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Assessment Task 1 – Written Assignment - Care Planning: Individual Discussion
Description: This assessment is designed to measure your ability to identify and prioritise the most important nursing care issues for a client. Two theoretical frameworks underpin your assignment: Miller’s Functional Consequences Theory to identify the influences impacting on the older person and their level of function and
Levett-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle as the tool to drive the process of identifying and assessing, implementing and evaluating care. Students need to demonstrate how the dignity of the older person is maintained and how the cultural background of the older person is considered, throughout the process of assessment and care provision.
Students are required to review a provided scenario. From this scenario, use the first four steps of the Levett-Jones Clinical Reasoning Cycle (i.e., considering the patient; collecting cues and information, processing information and identifying problems/issues) to identify three nursing care priorities. A rationale needs to be provided for each nursing care priority identified.
From these three priorities, and using the Miller’s Functional Consequences Theory, identify the most important care priority to discuss. The discussion needs to focus on the steps of establishing nursing care goals, taking action, evaluating outcomes and reflecting on the care process identified..
Due date: Week 6
Friday, 13/04/18 –5.00 pm
Weighting: 40%
Length and/or format: 1750 words
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to promote both problem solving and nursing care provision, related to a selected clinical scenario.
Learning outcomes assessed: 2, 3, 7, 8
Assessment one Description and Rubric 201830 Page 1 of 4
How to submit: Submission of assessments is by the Turn-it-in Assessment One Dropbox in the unit LEO site only.
Assessments may not be submitted by email.
Please be aware of the 24-hour lockout period for Turn- it-in and ensure you allow enough time for reporting and resubmission. Please also be aware if all students try to submit in the final 15 minutes before due time, the system may not accept your assignment on time and you may receive a late penalty. Issues with submission in the final hour before due time will not be considered as extenuating circumstances.
Return of assignment: Marks for the assessment will be published on LEO. Marked assessments will be available online via drop box.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Please see criterion reference rubric on the next page and consult assessment block in LEO for further information.
Assessment one Description and Rubric 201830 Page 2 of 4
ASSESSMENT TASK ONE – Written Assignment (1750 words)
Name: Student Number:
Criteria High Distinction
12.5-15 Distinction
11.5-12 Credit
9.5-11 Pass
7.5-9 Unsatisfactory
7.5 Score
1. Evidence of use of relevant concepts of
Miller’s Functional
Theory of healthy ageing. Sophisticated and insightful use of the
Functional Consequences Theory of Healthy Ageing in developing a nursing care plan for an older adult in the community. Systematic and accurate use of the Functional Consequences Theory of Healthy Ageing in developing a nursing care plan
for an older adult in the community. Accurate use of the
Functional Consequences Theory of Healthy Ageing in developing a nursing care plan
for an older adult in the community. Adequate use of the
Functional Consequences Theory of Healthy Ageing in developing a nursing care plan
for an older adult in the community. Limited or insufficient use of the
Functional Consequences Theory of Healthy Ageing in developing a nursing care plan for an older adult in the community.
12.5-15 11.5-12 9.5-11 7.5-9 7.5
2. Demonstration of understanding and utilising a clinical decision making framework. Sophisticated and insightful use of the eight phases of theLevett- Jones Clinic al Reasoning Framework. Clear and accurate us e of the eightphases of theLevett- Jones Clinic al Reasoning Framework. Well-developed use of the
Levett-Jones Clinical
Reasoning Framework, Adequate but limited use of the Levett-Jones Clinical Reasoning Framework. There is an attempt to use the Levett- Jones Clinical Reasoning Framework; however, the eight steps are used inaccurately or inappropriately.
Little or no demonstration of using the Levett-Jones Clinical Reasoning Framework.
Inappropriate nursing care is identified for the chosen care priorities.
–42.5-50 37.5-42 32.5-37 25-32 25
3. Demonstrates the ability to problem- solve care issues and provide a comprehensive plan for person-centred nursing taking into account the client’s choice, dignity, and cultural considerations if necessary. Sophisticated and insightful discussion of the most relevant and effective person-centred care planning, with strong and consistent evidence of a systematic approach to the development of the chosen nursing care priority.
Exceptional demonstration of ethical consideration for patient’s dignity, choice and culture. Thorough and accurate discussion of the most relevant and effective person- centred care planning, with strong evidence of a systematic approach to the development of the chosen nursing care priority. Sound demonstration of ethical consideration for patient’s dignity, choice and culture. Accurate discussion of some relevant and effective person-centred care planning, with clear evidence of a systematic approach to the development of the chosen nursing care priority. Mostly sound demonstration of ethical consideration for patient’s dignity, choice and culture. Adequate discussion of some relevant person- centred care planning, evidence of a systematic approach to the development of the chosen nursing care priority.
Adequate demonstration of ethical consideration for patient’s dignity, choice and culture. Inadequate or inaccurate discussion of nursing care provision.
Limited demonstration of person- centre care, with little or no evidence of a systematic approach to the development of the chosen nursing care priority.
Limited/little or no demonstration of ethical consideration for patient’s dignity, choice and culture.
8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7 5.0-6 5
Assessment one Description and Rubric 201830 Page 3 of 4
4. Presentation,
Structure and Written
Communication Clear informative introduction, followed by body of essay, with a clear, rational conclusion. All paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next. Exceptional skills in use of academic language, flawless spelling and grammar.
Correct word count +/- 10%. Clear informative introduction, followed by body of essay, with a clear, rational conclusion.
Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next.
Highly accomplished skills in use of academic language, with minimal spelling or grammatical errors evident.
Correct word count +/- 10%. Mostly clear introduction with some information missing, followed by the body of essay, with a rational conclusion, but content within the body and within paragraphs is occasionally illogically sequenced.
Competent skills in use of academic language, with few spelling and grammatical errors evident.
Correct word count +/- 10%. Introduction provided but some information missing, followed by the body of the essay, with an attempt at a conclusion, but content within the body and within paragraphs is frequently illogically sequenced.
Adequate use of academic language, some spelling and grammatical errors evident but meaning is discernible.
Correct word count +/- 10%. There is no clear introduction, body and conclusion (i.e. no evidence of introduction or conclusion paragraph). There is limited sequencing (i.e. limited or no distinct paragraphs).
No conclusion or conclusion introduces new content
Limited or insufficient skills in written communication. Poor use of academic language, poor spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Meaning difficult to discern.
Word count is either over or under the word limit of +/- 10%.
8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7 5.0-6 5
5. Literature Sources and Referencing Evidence of extensive reading, and use of the most current, relevant and creditable evidence-based research.
Exceptional and correct use of APA style for all citations and references. Evidence of wide range of reading, and use of good current, relevant and creditable evidence-based research.
Correct use of APA style for most citations and references. Evidence of range of reading, and use of some current, relevant and credible evidence-based research. Use of largely correct APA style for some citations and references. Evidence of adequate reading, but use of few acceptable current, relevant and credible sources of evidence-based research. Adequate use of APA style with some inaccuracies of style. Evidence of a narrow range of reading, and use of limited current, relevant and credible evidence-based literature (i.e. commercial websites).
Significant errors of APA style or insufficient use of academic referencing to adequately identify sources.
Assessment one Description and Rubric 201830 Page 4 of 4

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 2281 words including References


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