Recent Question/Assignment
Report 1 specifications
Word count* Marks out of Weight (%) Due date
1,300 to 1,700 words 100 10 4 April 2017
* Note: the word count does not include references or appendices
Important information
Before you proceed with the assignment, please read this section carefully and make sure you prepare and submit your assignment in accordance with the rules outlined here.
Academic integrity
This assignment must be your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own.
You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor allow others to copy your work.
All Assignments will be checked using collusion monitoring tools to ensure that each assignment is the original work of the submitting student. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the USQ Policy Library for more details:
• Academic Integrity Policy
• Academic Integrity Procedure
Late submission policy
USQ’s Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) and Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances procedures relate to Extensions and Late Assignments. They can be found under the following links:
• Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) Procedure
• Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures:
An Assignment submitted after the due date without an approved extension of time will be penalised. The penalty for late submission is a reduction by five percent (5%) of the maximum mark applicable for the assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the assignment is late. An assignment submitted more than ten (10) University Business Days after the due date will have a mark of zero recorded for that Assignment.
Team work
Students are encouraged to work in teams to complete the assignment as teamwork is an important skill required by industry. You may choose to work alone.
If you opt to work as a team:
• The same marks will be awarded to both students.
• No team can exceed more than two students.
• It is up to you to find a team-mate and this can usually be achieved in class or through a request on the Study Desk.
• Only one team member should submit the assignment.
• You must provide the student names and student numbers of both team members on the title page of the report.
Referencing requirements
References are required and the Harvard AGPS standard of referencing must be used. Ensure that your report is fully referenced, including any references to the text book. Your report should include in-text references and a List of References.
A useful link on referencing is from USQ’s Library site:
Do not repeat verbatim large slabs of information from other sources such as the text or video – you must put the ideas/information in your own words.
Report 1 Requirements
Learning objectives
This assignment partially addresses three of the learning objectives of the course:
? LO1: integrate the fundamentals of business process management with service management in reference to the value IT can deliver to the enterprise
? LO2: critique current research on IT governance and service management and identify the need for organisations to ensure that effective processes are in place to manage the significant investment in IT infrastructure and services.
? LO3: synthesise the nature and contribution of the IT service management standards and good practice frameworks such as IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), ISO/IEC 20000 and IT4IT™ in providing good practice frameworks for IT service management
Prepare a journal that records your activities and progress related to completing this assignment. In date order, clearly list the following:
? Date of research activity/discussion
? Web sites visited to collect information; other references accessed
? Time duration of the activity
If you are working in a team, clearly state the activities of each team member.
Submit this journal as an appendix to activity B. Any references to web pages and online documents, such as white papers, should be listed at the end of the journal.
Structure, presentation of report (10 Marks)
Your report should include a title page, letter of transmittal, executive summary and introduction to the report. State the name(s) of student(s) on the title page. The presentation of the report should be professional, resulting in clarity of message and information. Your referencing should be according Harvard AGPS style.
Watch the video case study, then draw on the course materials and researching academic sources (e.g. textbook, journal/conference papers) to prepare a report as per the requirements presented here. You should use and cite at least five academic sources to support the discussions in your report.
IT4IT™ at Delta Lloyd - The Open Group (41:54)
In this video, the journey of adopting IT4IT™ at a company named at Delta Lloyd is presented. Particularly, the case study shows the usefulness of IT4IT™ for companies who use or wanting to use cloud computing.
For the purpose of this assignment, assume the role of consultant(s) who have been hired by Delta Lloyd to contribute to a review of their IT4IT™ adoption. You will prepare a report for the CEO of Delta Lloyd.
The purpose of report is to document the adoption of IT4IT™ at Delta Lloyd and reflect on the adoption process.
Your report should have an introduction, executive summary, body, conclusion and recommendations, and list of references. You may also include appendices.
The introduction should include a brief overview of the company and the scope of its IT operations/services, also the purpose of the report.
The body of your report should include:
• Background and justification of IT4IT adoption: The reasons why Delta Lloyd decided to adopt IT4IT™ (i.e. the challenges/problems/opportunities), the intended outcomes/ benefits of IT4IT™ adoption, implications of IT4IT™ for cloud computing
• Adoption road map: Overview of the IT4IT™ adoption /implementation process (road map)
• Challenges Delta Lloyd encountered during the adoption process
• Outcomes of IT4IT™ adoption in Delta Lloyd
• Recommendations to Delta Lloyd for improvement of their IT service management and achieving better outcomes from their IT4IT™ initiative.
Marking criteria
Criterion HD A B C F Max Marks
Activity/Task A: Journal
Journal Compelling and well-structured account.
Activities clearly described. Initiative clearly demonstrated.
Reference list provided and correctly formatted. Good structure and comprehensive account of activities.
Referencing compliant with Harvard AGPS referencing method with some minor lapses. Adequate structure and account of activities.
Minor errors in referencing method. Adequate structure
but limited description of activities.
Limited references provided and/or poorly formatted reference list. Poor structure and/or inadequate list of activities. Incoherent account.
Lack of reference list or poorly formatted references. 5
Presentation of report Professional presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information.
Professional appearance of title page and accurate table of contents. Carefully and logically organised.
Title page and table of contents clear and accurate. Shows organisation and coherence.
Adequate title page and table of contents. Shows some
attempt to organise
in a logical manner.
Some flaws in title page and/or table of contents. Disorganised/ incoherent.
Poor formatting, or missing title page, table of contents. 10
Appendices are clearly labelled and referenced. Appendices used to provide appropriate supporting material Adequate use of appendices for report readability. Appendices not clearly identified or referenced.
Excellent clarity of expression. Grammar and
spelling accurate.
Referencing fully compliant with Harvard AGPS referencing method.
Wide range of appropriate sources appropriately analysed, applied and discussed. Expression fluent. Grammar and
spelling accurate.
Referencing compliant with Harvard AGPS referencing method with some minor lapses.
Variety of appropriate sources appropriately analysed, applied and discussed. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate.
Most sources are referenced. Minor errors in referencing method.
Clear evidence of research and application of textbook concepts. Grammar and/or spelling contains errors.
Gaps in referencing and errors in in-text references or reference list.
References are used in a purely descriptive way indicating limitations of understanding. Frequent mistakes in grammar and/or spelling.
Unsatisfactory referencing. Few or no references or inconsistent reference method.
No evidence of research or irrelevant sources cited.
Activity/Task Activity B: Case study
Introduction and executive summary Clearly introduces the company and scope of its IT operations/services and the report. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively. Reasonable details of company and report.
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently .Basic facts on company and report.
Addressed the main purpose of the assignment. Some aims identified. Lacks vital information about the company and report.
Fails to address the purpose of the assignment. 10
CIS53008 –Management of Information Technology Services – S1 2016 Report 1
Criterion HD A B C F Max Marks
Background and justification of IT4IT adoption Identifies all the motivations behind the companies IT4IT™ adoption and demonstrates sophisticated understanding of IT4IT™ relevance to business and IT. Identifies most of the motivations behind the companies IT4IT™ adoption and demonstrates comprehensive understanding of IT4IT™ relevance to business and IT. Identifies some of the motivations behind the companies IT4IT™ adoption and demonstrates adequate understanding of IT4IT™ relevance to business and IT. Identifies a few of the motivations behind the companies IT4IT™ adoption and demonstrates limited understanding of IT4IT™ relevance to business and IT. Fails to identify the motivations behind the companies IT4IT™
adoption. 25
Adoption road map Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of IT4IT™ adoption process. Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of IT4IT™ adoption process. Demonstrates adequate understanding of IT4IT™ adoption process. Demonstrates limited understanding of IT4IT™ adoption process. Inadequate understanding of IT4IT™
adoption process. 10
Challenges Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of challenges of
IT4IT™ adoption. Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of challenges of
IT4IT™ adoption. Demonstrates adequate understanding of challenges of
IT4IT™ adoption. Demonstrates limited understanding of challenges of
IT4IT™ adoption. Inadequate understanding of
challenges of IT4IT™
adoption. 15
Outcomes Demonstrates sophisticated
understanding of IT4IT™ outcomes Comprehensive understanding of IT4IT™ outcomes Adequate understanding of IT4IT™ outcomes Limited understanding of IT4IT™ outcomes Inadequate understanding of IT4IT™ outcomes 15
Conclusion and
Recommendations Clear conclusions and recommendations well- grounded in material presented demonstrating
insights into ITSM and IT4IT™ Good development shown in conclusions and recommendations. Adequate development shown in conclusions and recommendations. Limited conclusions do not build on analysis. Conclusions and recommendation
s. Not drawn from material. 10
Total concepts. 100