Recent Question/Assignment
The convenor will provide a comment on the exemplar discussion post (Ill post it in the Discussion Board as The Convenors Exemplar Discussion Post) in order to demonstrate the presentation and style required for this Assessment task.
Please reference any sources of information you use with APA referencing style. Please refer to the CSU referencing site at
Assessment item 3
Debt Market Report
Value: 15%
Due date: 22-Aug-2016
Return date: 13-Sep-2016
Length: 2000 words
Submission method options Alternative submission method
Your task is to respond to the following scenario. This assessment has been designed to assess your progress towards Learning Outcome 1. Please refer to the marking guide following the task to see the criteria that you will be assessed against and the differing levels of requirement under each standard.
You work in the research branch of an investment fund. You have been asked to prepare a report outlining the current state of the Australian bond market . In your brief you will need to discuss both corporate and government bond markets (not money markets) and provide information about current size, growth or decline in issuance over the past couple of years, types of corporates accessing the market, which markets they are issuing into and the types of bonds being issued into the market. We are interested in where the supply of bonds is coming from and the quality of those issues. In your report you also need to address any threats or risks to the market from external sources. Your manger is after a stand alone document that quickly brings her up to speed with the state of the market.
This assessment is designed to:
assess your progress towards meeting subject learning outcome 1 - be able to critically analyse and provide informed comment on recent developments in the organisation and structure of the financial system, various financial markets and the instruments of these markets;
assist you to develop your learning through discussion of the principles covered in Topics 1 to 4 of the subject; develop your ability to communicate well in writing.
Marking criteria
Criteria HD (85% and more):
An outstanding level of achievement
The report accurately
Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse and and comprehensively provide informed comment on recent details the current state developments in the organisation and structure of both the Australian of the financial system, various financial markets Corporate and
and the instruments of these markets; Government debt markets in terms of size, growth over the
Maximum marks 10 past three years, types of instruments issued, issuance by market and sector . The report
details and critically analyses the underlying market factors that are determining the state of the market. The analysis is supported by current and relevant data and/or graphs to support the written analysis.
Graduate Learning Outcome: Written work is The content is written well-structured, cohesive and has correct clearly and concisely punctuation and grammar. with a logical
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
FIN530 201660 S I-30 June 2016-Version 1
DI (75% - 84%): A CR (65% - 74%): A PS (50% - 64%): A FL (49% and less): An high level of better than satisfactory level of unsatisfactory level of
achievement satisfactory level of achievement achievement
The report provides a The report provides The report does not The report accurately detailed overview of an overview of the provide recent and details the current the current state of the current state of the relevant information on state of both the Australian Corporate Australian Corporate the Australian Corporate Australian Corporate and Government debt and Government debt and/or Government debt and Government debt markets. The report markets at a basic markets. The markets in terms of does not provide level. The report does information size, growth over the comprehensive not provide used may be out of date past three years, information relevant comprehensive and/or irrelevant to the types of instruments to all of information relevant task specified in the issued, issuance by the factors( size, to size, growth assessment. market and sector but growth issuance, issuance, and/or may provide limited and/or instruments) instruments but does details for some but provides attempt to address at factors. The report information relating least two of these details and critically to at least 3 of factors.The report analyses most of the these. The report critically analyses underlying market critically some of the
factors that are analyses most of the underlying factors determining the state underlying factors influencing the of the market. The influencing the market. Relevant and analysis is supported market. Relevant and up-to-date data has by current and up-to-date data has been used to support relevant data and/or been used to support the report. graphs to support the the report. written analysis.
The content is written The content is written The content is written The content lacks a clear with a logical with a logical with some logical point of view and logical progression of ideas progression of ideas progression of ideas sequence of information.
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Your report needs to be professionally presented and make use of section headings so that information can be quickly located. An introduction and conclusion are always needed. Please pay attention to grammar and spelling.
The following points are a general guide for presenting assessment items: Assessment items should be typed.
Use 1.5 spacing.
Use a wide left margin. Markers need space to be able to include their comments.
Use a standard 12pt font such as Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
Left- justify body text.
Include a separate title page with your name, student number, subject code, assessment number and assessment question. Include class time and tutor’s name if applicable.
Number your pages (except the cover page).
Always keep a copy of your assessments. Both a hard copy and an electronic copy.
Most importantly, always use your spelling and grammar checker, but remember that this does not pick up all errors. You must still manually and carefully edit your work.
As per the CSU Referencing Policy, assessment should be fully referenced. The Faculty of Business requires that students apply APA (American Psychological Association) referencing. If you are unsure of this style, please go to CSU Referencing website at
Please ensure you include your name and student ID in first page of your submission. Also include page number in the header or footer of every page of the assignment. Further details about submission are provided in Appendix 1.
Assessment item 4
AUD/USD Forecast Report
Value: 15%
Due date: 19-Sep-2016
Return date: 14-Oct-2016
Length: 2000 words maximum
Submission method options Alternative submission method
Your task in this assessment is to prepare a response to the scenario below. Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress towards Learning Outcomes 2 and 3.
Your are a foreign exchange analyst at CBA. You need to prepare a brief outlining what you believe will be the forecast for the AUD/USD exchange rate in 2017. You have already collated several sources of information on the major determinants and have summarised them as follows:
A report has recently been released indicating that World commodity prices are set to fall over the next 12 months due to the slowing in the Chinese economy.
Inflation rates in Australia are forecast to be 4.5% in the coming year, significantly higher than the 2% inflation forecast for the USA next year.
An added factor affecting foreign exchange markets is the predictions that the difference between the Australian and US rates will narrow in the coming 12 months - current
Australian rates are 1.75%, current US rates are 0.500% but there is a belief in