Recent Question/Assignment
COIT20264 Network Design (Term 1, 2018)
Assessment Item 1 - Presentation and Written Assessment
Due date: Part A:
On-campus students - During class time (Weeks 7 and 8);
Distance students - Discuss with Unit Coordinator
Part B: 11:30pm AEST, Friday, Week 8 ASSESSMENT
Weighting: Part A: 10%; Part B: 30% 1
Length: Part A: Maximum of 10 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes for answering the questions and the discussion.
Part B: No word count limit.
You should progressively develop your logical network design based on the scenario given on page 6 of this document. In this process, you are expected to participate in the weekly discussions and find the answers to the recommended discussion questions. The weekly discussion questions have been selected and formulated not only to gradually increase your knowledge and skills in this unit but also to help you develop the logical and physical network designs. If you do not attempt weekly discussion questions you would very likely produce a logical network design that would not satisfy the requirements and/or that cannot be justified.
Part A
In this part of Assessment Item 1, you will create and deliver an oral presentation on your logical network design. The scenario to be used for the logical network design is given on page 6. Please refer to the Unit Profile to understand how this part of the assessment item relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs).
All students
You are to demonstrate your technical as well as presentation skills by presenting your logical network design, and receive feedback from your peers and/or the tutor. The presentation should include the outcomes of your weekly discussions to Q2 of Week 4, Q2 of Week 5 and Q2 of Week 6. Each of you need to upload a copy of the presentation slides of your group to Moodle before delivering the presentation.
On-Campus students
On-campus students should deliver their presentations during the class time in weeks 7 and 8. You will be required to work in groups of up to 4 or individually. The maximum duration for each presentation group will be 15 minutes, including 5 minutes for answering the questions and the discussion. This time frame will be strictly enforced due to time constraints.
Please note that the presentations must be completed on the scheduled day. If your group does not present on the scheduled day, you will receive 0 marks for Part A unless you have a valid reason supported by evidence such as a medical certificate.
Distance students
Distance students should contact the unit coordinator by the end of week 3 and agree for a suitable presentation method and time. The presentations could also be recorded by you (or the group) and uploaded to YouTube with a link provided in the presentation slides. Answering of questions and the discussion could then be undertaken via telephone at a mutually agreed time. You will have to complete your presentations in weeks 7 and 8 of the term.
You need to upload a copy of the presentation slides of your group to Moodle before delivering the presentation.
Assessment criteria
The marking criteria for Part A of Assessment Item 1are provided on page 3.
You need to familiarise themselves with the marking criteria to ensure that you have addressed them when preparing and presenting this assessment item.
Marks of presentations will not be released to you until they have been moderated by the Unit Coordinator.
Assessment Item 1 – Part A - Marking Criteria
Group members: Date:
Criteria HD D C P F Your
1. Presentation structure:
a. Introduction (1 Mark)
Introduce yourself (or your group) and the road map. Aim to engage your audience from the beginning of the presentation.
b. Body (5 Marks)
Marks will be given for the quality of the content that you deliver. The content must explain your logical design supported by the outcomes of specified weekly discussion questions. You cannot earn more than 1 mark without addressing the specified weekly discussion questions.
c. Conclusion (1 Mark)
Summarise the key points that you presented in the body.
2. Delivery (2 Marks)
Do not read the full text, practice and keep to the time limit.
Use the time carefully without rushing at the end.
3. Questions (2 Marks)
Coping with questions at the end of the presentation (the telephone interview for the distance students).
(2 Marks)
4. Presentation slides (1 Mark)
Ensure that the slide contents are clearly visible to entire audience and your slides are well–prepared and useful.
Use your slides effectively (i.e. integrated into the presentation).
Total for Part A (12 Marks maximum)
Lecturer/tutor’s name:
Part B
In this part of the Assessment Item1, you will complete your logical network design report based on the written and oral feedback that you received after your presentation in Part A. Please refer to the Unit Profile to see how this part of the assessment item relates to the ULOs.
You are required to analyse the scenario given on page 6 and complete your logical network design. In Part A of Assessment item 1, you have presented your logical network design to the tutor. In Part B of the assessment item 1, you will improve your design based on the feedback that you received in Part A and complete your logical network design report. In order to undertake your design, you may need to make justifiable assumptions. You will need to include them in your report. You also need to support your design with the outcomes of the weekly discussions to Q2 of Week 4, Q2 of Week 5 and Q2 of Week 6. The report must follow the Harvard citation and referencing guidelines.
You also need to upload the logical network design report. This report should include:
1. The list of assumptions. – Note: The assumptions are not the requirements that have been provided in the task. They are the additional requirements that you may need for your design.
2. The list of requirements. – Note: This includes business goals and constraints as well as technical goals and tradeoffs (See Q2 of Week 4).
3. The logical network diagram(s). – Note: Include all IP addresses and names of devices on the diagram.
4. The explanation of your logical network design. – Note: This is not about just explaining the logical network diagram. It is about explaining the whole logical network design. You need to follow and include the steps given in Q2 of Week 5.
5. The justification of your logical network design.
6. The model for addressing and naming.
7. The list of routing and switching protocols.
8. The list of security mechanisms.
Note: Please do not include an executive summary, a table of contents, an introduction or a conclusion. Please see the marking criteria.
Note: Additional information regarding this assessment item may be placed on the unit website. Please check the unit website at least once a week for further information relating to this report. Please ensure that you write your answers in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Unit Profile.
Each of you in the group needs to upload a copy of your group report to Moodle on or before the due date.
Assessment criteria
The marking criteria for Part B of Assessment Item 1are provided on page 7.
You need to familiarise yourself with the criteria to ensure that you have addressed them when preparing this assessment item.
The Scenario for Network Design Assessment Tasks
Your company in Australia specialises in designing networks for local and international clients. Your company has signed a contract with Cosmos online newspaper publishing company located in Sydney, Australia to design their network.
Cosmos has a global network of reporters who report news from every corner of the world. Customers who are interested in reading the online newspapers and watching live video feeds have to register with Cosmos and pay a small fee online. The major income generator of Cosmos is the advertisements which contain live and playback videos in some instances. Cosmos accepts any type of advertisement from companies and individuals as long as it complies with the media codes, guidelines and regulations in Australia. It is estimated that 100,000 people will access the newspapers of Cosmos every day at the beginning and it will increase to 500,000 within 3 years.
Cosmos plans to provide its 40-50 freelance reporters with suitable telecommunication devices for live reporting from areas where the Internet connectivity is poor or unavailable. The permanent staff of Cosmos consists of a CEO, a Finance Manager, a HR Manager, a Publishing Manager and a Technical Manager assisted by 20 supporting staff. The CEO, the HR Manager and 6 staff members are located on the first floor and the rest of the permanent staff is located on the ground floor of the two storey building. Cosmos has to provide a secure and reliable service to its permanent staff, customers, advertisers and the freelance reporters. Their website and video feeds should be available 24/7.
Using the top-down network design methodology that you learned in this unit, design the network of Cosmos, including the selection of telecommunication devices for the reporters. You are allowed to make assumptions if they are really required for undertaking your network design. Each step of your network design should clearly explain and justify how you satisfy the requirements of Cosmos.
Note: This scenario was created by Dr Rohan de Silva on 5th December 2017 and no part of this scenario should be reproduced by any individual or an organisation without written permission from CQUniversity, Australia.
Assessment Item 1 – Part B - Marking Criteria
Criteria HD D C P F Max Mark Mark
2 1.85 1.7 1.65 1.5 1.45 1.3 1.25 1 0.95 0.5 0
1. The list of assumptions. All assumptions are required for the design and none missing. A few items are not required or missing. Many items not required. Many items missing. Not clear or vague description. 2
HD D C P F Max Mark Mark
4 3.7 3.4 3.3 3 2.9 2.6 2.5 2 1.9 0.95 0
2. The list of requirements. Thorough accurate list. A few inaccuracies in the list. One or two items missing. Many items missing. Not clear or vague description or not supported by the outcomes of the specified weekly discussion questions. 4
3. The logical network diagram(s). Covered all the sections of the network. Contained all sections but not enough detail. Had too brief or missing sections. Not clear but contained most sections. Not clear and most sections missing or not supported by the outcomes of the specified weekly discussion questions. 4
4. The explanation of your logical network design. Thorough accurate explanation. A few inaccuracies in the explanation. One or two parts missing. Many parts missing. Not clear or vague description. 4
5. The justification of your logical network design. Thorough accurate justification. A few inaccuracies in the justification. One or two parts missing. Many parts missing. Not clear or vague description or not supported by the outcomes of the specified weekly discussion questions. 4
6. The model for addressing and naming. Covered all the information. Contained all information but not enough detail. Had too brief or missing information. Not clear but contained most information. Not clear and most information missing. 4
Routing and Security HD D C P F
3 2.75 2.6 2.5 2.25 2.2 2 1.9 1.5 1.45 0.75 0
7. The list of routing and switching protocols. Thorough accurate list. A few inaccuracies in the list. One or two items missing. Many items missing. Not clear or vague description or not supported by the outcomes of the specified weekly discussion questions. 3
8. The list of security mechanisms. Thorough accurate list. A few inaccuracies in the list. One or two items missing. Many items missing. Not clear or vague description or not supported by the outcomes of the specified weekly discussion questions. 3
Copy the presentation (Part A) mark here 12
Late submission penalty
Plagiarism penalty
Total 40