Recent Question/Assignment

Group Assignment
HC1010 Accounting for Business Trimester 2, 2018
Assessment Criteria:
Assessment of the case study will be based on the criteria listed below and your submission should include the following:
This assignment is to be your own group work. You will find information regarding plagiarism and academic misconduct in Blackboard. It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work is in fact her/his own work. Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic offence. Students can submit all assignments for plagiarism checking (self-check) on Blackboard before final submission in the unit. For further details, please refer to the Unit Outline and Student Handbook. It is essential that students use a standard referencing style in their assignments – Holmes Institute uses the Harvard Referencing style.
Students Please Note:
Any material transcribed directly or paraphrased/sourced from the set textbook, other texts, journals, online material or a colleague’s assignment, and not properly referenced, will incur a penalty. Material in the assignment that bears a strong resemblance to another source and not correctly referenced will also be penalised.
Group Assignment instructions:
• The word limit of the assignment is 2,000 words with 3- 5 members in each group.
• Every group will work on the allocated company (your group number in Blackboard assigned by your lecturer is also your company’s number in the assignment question below).
• The assignment is worth 20% of your final mark.
• Due date of submission: Week 10, Sunday 11:59 pm. (For Block Mode classes the submission date will be announced by the lecturer separately).
• The assignment must be submitted via Blackboard.
You are required to do the following while writing your final submission.
• A title page with the name of your chosen company and the group’s member names and student IDs.
• A brief abstract or summary of your selected company (maximum 200 words).
• An introduction - how you see the case and how you have approached the case study.
• References to be provided in the text and a reference list included at the end.
• Identifying, analysing and arguing the core issues. Discuss all aspects, and use of suitable examples in support of arguments.
• Answering the case Questions. Be precise and answer to the point. Show evidence of good critical thinking and research.
• Logical arguments to establish your views.
• Discussion on other peripheral issues.
• Conclusion. A closing statement. What you have learnt from doing the case study.
• After writing your first draft, you will need to revisit your writing several times, refining your ideas and editing your work as you go. The final proofreading of your assignment will ensure that you don’t submit any careless errors that could have been easily avoided.
Group Assignment Question:
Your group will perform a financial analysis of the assigned company. Every group will work on the allocated company (your group number in Blackboard assigned to you by your lecturer is also your company’s number in the assignment question below).
The analysis will consist of ratios, common size statements, and percentage change statements. Financial statements will include balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flow statement.
• Refer to the chosen company’s website and download the above financial statements and input these statements for the last available two consecutive years into the assignment.
1. Having the company’s statements, now you are required to compute the following ratios for the last two financial years: Liquidity Ratios (current ratio, quick ratio, cash flow), and Profitability Ratios (net profit margin, gross profit margin, rate of return on assets, rate of return on shareholders’ equity, earnings per share). ( 5 Marks)
2. Based on these ratio values, perform a trend analysis. This means that you are required to perform a quantitative analysis of information contained in a company's financial statements, and include these in your report. ( 4 Marks)
3. Prepare a summary report that includes a basic profile of the company and identifies its chief competitors. Your summary should be in paragraph form using a word processor. ( 4 Marks)
4. Finally, you are required to visit the company’s website and critically review the statement on corporate governance. Include in your final report what do you consider are the challenges face the chosen company in relation to ethical behaviour. ( 4 Marks)
5. In your conclusion section, you are required to present a closing statement stating what you have learnt from doing the case study. ( 3 Marks)
Attachment – Groups: 1-40 (Company Allocation)
ASX Code Company Name Industry Group
1. AGL AGL Energy Limited Utilities
2. AMC Amcor Limited Materials
3. AMP AMP Limited Financials
4. APA APA Group Stapled Utilities
5. ALL Aristocrat Leisure Limited Consumer Discretionary
6. AZJ Aurizon Holdings Limited Industrials
7. ANZ Australia And New Zealand Banking Group Limited Financials
8. BHP BHP Billiton Limited Materials
9. CTX Caltex Australia Limited Energy
10. CBA Commonwealth Bank of Australia Financials
11. CPU Computershare Limited Information Technology
12. CSL CSL Limited Health Care
13. DXS Dexus Stapled Real Estate
14. FMG Fortescue Metals Group LTD Materials
15. GPT GPT Group Stapled Real Estate
16. IAG Insurance Australia Group Limited Financials
17. LLC Lendlease Group Stapled Real Estate
18. MQG Macquarie Group Limited Financials
19. MPL Medibank Private Limited Financials
20. NAB National Australia Bank Limited Financials
21. NCM Newcrest Mining Limited Materials
22. OSH Oil Search Limited 10T Energy
23. ORG Origin Energy Limited Energy
24. QAN Qantas Airways Limited Industrials
25. QBE QBE Insurance Group Limited Financials
26. RIO RIO Tinto Limited Materials
27. WBC Westpac Banking Corporation Financials
28. SCG Scentre Group Stapled Real Estate
29. SHL Sonic Healthcare Limited Health Care
30. SGP Stockland Stapled Real Estate
31. SYD Sydney Airport Forus Industrials
32. TLS Telstra Corporation Limited Telecommunication Services
33. TCL Transurban Group Stapled Industrials
34. TWE Treasury Wine Estates Limited Consumer Staples
35. VCX Vicinity Centres Stapled Real Estate
36. WES Wesfarmers Limited Consumer Staples
37. WFD Westfield Corporation Stapled Real Estate
38. STO Santos Limited Energy
39. WPL Woodside Petroleum Limited Energy
40. WOW Woolworths Limited Consumer Staples

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