Recent Question/Assignment
The due date is 14th but it needs to be completed by 11th July so that I can recheck it and remove any discrepencies.
There should be no plagiarism at all and the work should be properly cited.
A Reference list should be attached at the end.
I need an Orginiality Report generated through turnitin as well.
You should also attach the Originality Report.
Managerial Accounting
Special Consideration: Individual Assignment
Due Date: 14th July, 2017 @ 12:00 noon
With the introduction of various climate change related legislations in Australia, many companies are now incorporating social/environmental/sustainability measures in their multi-perspective Strategic Performance Measurement Systems (SPMS). An increasing number of Australian companies have shown willingness to publicly disclose their SPMS adoption (see for example Elijido-Ten, 2011; 2013) thereby enabling various stakeholders to evaluate both financial and non-financial performance of the firm. There is, however, mounting criticism that such public disclosures are no more than ‘green-washing’ mechanisms particularly if the SPMS targets/measures are not linked to rewards system or compensation plans. This is in line with various motivational theories making the favourite quote, “what gets measured gets done,” self-fulfilling.
A: SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT: (Word Count– 800 to 1,000) [Weighting - 70%]
Conduct a review of literature on the use of multi-perspective SPMS such as Balanced Scorecard or Triple (or Quadruple) Bottom Line. Briefly discuss its salient features. Cite academic research discussing real companies’ experiences (i.e. benefits/pitfalls/challenges; advantages/disadvantages) from their SPMS adoption.
B: PRESENTATION (Word Count for Introduction & Conclusion – 400 to 500) [Weighting - 30%]
• Present your assignment in a research paper format with approximate word length of 1,200 to 1,500 words. The standard procedure is that the assignment will be marked up to the specified word count only.
• Your report must have an Abstract (about 150 words), Table of Contents, References, Appendices (Note: These are not included in your word limit of 1,200 to 1,500 words.) • Use Swinburne Harvard referencing style throughout your report.
• Important Sources of Information:
o Useful references can be found from various academic journals through library electronic databases such as Elsevier, Emerald, Ebscohost, Google Scholar, etc. (An examination of between 10 to 20 articles is a guide to the level of research required.)
• You may find the following academic research papers useful (take note of the format and content):
[1] Elijido-Ten, E 2011, ‘The impact of sustainability and balanced scorecard disclosures on market performance: Evidence from Australia’s top 100’, Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 59-73.
Available on EBSCOhost: &db=bth&AN=64447663&site=eds-live&scope=site
[2] Elijido-Ten, E 2013, ‘Determinants of strategic performance measurement system disclosures in Australia’s top100 publicly listed firms’, Journal of General Management, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 57-73.
Available on:
[3] Elijido-Ten, EO & Tjan, Y 2014, ‘Sustainability balanced scorecard disclosures: An Australian study,’ Issues in Social & Environmental Accounting, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 185-208.
Available on EBSCOhost: &db=bth&AN=111067578&site=eds-live&scope=site
A: Specific Requirement 70 B: Overall Structure and Presentation 30
1. SPMS Research
= clear discussion of salient features
= academic research on real companies’ experience re:
benefits/pitfalls/advantages/disadvantages 2. Proper references used (cite as you write)
6 1. Overall readability: flow/links/grammar/ spelling
2. Proper presentation
= Abstract; Table of Contents;
= Introduction, Body (sub-divided) & Conclusion
= Proper use of Tables, References & Appendices 10
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