Recent Question/Assignment
Course Name: Communication
Due Date: October 8,2017.
Word limit: 250
Assignment Detail:
Read the article: Jim Harris -The UnAtomic Age- in your textbook. Write a mini-essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion in which you discuss and debate the topic the article presents, uses direct quotations and paraphrases from the article to back up and prove the points you make.
-Keep in mind that business writing is objective, so you would not use the words -I,- -we,- -you-, etc. As well, try to avoid contractions, e.g., can't, won't, I've - they are acceptable in casual or conversational writing, but you would normally try to avoid them in formal business or academic documents.
-Use APA-style citations and references.
Your citations will follow this format: (last name of article author, year, p. 236), where -p. 236- refers to the page number where you got the quotation, statistic or idea.
Your references will follow the format for a reference for an article in an edited book on page 454. You can see an example in The Concise Canadian Writer's Handbook - I've included an outline of what information to put where:
Author's last name, First initial. (year). Title of article in sentence capitalization. In editor's name with first initial first, then last name (Ed.), Title of book in sentence capitalization and italics (page range). City, Province: Publishing Company.
Attachments (Reading Material):
Article: Jim Harris -The UnAtomic Age-
APA style guide to electronic references