Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment: Literature Review
Weighting: 30 marks, or 30 % of the unit grade
Word length: Maximum of 2000 words, excluding tables, graphs and reference list.
This assessment requires students to independently undertake a review of the literature on a topic within one of the environmental sciences disciplines (climate science, geoscience, coastal and marine science, spatial information science, environmental quality, ecosystem science). The aim of the review is to evaluate how science has informed or influenced environmental management for that topic.
Your review article must include at least 12 peer reviewed scientific papers that are relevant to your topic.
To undertake the review, you will first need to choose a topic from one of the environmental sciences disciplines listed above, and read a broad range of literature to become familiar it. You can focus on an environment or environmental issue in Australia or another country. The options are endless!
You will then need to refine your search of the literature to select papers that have management outcomes or applications. That is, think about whether the results and outcomes from the research been used to help guide or inform management of the environment or issue. If so, how has this scientific understanding made a difference? Are there any knowledge gaps or areas of scientific research that would improve management of the environment or environmental issue?
The marking criteria used for this assessment is shown below. Please study it carefully!
Marking criteria
Criteria Marks
• Aims and scope of the review are clearly defined
• Informs the reader of the significance of the topic and the literature review 5
Analysis of the literature
• Refers to a minimum of 12 relevant, peer-reviewed papers on the topic
• Identifies the scientific contribution of the literature to the general understanding of the topic and its management
• Critically evaluates the evidence, identifies strengths/weaknesses/limitations, and identifies any gaps in knowledge
• Concludes with a summary that directly links back to the aims 15
Presentation and structure
• The review is well-planned with a clear structure and use of sub-headings
• Text is organised in a logical manner with the key points based firmly on the literature cited
• Presentation is to a professional standard with consistent formatting, no spelling or grammatical errors, and correct use of professional terminology
• Information is summarised and presented in figures or tables where possible
• Literature is cited in the text and reference list correctly and appropriately 10