Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 2: Establishment of a professional portfolio
Weighting: 30%
Word count: 800 words
Due Date: Monday 16th October, 2017 (week 14)
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p.21)
Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 17-19
Aim of assessment
Professionals require a portfolio to demonstrate their experience, their ongoing professional development and their reflection on those experiences and activities. Portfolios have a variety of uses, including: applying for employment or promotion; supporting performance review requirements; career planning; and applying for credit or enrolment in postgraduate education. One important reason for nurses to commence a portfolio is to demonstrate compliance with the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements of their registering body (NMBA). This assessment aims to enhance students' understanding of the professional obligation of nurses to keep a portfolio. It provides students with an opportunity to commence a portfolio that they can revisit and develop, both during their nursing degree and throughout their professional career
Students will develop an electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) through an appropriate organisation or Internet-based site, such as Google Sites. A minimum of four sections/web-pages is required at this stage, but students may add more if they desire. The four required sections/web-pages are:
1. Profile (-snapshot- of the student: personal attributes; academic and employment achievements; brief career; strategies to achieve compliance with NMBA guidelines).
2. Curriculum vitae (personal details; academic and employment history; referees; interests).
3. Continuing professional development (CPD) (past and planned short courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, working groups or other relevant professional development activities).
4. Based on the Gibbs Cycle (or other reflection framework), critical reflection on a specific recent event in either a work or education context (not the critical reflection from Assessment 1).
Students will commence inserting information into each section/web-page (200 words for each of the four mandated sections/web-pages), noting that information is about the individual student. Students will submit the URL of their portfolio, ensuring that the marker has access to the site.
As this assessment is a professional portfolio, presentation and academic writing style are important. Sections land 4 must be written narratively (no dot points or bullets). Sections 2 and 3 may incorporate dot points or bullets.
There is a word limit of 800 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment; however, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 800 words plus 10%.
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University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
401007 - Approaches to Professional Nursing Practice
Learning Guide - Spring 2017

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