Recent Question/Assignment

My Requested of my Presentation and Marking Guide:

1. Content, knowledge and understanding (60/100)
? Generates a relevant question in order to research information that is not commonly known on a topic /issue related to professional health practice (10)
? Briefly explains how the question is linked to the prescribed movie (10)
? Presents a logical argument that reflects the structure provided in your report summary in that it identifies and makes clear the main claim, premises and conclusion of your argument (20)
? Appropriate and convincing evidence including but not exclusive to journal articles is critically analysed to support your argument (20)

2. Research integration and use (25/100)
? Premises and conclusion of argument are supported by a range of evidence (10)
? Appropriate evidence used to support argument is integrated smoothly into the presentation (10)
? The logical argument summary as per report template along with the transcript of your presentation and reference list, is provided in an appropriate academic format to the marker immediately prior to the presentation (5)

3. Presentation Skills (15)
? Oral communication skills: Appropriate use of language, technical terms explained where necessary, range of vocabulary, clarity, pronunciation, speed, tone,

• Identify topic
• Think of question
• Explain link
• Suggest alternative source: personal experience/ movie/ novel/ poem….
• The presentation could be a power point or whatever. However, I think PowerPoint might be easily for me to do cause I only have 5-7mins for my presentation.
Presentation and Logical Argument Summary

Part 1: Immediately prior to your presentation, submit to the marker a:
• One (1) page summary of the logical argument that you are making in your oral presentation, this should include; the research question, the main claim and the premises and conclusion of your argument.
• Transcript of your presentation with a reference list.

Part 2: Individual presentation
Whilst Information that informs health practice is traditionally sourced from journal articles and textbooks, reflective practice can encourage students to consider ideas about health topics in atypical or alternative sources of information including main stream movies such as ‘Forrest Gump’.
• View the movie ‘Forrest Gump’ and choose one of the health topics/issues that are featured within it to base your presentation on.
• Generate one (1) researchable question that explores information not commonly known on the health topic/issue you have chosen.
• Link your research question to the health topic/issue you have chosen within the movie by providing a brief explanatory statement
• Demonstrate critical analysis by individually presenting appropriate and convincing evidence which strengthens your logical argument on the health topic/issue you have chosen. Evidence can include traditional and non- traditional sources of information including personal reflection on practice, but you must include analysis of journal articles in your presentation.

The structure of Logical Argument Summary
Main claim: - what are you trying to convince your audience about?
Premises: - what reasons are you providing to convince your audience of your main claim?
Premise 1
Premise 2
Premise 3
Conclusion: - what are you trying to convince your audience about?

• Identify topic
• Think of question
• Explain link
• Suggest alternative source: personal experience/ movie/ novel/ poem….
• The presentation could be a power point or whatever. However, I think PowerPoint might be easily for me to do cause I only have 5-7mins for my presentation.

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