Recent Question/Assignment

IoT at Home
Value: 19%
Due date: 21-Sep-2017
Return date: 17-Oct-2017
Length: 2000 words Maximum
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Evaluate the potential of the Internet of Things within your own dwelling. If you already have IoT systems (eg Smart TVs, Smart phones, etc), include these in your discussion.
You are limited to a maximum of 2000 words (not including diagrams, tables and references), so you need to produce a report that has a well defined layout with clear and concise language. You must use headings to divide your document into appropriate sections to improve readability. (10 marks for layout and readability)
Identify and discuss current devices that could be used in your dwelling (start with systems you would genuinely want, followed by systems that you could include if you need to reach the 8 to 12 device groups). You should limit the number of IoT device groups to between 8 and 12 (eg a number of IoT light controllers would count as one device group etc). (10 marks for IoT device descriptions)
Evaluate issues such as usage, control, connectivity, security, privacy. Provide potential solutions for these issues. (20 marks for issues and solutions)
Include a diagram of the dwelling layout (this can be a simple sketch, do NOT spend a significant amount of time producing a perfect scale diagram of your residence. Feel free to improvise eg only use one floor of a multistory home, or add fictitious rooms if you live in a one room apartment - use something that helps you highlight the systems you will be evaluating). (5 marks)
Include an appendix containing a Table of the IoT devices, providing a short description of function, manufacturer and cost. (5 marks)
This assessment covers the following learning objective:
be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT;
be able to describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT.
Marking criteria
The assessment will be marked using the following criteria:
Evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT
In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Clearly defines various components of the IoT, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.
Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Correctly defines various components of the IoT with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.
Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various components of the IoT. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.
Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various components of the IoT but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings.
Describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT
In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Clearly defines various applications of the IoT, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.
Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Correctly defines various applications of the IoT with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.
Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various applications of the IoT. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.
Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various applications of the IoT but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings.
Possible Marks (%)
85 - 100
75 - 84
65 - 74
50 - 64
NB All your work must be cited (CSU APA), otherwise up to 100% of marks can be deducted.
Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the formatting, MS Word may not - submit ONLY one). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document. The Assignment should be submitted on Turnitin.
References - You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited).
ITC560- IoT –Home – Assessment 3
Due date: 21– Sep – 2017
Value: 19%
1. Introduction (10 marks)
• IoT and Home network- in general
• How it improves your day to day living – in general
• What issues? –in general
• Home Network – about your home
• Brief description – about your home
2. Diagram(5 marks)
• Digital Diagram (Not copied and pasted)
If copied and pasted will be given 0 out of 5
3. Description of Devices (10 marks– 10 IoT devices MUST)
• (e.g.,)Smart Television (in text citation1- Reference to be listed)
? Explain in few lines
4. Issues (10 marks) (Address each IoT device separately)
• Usage
• Control
• Connectivity
• Security
• Privacy
Solution (10 marks)
• Smart Television (in text citation1 - Reference to be listed)
? Explain in few lines
5. Reference: (List all the references)
6. Appendix: (5 marks)
S.No Device Description Manufacturer Cost (just example)
1. Temp sensor CISCO (Name sensor)
2. Smart TV
List for all the 10 IoT devices.

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