Recent Question/Assignment

S2-2017-CIS8010- Information Systems Project Management
Assignment 3
Description: Professional Business Report
All assessment items in this course are to be completed by students as individuals and NOT as group assessments. Email submissions will NOT be accepted in any circumstances. The assignment needs to be submitted as a PDF file, and then submitted via the link provided on the course study desk.
You are encouraged to discuss the assignments with others to improve your understanding and to clarify the requirements, but you should develop the solutions to the assessment items on your own.
This assignment continues from assignment 2 and covers the following course objectives.
No. Objectives Assignment
2 prepare a project plan covering all knowledge areas 3
3 apply practical aspects of project management software application 3
4 demonstrate the skills required to be able to become successful future project management managers. 3
Assessment Details (CIS8010 Information Systems Project Management)
This is a continuation of the assignment 2 you submitted earlier in this course, read that part carefully again.
Assignment 3 – Witten Report
Due Dates: 9th October 2017
Value: 35 % (Marked out of 100 for each item)
In the written report for the CEO, you must at least do the following adequately:
1 Make necessary assumptions with justifications about the business and articulate these in the report (one-page maximum).
2 Provide an management plan for how the project will be implemented within the organisation which includes: (8-pages maximum)
• Planning – Using the project plan developed in assignment 2 use PERT to further analyse the time estimates and then identify the critical path of the project.
• Management – Provide a brief description of how the project will be managed, including the reporting requirements. The management of the project should state the process groups and knowledge areas that are applicable to the project.
• Managing Risk – Provide description of how the the risk of the project will be measured during the project. Include a graphical representation of the risk analysis.
• Monitoring, review and evaluation - Provide a description of how the the success of the project will be measured.
• Resource management - Provide a description of how the project team will be established and managed to assure the success of the project during the life of the project.
• Cost management - Provide justification of the investment through various costing models covered in this course.
• Product–Provide an outline of the product development methodology that will be used to develop the product.
3 Provide a Recommendation & Conclusion with supporting arguments (half page maximum).
This should be a professional business report, fully researched and developed with supporting arguments sourced from credible journals.
Other Report Submission Requirements:
For this assignment, you MUST use a plagiarism detection application to ensure that your work is plagiarism free. Please note that TURNITIN can take time to generate the report, and you are advised to submit your assignment through TURNITIN or any other application well in advance to avoid last minute delays.
Note also:
1 Remember to state your assumptions clearly prior to developing the above documents and your modeling.
2 The final report is to be submitted through UConnect in PDF format. Submission in any other format or by any other means will be treated as a non-submission.
3 You are expected to thoroughly research your work and provide adequate references and citations within your report.

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