Recent Question/Assignment

Assignment 2: Case Study
Due Date: 15/05/2018
Weighting: 30%
Length: 2500 words (approximately)
In the first assignment you were asked to select one significant purchase that you have made in the last 12 months. You were then asked to use consumer behaviour theory to critically analyse some of the internal influences on your decision process in relation to that purchase. In assignment 2 you are being asked to use consumer behaviour theory to critically analyse some of the external and situational influences on your decision process in relation to that purchase.
The external factors to consider might include demographics and lifestyles, household and family type, social class, culture, group influences and opinion leadership. Situational factors refer to the physical purchase situation (where, when and how the purchase was made), time, social factors, the task at hand, and any other relevant factors. Please note that not all of these factors will influence every purchase that you make.
In your analysis, you should try to identify examples where marketers have attempted to target these factors with their marketing strategy and, in doing so, influenced your purchase decision.
This is not an essay, so you do not need an introduction and a conclusion for this assessment item – simply provide a critical analysis of your purchase. You are required to use at least five academic references (textbooks and or journal articles, or high quality online sources) to theoretically support your analysis.
NOTE: Please use Harvard referencing (for your list of references AND your in-text referencing)
If you do not know how to reference correctly please take a look at this USQ page about referencing.
Information on that page includes:
• How to set out a list of references
• How to cite references within the text of the assignment
• How to cite USQ course materials
You will lose marks if you do not reference your work correctly
Assignment format
You should include the following items and sections in your assignment:
• Title page (including your name, student number and title of the assignment)
• Purchase decision description (No more than 100 words)
Briefly describe your significant purchase. The marker will need to know what your purchase was as it is unlikely that they will have marked your first assignment.
• External influences (1,500 words)
Use consumer behaviour theory to critically analyse some of the external influences on your decision process in relation to the purchase of that product.
Identify examples where marketers have attempted to target these factors with their marketing strategy and, in doing so, influenced your purchase decision.
• Situational influences (1,000 words)
Use consumer behaviour theory to critically analyse some of the situational influences on your decision process in relation to the purchase of that product. Identify examples where marketers have attempted to target these factors with their marketing strategy and, in doing so, influenced your purchase decision.
• List of references
Your assignment should contain at least five academic references (textbooks and or journal articles, or high quality online sources) to theoretically support your analysis.
NOTE: Please use Harvard referencing (for your list of references AND your in-text referencing)

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 2607 words including References

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