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Math 7731 – Mathematical Problems in Industry
Assignment 2 (2017)
1. In lectures we defined the Sobolev space ) with the norm
However, since ), it will also have the norm associated with the Sobolev space H1(V ),
We want to show that these are equivalent norms. That is, there are constants k,K 0 such that for any
. (1)
(a) Show that if (1) is true, then there also exists k0,K0 0 such that
. (2)
So equivalence is symmetric, as we would expect.
(b) We will show this equivalence for the one-dimensional case where V is the interval (a,b), though it is true for n = 2,3 dimensions also. The left hand inequality of (1) is obvious (with k = 1). Let f be any bounded and continuous function with bounded and continuous first derivatives, and which is zero on the boundary of V , that is at x = a and x = b. Then for any x ? (a,b),

where f0 = df/dx. Why?
(c) Apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the right hand side of this to obtain
(d) Show that
|f(x)|2 = ||f0||2L2|x - a| where ||.||L2 is the L2 norm defined in lectures.
(e) By integrating both sides with respect to x over the entire interval (a,b), conclude that
||f||2L2 = C||f0||2L2
for some C 0 which does not depend on f. What does C depend upon?
(f) Use the result (e) to prove the right hand inequality of (1).
(g) We have now proved (1) for the special case of f as described in (b). How do you think we would prove it for any )? (Describe in words.)
2. We want to prove the result that there exists M 0 such that for any f ? H1(V ),
. (3)
Intuitively, this result is saying that the size of f on V is “controlled” by the size of f on the boundary and the size of the first partial derivatives of f on V , where size is measured by the L2 norm. Again we will only consider the case where V is the interval (a,b), though the result is true for n = 2,3 dimensions also. In the one-dimensional case the boundary integral over ?V on the right hand side takes the simple form f(a)2 + f(b)2.
(a) Let f be any bounded and continuous function with bounded and continuous first derivatives. Using a similar argument as in Question 1(b), show that or any x ? V ,
and so

(c) Integrate both sides with respect to x over the entire interval (a,b) to conclude that

where C does not depend on f. What does C depend upon?
(d) Deduce from (3) that there exists M0 0 such that for any f ? H1(V ),
. (4)
3. We next want to prove the result that there exists M 0 such that for any f ? H1(V ), the boundary integral
f2 dS = M||f||2H1. (5)
Intuitively, this is saying that the size of f on the boundary is controlled by the H1 norm of f on V . Again we will only consider the case where V is the interval (a,b), though the result is true for n = 2,3 dimensions also. In this one-dimensional case the boundary integral on the left hand side takes the simple form f(a)2 + f(b)2.
(a) Let f be any bounded and continuous function with bounded and continuous first derivatives. Using a similar argument as in Question 2(a), show that or any x ? V ,

(c) Integrate both sides with respect to x over the entire interval (a,b) to conclude that
|f(a)|2 = C||f||2H1
where C does not depend on f. What does C depend upon?
(d) Prove a similar result for |f(b)|2.
4. Consider the weak formulation of the steady state Dirichlet problem in the form: Find ) such that
where the bilinear form a(., .) and the linear functional f(.) are defined by
Z Z Z a(v, f) = k(x)v,if,i dV and f(f) = - gfdV - k(x)U˜,if,i dV.
Here k(x) is the non-constant conductivity, g(x) is a source term and U˜ is a H1(V ) extension of the boundary value U(x) to all of V .
(a) Suppose that there are constants m,M 0 such that for any x ? V , m = k(x) = M. Show that the energy norm (a(., .))1/2 derived from the bilinear form a(., .) is equivalent to the norm. (Hint: Use the property of integrals that for any functions f(x) = h(x) then
f dV = hdV.)
(b) Assume that the source term g ? L2(V ). Show that the linear functional f(.) is bounded on .
(Hint: Use the result (1) from Question 1 above to bound the first integral in f(.).)
We have therefore shown that the assumptions of the Lax-Milgram Theorem are true for this problem.
5. Consider the weak formulation of the cooling problem described in Question 3(b) of Assignment 1: Findu ? H1(V ) such that a(u, f) = f(f) ?f ? H1(V ),
where the bilinear form a(., .) and linear functional f(.) are defined by
Z Z Z Z a(u, f) = k(x)u,if,i dV + hufdS and f(f) = - gfdV + hu0fdS.
V ?V V ?V
Here k(x) is the non-constant conductivity, g(x) is a source term, h(x) is the heat transfer coefficient on the boundary and u0(x) is the temperature of the external environment.
(a) With the same conditions on k as in Question 4(a) above, and suppose that there are constants hmin,hmax 0 such that hmax = h(x) = hmin, show that the energy norm (a(., .))1/2 derived from the bilinear form a(., .) is equivalent to the H1 norm. (Hint: Use the general results (4) above (5) to handle the surface integral term in the bilinear form.)
(b) Assume that the source term g ? L2(V ). Show that the linear functional f(.) is bounded on H1(V ).
We have therefore shown that the assumptions of the Lax-Milgram Theorem are also true for this problem.

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