Recent Question/Assignment

Assignment 1
Topic: Discuss: Strategic planning is an essential element of anticipating the future HR needs of an organisation. Use an appropriate model that provides framework for the analyse the external environment of your state or territory. Discuss the elements of the environment and their potential impact on the HRM practices of an organisation. Format: Essay Value: 40% Length: 2000 words Due date: Midnight Friday Week 6 Assignment information: To complete this assignment you are required to identify an organisation in your home country/state/territory . Identify the industry sector of this organisation. Use an appropriate model that provide a frame work for analysing the external environment. Choose one mode only. Using this model analyse the various elements of the external environment of your chosen organisation. Discuss the elements of the environment and their potential impact on the HRM practices of an organisation such as recruitment , selection, training etc.... Your assignment must be in essay format. However, heading are acceptable. CDU Harvard referencing style must be used. For the assessment criteria refer to the assessment rubric on learnline.

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