Recent Question/Assignment

Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
?Assessment task 1: Plan for Development
Instructions to the students
In this task you will be required to access and review a Strategic Plan and then plan for development across the organisation. It is important that you read each question in this task carefully and provide detailed answers in the space provided. You can research the answers using your workbook or on the Internet however your answers must be in your own words. Each question has a volume of words guide provided, please refer to the guide so that you answer each question appropriately.
Your assessor will discuss each point of this task with you and provide you opportunities to discuss each question prior to you submitting your answers to the assessor for marking. You will be provided with feedback. Assessor will also select and / or provide you with strategic plans to work with.
Questions and Group Discussions:
1. In small groups and analyse the strategic plan which you will be able to research on the Internet or which will be provided to you by your assessor, to determine the development needs and objectives of the business. Complete the table below with your findings. (Guide: small simple paragraph for each point in the table)
(Note: your assessor will be checking that your answer is in your own words and that answers are not identical to other students in your class).
Company name:
What needs to change in the business to best support the new vision, strategies and objectives?
Areas of staff development needed for plan to be implemented:
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
Create a development goal for each of the development areas listed above:
2. Review the strategic plan and in consultation with your colleagues, profile the organisation’s culture and evaluate if the organisation is ready for organisational development. (Guide: list as many points as you can from your consultation)
Organisations Culture:
Readiness for Change:
3. Review your own answers in questions 1.1 and 1.2 and complete the following table to outline the job roles of those individuals / employees who would be required to take on key roles within the organisation during the development process. (Guide: list as many individual job roles as required by the organisation and add more rows if required)
Who will be involved? What will their role be? Approving, reviewing, creating or giving input? How will you confirm their commitment?

4. Complete the following questions individually.
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
a) For each of the areas of requiring development within the organisation you have identified, list the types data you would gather to investigate and gain full knowledge into the organisation’s developmental needs:
Area of the Development: Data that could be collected:

b) In addition you are also required to review and analyse other relevant data based on the organisation’s business and industry sector. In small groups research and discuss what other relevant information (e.g. industry data) to assist you with identifying needs and opportunities to plan for development. (Guide: Record your findings below in approx. 50 to 100 words).
5. In small group research and discuss two (2) theories of organisational behaviour and dynamics relevant to planning and implementing organisational development (Guide: approx. 2 paragraphs)
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
6. In small groups research and explain the (i) impact of legislation on organisational development and change. (ii) Reference two (2) examples of relevant legislation. Ensure that your response is not copied from others and that you are providing your answer comments and answers (Guide: approx. 1 paragraph in length).
Impact of legislation
Legislation 1 Legislation 2
7. List three (3) aspects of organisational culture that can affect organisational development and explain how to address each when planning and implementing a development plan.
Aspect of Organisational Development: How could this be addressed in planning and implementing:
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
8. Based on your findings from 1.1 – 1.7, complete an organisational development plan that includes all of the following:
o The objectives and strategies that you will put in place o Change management techniques that you would use
o Communication and education plans to achieve the desired approach to problemsolving and developmental activities to;
? Introduce the plan
? Implement the plan
? Monitor the implementation and follow up with staff
Note: You can select to use the template provided to assist you with this task.
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
Organisational Development Plan
Objectives: Strategies: Date: Who will be involved?

Change Management Techniques:
Communication/Education Plans
What will occur: Who will be involved? When will it be conducted?

Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
?Assessment Task 2: Implement Development Activities
Instructions to the students
In this task you will be required to implement the Organisation Development Plan that you developed in Task 1. Throughout this task you will be required to complete a combination of written and practical tasks. During each practical task, your assessor who will complete an Assessor Checklist whilst they observe you.
2.1 Review the plan that you developed in Task 1 and complete the following activities:
a. Explain what consultation processes you could put in place to maximise staff participation in the implementation process (Word count: approx. 1 - 2 paragraphs).
b. You are required to conduct a role-play to demonstrate your ability to implement consultative processes. You will facilitate a meeting with your “Staff Members” in order to gain their input and buy-in in relation to the change you will implement. The meeting should take approximately 15 minutes. During the role-play your classmates will act as the “Staff Members” and your assessor will observe your skills and record your outcomes on the Assessor Checklist.
You must record the outcomes of the consultation in the space below (Word count: approx. 2 paragraphs).
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development Student’s ID:
Strategies that you used during the meeting to gain participation:
Outcomes of Consultation:
Assessor’s Checklist
Did the student demonstrate the following: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Place a tick (v)
Identify and implement effective consultative processes to maximise participation in the organisation development process
Record the outcomes of the consultation
Communication skills to facilitate the meeting effectively, through asking questions, gaining input from staff and leading the conversation.
Assessor Feedback:
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have assessed this student in this task and have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: _ ___/_____/_____
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
2.2 You are now required to select, prepare for and conduct a training and development activity from the “Education” portion of your development plan that you developed in Task 1.
a) Complete the table below to record the details of the training session you will conduct:
Topic that will be trained:
Type of training activity to be conducted: Group training
One-on-one coaching and development Other…………..
How will this training assist the “Staff” in their development:
Resources that you will prepare for the training:
b) You are now required to deliver the training and development activity that you have prepared. The training should be conducted for a minimum of 15 minutes. As you conduct the training, your Assessor will observe you and complete the following checklist. Please ensure that you attach a copy of resources that you have developed/ used during the training session to your assignment.
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
2.3 Read the scenario below and complete the following activities
After your initial consultation meeting and training session with your staff, you have noticed that some staff are experiencing issues and are having problems with some aspects of what you have put in place. You have also noticed that the implementation has caused conflict between some of the members of your team.
You decide to meet with the key staff to address these issues.
You will hold a second meeting with your team where you will:
• Assist the team to identify any problems they are facing in regards to the implementation
• Manage any conflict between the staff members so consensus can be reached
• Undertake interventions in accordance with your Organisational Development Plan
• Brainstorm alternative proposals and negotiate and agree on outcomes
As part of this activity, you will be required to document the points discussed at the meeting and the outcomes/actions now required. During the role-play your colleagues will act as the ‘team members’, your assessor will observe you through out and complete an Assessors Checklist.
Meeting Minutes
Discussion Points: Outcomes:

Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
?Assessment Task 3: Maintain Development Program
Instructions to the students
1. In this task you will be required to develop and administer a survey, follow the steps outlined in part A and B below:
a) You are required to develop a survey that could be administered to the staff to identify any loss of support for the organisational development activities that you have put in place. Insert or attach a copy of your survey to your assignment.
b) You must now have three (3) of your classmates act as your ‘staff members’ and complete the survey. Ensure that you attach the completed surveys to your assignment.
2. You are required to conduct a role-play with your colleagues in class. During the role-play, you are required to hold a team meeting with the other “Managers” to review the feedback gained from “staff” through the survey that you conducted. As you complete the meeting your assessor will observe your participation and complete the Assessor Checklist. During the meeting ensure that you:
• Discuss the feedback gained
• Brainstorm activities and interventions to address any areas of underperformance Ensure that you document the outcomes of the meeting in space below:
Document your outcomes below:
Unit code/name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Student’s ID:
3. Adjust your plan with any activities and interventions suggested in your meeting. Please ensure that you attach an updated version of your plan to your assignment.
4. Explain how you would continue to evaluate and modify the actions implemented.
5. Explain the importance of senior management reinforcing the organisation development program through messages of support and appropriate resource allocation.
6. Explain how you would evaluate organisation development plans in terms of costs and benefits, including opportunity costs.

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