Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment 3: Weighting: 20% (Group of 3) Due: Please check Assessment Dropbox
Implementing a Workflow in SAP Marked by: VU Lecturer/Unit Coordinator
Prepare a plan and implement a workflow in SAP for the following process:
A Sales Person discovers that a client has a requirement for a specific material and advises
Procurement that sufficient stock needs to be purchased and received by a specific date. Procurement will identify a supplier of the material and raise a Purchase Order for the required quantity. The Sales Person is then advised that the material has been ordered. In some cases, however, an alternative action is required:
(1) Procurement discovers that they are unable to purchase the material and receive it on time. In this case, the Sales person is advised that the material cannot be received on time and the Sales Person must decide whether to proceed with the purchase or not.
(2) Procurement is unable to find a supplier for the material; the Salesperson is advised that the material is unavailable.
(3) Procurement cannot purchase the specified material but identifies possible replacement for the material. If the Sales Person accepts the replacement. Procurement adds the new material to master data and a Purchase Order is raised. The Sales person is then advised that a Purchase Order has been raised.
The assignment submission consists of three parts.
1) Evidence that each group member has completed the SAP tutorial exercises.
2) A written submission, submitted in pdf format via blackboard, that includes:
• The Student Names, Numbers, SAP username and password of all group members. (The SAP usernames are required by the lecturer to test the implementation of your solution);
• A description using the concepts from assignment 3 of your implementation plan: an organisational structure, a list of tasks and their actors, and an SAP workflow diagram to describe the process logic;
• The name and abbreviation of the implemented Organisational Plan (must be in the form BXXXA3OP where XXX is the SAP user account);
• The workflow identifier assigned by the SAP system (WS90000NNN) and name (BXXXAssn3WF where XXX is the SAP user account) of the Workflow prepared for the case study;
• For each student in the group, the workflow identifier of the workflow created for the tutorial exercises;
• The Assessment Declaration sheet.
3) Your solution implemented in SAP.
• To avoid interfering with other students work, all objects created for the workflow must include the numeric part of the SAP username that you used for development. It is also useful to include this number in the description of any objects created as this assists in finding the objects when searching. • An organisational plan
• The implemented workflow
It is not expected that students will be able to implement all aspects of this workflow perfectly.
BCO5501 Business Process Engineering
Assignment 3: Workflow Design & Implementation
This form must be completed, signed, dated and attached to each assessment task that you submit for marking.
LECTURER’S NAME: Dr Nathan Ekambareshwar
Student Name Student No Participation Signature
1 %
2 %
3 %
Total = 100%
Group Assignment Details
SAP Account for testing Password Workflow ID Org Plan Name
Individual Work Evidence
Student Name: Student Id: SAP Account Password Workflow Id Org Plan Name
Part A: SAP Workflow Implementation
Workflow Design (Printed) 2
Organisational Plan defined in SAP 2
Work Flow Layout in SAP, Naming conventions followed 2
Logic OK, Decision Tasks OK 2
Agents Assigned 2
Uses Data in Container 2
Work Flow runs 2
Implementation of process and Task Defns 3
Evidence of completion of the tutorial work flow 3
Total 20
Student 1 2 3
Individual totals and feedback on meeting related Graduate Capabilities (GC):
Student Name Student No Individual Total GC 1a GC 1b GC 2b GC 2c GC 2d