Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment 3 Assessment Type:
Statistical Modelling Assignment – analysis and 2000 + 10% word report – individual assessment Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of statistical analysis and the ability summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results in a business context.
This assessment contributes to Learning Outcome a, b, c and d. Value: Report = 20% Presentation = 10% TOTAL = 30% Due Date: Week 10 – 5:00 pm Wednesday of Week 10. Presentation: Week 11, in tutorial class. Submission: Report (Word .doc or .docx) which includes relevant tables and figures – upload to KOI?s Moodle subject homepage (includes Turnitin)
. Topic: What do the figures mean? Task Details: Students will need to locate and collect data related to a given business scenario. They will need to present, summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results. This will need to be presented in a report, which includes all relevant tables and figures. Further detail will be provided during the trimester. Presentation: The report needs to be short report format - 2000 + 10% word report format – Word .doc or .docx. Presentation details will be advised during the trimester.
Marking Guide: The following criteria will be used to mark the assignment. Marks will be scaled to a mark out of 30. Fail (0 – 49%) An acceptable statistical assignment with appropriate analysis and interpretation of the data set, but one that lacks evidence of anything but the most basic of statistical skills, or is poorly organised or argued, or contains inaccuracies or crucial omissions. o (35-39). A statistical assignment that shows a lack of basic statistical skills and poor presentation, but is minimally acceptable, with some appropriate descriptive analysis and interpretation of the assigned data set. o (0-34).