Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 1 Qs
1. What is the main idea presented in
the source? How is the source
relevant to the professional issue
you are investigating?
2. Who is targeted by the source?
3. What is the author's perspective on the issue?
Assessment 1 Questions
Q1: What are the main ideas
presented in the source? How is the
source relevant to the professional
issue you are investigating? 150
• A summary of the most important points made by the text.
Q2: Who is targeted by the source? (audience) 100 — 150 words
• Which professional groups would read this text and use it in their research and work and how and why?
• Which academics, students and researchers may use the info? What might they be studying?
• Would activists and campaigners use the info?
Q3: What is the author's perspective/view on the issue? 150 words
• Does the author seem to have a view and opinion on the topic?
• Are there certain things they have emphasized or perhaps not mentioned?
• Who is the author and what else have they written?

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