Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment Task 2 –Essay (1600 words)
Due date: Thursday 8th April 2018 23.59hrs
Weighting: 40%
Length and/or format: 1600 words
Purpose: This assessment aims to enhance students learning related to contemporary mental health issues. The essay will provide an opportunity for students to be analytical and synthesize information within the expectations of academic writing. Students will be provided with a contemporary account of the Lived Experience of Mental Health. You will be asked to consider this account and explore the challenges it presents for aspects of mental health nursing care informed by recovery oriented principles. The discussion is to be supported with relevant and credible references.
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2
How to submit: This essay will be submitted electronically into turnitin via the LEO unit page.
Return of assignment: The assignment will be returned via the LEO turnitin with a grade and feedback summary.
Assessment criteria: The assignment will be marked based on the criterion assessment rubric .on page 18-21. Further information pertaining to this assessment task can be found in the assessment block on LEO site.
Sandy Jeffs has used poetry, and storytelling to share her lived experience of mental health and illness.
• She is a prize-winning poet and author who has lived with schizophrenia for 35 years. This film was created by George Clipp for Tell Me A Story, a digital storytelling project of Something In Common and the Australian Human Rights Commission

Jeffs, S. (2002). A Thesaurus of Madness. In Jeffs, S, Poems from the madhouse (2nd ed.).(pp 77-78) North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex. Poem in written words (pp 77-78).
• ?The lived experience of people like Sandy Jeffs is the focus of, and reflected in, policy documents like the National framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers ( )?Explain how the lived experience of Sandy Jeffs, as told through stories and poetry, enable mental health professionals to align their practice with the recovery principles as outlined in the National Recovery framework for recovery orientated mental health services.?In your discussion you need to address the following:
o The concept of the lived experience of mental health and illness;
o The concept of recovery in the experience of mental health and illness;
o An outline of the main ideas from the National framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers;
o Provide examples from the work of Sandy Jeffs to illustrate your argument about how mental health professionals can implement recovery orientated practice.
o You must, at a minimum, refer to the two poems by Sandy Jeffs, and the audio-visual link, located with this question on the LEO site.
o Links have been placed on LEO to the Department Health site A National framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers. You must access this document but you may access other academic sources to support your discussion.
? ???

• A useful resource for the essay File?123KB PDF documentPrinciples of recovery orientated mental health practice.?PDF document and link to the Dept. Health site.????

• Essay Marking Criteria - HD expanded and explained File?55.5KB PDF document

• Annotated Essay example File?67.8KB PDF document
• A useful resource for the essay File?123KB PDF documentPrinciples of recovery orientated mental health practice.?PDF document and link to the Dept. Health site.????

• Essay Marking Criteria - HD expanded and explained File?55.5KB PDF document

• Annotated Essay example File?67.8KB PDF document

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 1876 words including References

Title: Story of Sandy Jeffs and National recovery framework

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