Recent Question/Assignment

Assignment 2 – Marketing Pitch (60%)
Task Part 1 (40%):
• Make a maximum 5 minute (minimum 3 minute) pitch to the senior management team outlining your idea in response to their ‘innovative ideas program’ as communicated in the company newsletter
• The pitch must explain how your innovative idea will impact the organisation’s marketing goals
• This will be a recorded pitch and may involve the use of any mediums, props, slides or other relevant content
Task Part 2 (20%):
• Write a maximum 800 word report (minimum 600 words) to support your pitch presentation
• The report should contain only information relevant to the ideas expressed in the pitch and add value by highlight key information or expanding on important information mentioned in the pitch
• There are no restrictions on the format of the pitch as long as it is able to be watched and listened to without the use of specialist equipment. It may be captured as a stand-alone file or a link to the pitch can be provided.
• The accompanying report can also be presented in any format as long as it is written and able to be accessed easily.
• Assignment 1 was a top down communication in the form of an internal company newsletter. This assignment is a bottom up communication of an idea from ‘any’ company employee as part of the innovative idea program.
Assignment 2 Marking Guide:
(10) Good
(7.5) Fair
(5) Poor
(2.5) No Evidence
Pitch Delivery (10)
1. Gained attention through compelling dialogue, enthusiasm
2. Confident, concise and clear description of concept using tonal variety
3. Easy to hear and easy to follow
4. Use of any aids was appropriate
Innovation Idea (10)
1. Well-developed idea
2. Established the feasibility of the innovation and relevance to marketing strategy
3. Relevance to the organisation’s customers established
Research (10)
1. Evidence of appropriate internal company research
2. Evidence of appropriate external research
3. Ideas and justification logically explained, supported and justified
Creativity (10)
1. demonstrated significant though, time, and effort
2. clearly showed that idea refinement had taken place
(20) Good
(15) Fair
(10) Poor
(5) No Evidence
Report (20)
1. quality of the idea established and reflective of careful strategic analysis
2. free of errors and well structured
3. appropriate to the audience
4. effective support to the pitch presentation
Report /20

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