Recent Question/Assignment
This assessment is designed t. al scuirces for their research and lir concepts/constructs that has real assessrrierit relates to Learning (Du
This article collections arid strnucti literattire re-view section of R_esea
Foll 'OW ing cons-ultation with Chic research the field to firicl research topic as proposed_ in from 2010 43 VV /ma S , and all research note or book re-views) j
The stirvactim-ca liter,attar-le 1,4
rCO 11 *1wirig ift}irirri attic) :
1. l3rief summary of the field (i_e how has the the
2. iCorrirriC)ri therriesifiricli
3. Utifferent themesifiricli
4. Managerial irriplicatio
5. Study lirriitatioris arid proposed_ in. the four arti
Submission Details
- Individual .,6,ssessmerit
-Word limit: 1500 words 1 0c),
- You need tc state the word. C over page.
- TiThe review sho-uld be prores li‘ecilirigs and stub-headlirig R-orriari 1 2pt, single space. H.
.•11 Nfiaclafcyrie AU ----r.-
- Submissic.ri deadline Week 11.59pnra.
- to, be uploaded on Mt_
- I-ate pertalties aria emterisicori. ALn irripcia-tait part of busines graduate outcome of Prof manage we.r1clepads arid me assessment items such as it missed or submitted after penalty_ Penalty for written available rriarics per c alen approved
-_,A4xplyirig for ecterksionL: If students are unable to sub] due, and ex_terisi4Dris are completing the appropriate available from the Stuteirit _Jr? 1 _C:a Web site
(Market St and Ierit so, as three (3) vv.oix-Icarig days 0-cc.rripleted form incrust 1
lecturers / Motors will be e,cterisie,n request as SC) C) aoClUrrieiatairy evideric e to sui must be supplied_ Please re of air ,eterisioriL lbeiria gra riot n satislinetory reasort to
/larks out of 20 will be award fe.11c.wing criteria is addressed:
Present brief summary of the theory and cliscussio, in the field
Identify and discuss corm..rn arid different themes articles
Identify and *discuss managerial implication of the
Discuss the limitation of each of articles and tic,,,, I differ across the four articles, as well as identify fi, direction suggested by the articles_
Apply relevant skills and knowledge of-research, t of the problem and the inter-relationships between
Present the information in a professional mariner , referencing