Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment 1 Structured Essay ENG2002 2016 S3
Description Marks out of Due date
Assignment I 100.00 10.00 End Week 4
(Fri 9th December,
Submit: pdf via the Studydesk Assignment One Submission Area using the fomat SURNAME ENG2002 Al.pdf
Length: 1500 words (penalties will be applied if exceeded by more than 20%)
Format: Essay style, typed, 12 font size, arial or times new roman font, single line spaced. Structure sentences into paragraphs, leaving a single blank line between paragraphs. The use of an occasional (ie. one, or two) diagram or photograph is acceptable, but do not overuse diagrams, tables or photographs. Use a few subheadings to augment the structure of your essay.
References: Include a single reference list at the end of the assignment. Try to source some refereed journal (ie. non-internet) high quality references. Use intext citation of your references. The Harvard system of referencing must be used. Use 6-10 references only (this is only an essay, not a report or a literature review).
Extension policy: No extension allowed except in extenuating circumstances — see Course Specification.
Warning about plagiarism
You will be severely penalised if it is found that you have copied verbatim from the work of other authors, including from web sites. You may quote the work of others but quotations should bc used sparingly. For each question, quotations should amount to no more than 5 per cent of the specificd word limit for that question, and each quotation must be cited correctly. Plagiarism detection software may be used to check your assignment. To answer the assignment questions you are expected to consult your study package and other sources. However, the work you submit as your own work has to be in your own words. You are encouraged to discuss the concepts covered in the assignment questions with your classmates and others, but you should not release your written responses to the questions to anyone except the University. Students submitting a section or sections of assignment work which is the same as other students' work will be severely penalised. For further information refer to the University's Academic Integrity Policy 13752PL.
Assignment One Essay (word limit : 1500) (100 marks)
This assignment is relevant to the following course objectives :
Converse proficiently upon general knowledge and current affairs of the day Appreciate the history oftechnology and associated benefits to human society
Understand the basic concepts behind environmental sustainability
Understand the basic concepts behind environmental impact assessment Understand the role ofpolitics, politicians, power and government
(Appreciate the relevance ofsocial structures and values) #
(Suggest strategiesfor working effectively in a multi-cultural environments) #
(Appreciate the basic philosophies behind modern engineering management) #
# not formally covered in the course until later than week 4, but the assignment does marginally touch on these areas
Assignment Task
Sugar Production along Australia's North-East Coastal Fringe
Sugar production has been a major industry for Australia since the late 1800s. However, the industry has times where it suffers from low sugar price. Maintaining productivity (and fighting pests and diseases), upon generally poor quality sub-tropical soils can also be an issue. The indust1Y, alongside several other industries of course, is also implicated in terms of environmental impacts on Australia's Great BalTier Reef lagoon region.
Write a structured essay (ie. structured with a main title, author (your) name, a few subtitles and at least six references (do not include the course study materials). The title ofyour structured essay is to be :- 'The Future ofSugar Production, along Australia 's North-East Coastal Fringe .
i) Introduction/background - briefly describe the sugar industry in Australia, and the value of this enterprise to the Australian economy. Also describe the relevant social and environmental impacts of this business activity (—300 words).
Expression of a likely viewpoint on the concept of a future managed downtum (or complete cessation) of sugar production, from someone whose livelihood might be severely affected by loss of the industry. This could be someone directly employed with in the industry, or someone in a secondary flow-on industry (—300 words) iii) Expression of a likely viewpoint, from a spokesperson from the Queensland Sugar Industry (—300 words) iv) Expression of a likely viewpoint from a Queensland Gove1T1ment politician, from any registered political party. (—300 words)
v) Conclusion/overview/recommendations €300 words)
In points ii), iii) and iv) you may write in first or third person. Write for a hypothetical, not a real person. In your research, demonstrate that you have considered and been guided by the course learning objectives (to found on page 12 of the course introduction booklet).
Marking criteria
Assessment of your assignment will be based on your ability to summarise a problem concisely, and also your ability to recognise, understand the viewpoints of others. Marks will be awarded according to the following marking/feedback rubric :
ENG2002 2016 S3 Assignment 1 marking rubric
Answer/Criteria Max mark Actual mark
Introduction (Quality and style) 15
Viewpoint I (Clarity of position and strength of argument) 15
Viewpoint 2 (Clarity of position and strength of argument) 15
Viewpoint 3 (Clarity of position and strength of argument) 15
Conclusion (Quality and style) 15
Presentation, spelling, grammar & references 25