Recent Question/Assignment
Your task:
1. Go to website and identify the purpose of the following acts – what is covered, who does this apply to and what is the relevance in the workplace?
• Age Discrimination Act
• Disability Discrimination Act
• Racial Discrimination Act
• Sex Discrimination Act
• Australian Human Rights Commission Act
2. Develop a bullying/harassment policy that can be used in your workplace. The policy needs to include: (you may access and reference you state WHS legislation or fairwork for specific requirementsin your state and the following link provides a checklist: bullying policy checklist for employers page-Comcare.
• The legal requirements set out by law
• Examples of what is defined as bullying and harassment and what is not
• A clear statement that will outline the processes and procedures to be followed in case of any incident including the stages of informal and formal procedures
• A statement regarding how will you implement this policy in the workplace and ensure the staff are trained and aware on an ongoing basis, as part of an integrated consultation process