2715 words including References


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