Recent Question/Assignment

In this assignment, you will write an essay to respond to the question provided for the case.
1. What is your assessment of the Volkswagen of America’s new system for selecting projects for funding?
2. Dr. Matulovic is fielding many requests from his peers for “special exceptions” — requests for IT to work on projects not formally funded — Should he agree to these requests? (And how should he handle it?)
Word count: maximum 3,000 words, excluding figures, tables, and appendixes (no minimum word count)
You will submit a written essay in one single file. There is no limit as to what and how you should consider and argue for your position.
More detail will be provided when the case is released.
30% of final grade
Assessment criteria
Your work will be assessed in the following areas:
1. Position and arguments (for both questions): thoughtfulness and soundness (55%)
2. Action plan: thoughtfulness, practicality, and reasoning (25%)
3. Writing: structure, logic, language, and professional presentation (including proper references and citations, if any) (20%)
Assessment levels
The above mentioned areas will be assessed based on 5 levels:
1. Fail (Poor): 0 — 49%
2. Pass (Acceptable): 50 — 59%
3. Credit (Good): 60 — 69%
4. Distinction (Very good): 70 — 79%
5. High Distinction (Excellent): 80 —100%

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