Recent Question/Assignment

CIS3002 S1 2014 - Assignment 1 instructions
All questions relate to the following Case Study.

The national health insurance system “Medigood”that pays for patient’s visits to family doctors has provided a new category of service that family doctors can be funded for. This is for a telehealth medical specialist consultation for a qualifying patient. To qualify patients need to be any one of:
- over 65
- indigenous
- diabetic or suffering other chronic disease.
A consultation can occur when a family doctor with a patient in attendance links up for a consultation with a medical specialist using Telehealth equipment. Medigood will make a payment to both the family doctor and the specialist.

Medigoodhas already provided Telehealth equipment to all doctors and specialists but to date very few doctors have taken advantage of this; it is believed this is because it is a disruption to their normal workflow and takes too long for them to set up a Telehealth consultation with a specialist. You should do a search of the Internet to understand Telehealth and how it can be used.

Your friend Lee has come up with a new business idea and has asked you for help due to your studies in Business Analysis. Lee proposes to develop a software package that will sit on the doctor’s computer alongside any other patient management system (PMS) they may have taking advantage of available interfaces. Most doctors use the same PMS and the APIs are readily available. Lee’s software will monitor appointments and when it sees the doctor is entering notes or searching for a qualifying patient, or if a qualifying patient has an appointment,it will alert the doctor that the patient is eligible for a Telehealth consultation and search for an available medical specialist. Medical specialists are expected to register with the system which will monitor when they are on-line and potentially available for a Telehealth consultation with a patient and their family doctor. When the doctor and the specialist accept the telehealth consultation the Telehealth equipment at either end is activated. Once the consultation is completed the software will process the claim for payment to the insurance.

System Capabilities
The new system should do the following:
? monitor the doctor’s use of their Patient Management System and check the patient’s record to see if the patient qualifies for a Telehealth Consultation
? alert the doctor if the patient they are currently seeing, or next scheduled patient, qualifies for a Medigood Telehealth consultation
? identify through an already-existing on-line register of specialists available for Telehealth consultations to find a suitable specialist who is available to participate in an on-line consultation
? if the doctor and a specialist at both ends accept the consultation then it will switch on their Telehealth equipment (web-cams and voice) to enable the consultation
? update the PMS with any notes taken by the doctor
? issue a claim form to Medigood for both the doctor and the specialist to be paid for the Telehealth consultation

Application Benefits
This system should provide the following benefits:
? automatic alert the doctor that the patient qualifies for Telehealth and invite the doctor to accept the proposed consultation through Telehealth
? search for an available specialist through an already-existing hub
? automatically send a claim to Medigood so both doctors can be paid for the consultation

Q1 - Write a Systems Vision statement (10 Marks)
Approx½ page

Q2 Activity Disgram (10 marks)
Develop an activity diagram with reference to the information provided above. Note any ambiguities or questions that you have as you develop the model. If you need to make assumptions, also note these.

Q3 - Work Breakdown Structure (10 Marks)
Analyse the project and produce a 1-page Work Breakdown Structure

Q4. Use case diagram (10 marks)
Draw the Use Case Diagram for your solution

Q5 Class diagram (10marks)
Draw the class diagram for your solution

Q6Screen LayoutDesign the Screen Layout for the main doctor interface (10 marks)

Q7Desktop or browser solution – discuss the pros and cons of either approach and make a recommendation (max 1 page) (10 marks)

Q8 Programming Approach (10 Marks)
Provide a review of options for programming the solution and recommend an approach from amongst these (max 1 page)

Q9Position Description for a Business Analyst (10 marks)
At this point you find the project much bigger and more complex than first thought and you have too many university assignments to be able to continue on the project. You discuss with Lee who had also realised the greater size and complexity of the project and has just obtained venture capital funding. Lee can now afford to hire a professional Business Analyst and asks if you would write a Position Description and Advertisement for the BA position.

Search for examples of BA job descriptions and write the Position Description for the BA for this project as well as the advertisement for on-line job sites.

Q10 Agile Manifesto for the Project (10 marks)
Just when you thought you could go back to getting all your university assignments submitted on time Lee has contacted you again. There was a TV program on Agile and Lee is convinced this is the best approach.
Lee asks you if you understand the key differences between Agile and more traditional software development approaches based on the Agile Manifesto. Please write a brief report for Lee outlining the major differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Marking guide
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable

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