Recent Question/Assignment

200821 Financial Reports for Decision Making Quarter 3 2016
Assignment – Part B
Due date: Turnitin (electronic submission): 11pm, Friday 19 August 2016
Assessment Value: 12%
Topic: Analysis of Financial Position / Performance Length: 1 500 words maximum
Part B requirements:
Part B requires analysis of the financial position and performance of for the financial year ending 30 June 2015. This involves answering the following questions in your own words (i.e. do not simply “cut and paste” information from the Annual Report or any other source). As with Part A, you must applying critical thinking concepts when explaining and justifying your choices. Make sure all answers are fully referenced using the Harvard referencing system and include a reference list at the end of your assignment.
Guidelines on using the Harvard referencing system are available from:
Question 1:
According to “The Chairman’s Update” (, 2015, p.7) 2015 financial statements report a substantial increase in revenue. Combined with an increase in dividends for shareholders (, 2015, p.15), this would appear to suggest an improvement in performance for 2015 compared to 2014.
Analyse’s performance for 2014 and 2015 using one profitability ratio focussing on cash flow and one profitability ratios focussing on profit. Has profitability improved or worsened over this time? Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just describe the ratio values.
(maximum 500 words)
Question 2:
In the 2015 Annual Report, identified the organisation had “continued to invest” and is also confident they will be able to “take advantage of our numerous growth opportunities” (, Annual Report, 2015, p.7).
(a) Is there any indication the recent investments made by have been able to boost returns for shareholders for 2015? Use two ratios, not previously analysed in Question 1, to support your answer. Again, ensure you justify why you have chosen the ratios and be sure to
analyse and explain, not just describe the ratio values. (maximum 500 words)

(b) Analyse’s liquidity and financial flexibility for 2015 compared to 2014 to determine if the organisation is flexible enough to easily take advantage of growth opportunities when they arise. Use three ratios to support your answer and ensure you analyse and explain, not just describe the ratio values.
(maximum 500 words)
1. Assume “Net Income” is “Profit from continuing operations”.
2. Ratios must be selected from those identified by Cunningham et al (2014). Use of ratios other than those identified in the textbook and discussed in class will not gain any marks.
3. Include all supporting calculations for any values shown in Questions 1 to 2 in the Appendix. This is not included in the word count.
Unsatisfactory performance. PASS: 50-64
Satisfactory performance. CREDIT: 65-74
Good quality showing more than
satisfactory performance. DISTINCTION:
Superior quality.
Difficult to fault. HIGH
Excellent quality in all aspects.
Identifies and uses relevant information. 3 mark Identifies an insufficient range of appropriate resources. Uses inappropriate strategies to select, present and interpret information. Identifies a sufficient range of appropriate resources. Uses some sound
strategies to select, present and interpret information.
Identifies a sufficient range of appropriate resources. Uses a variety of sound strategies to select, present and interpret information. Identifies a sufficient range of appropriate resources. Uses well-designed strategies to select, present and interpret information. Identifies most appropriate range of appropriate resources. Uses well-designed strategies to select, present and interpret information.
Addresses the requirements of the question 3 marks Has difficulty defining the correct information requirements in complex situations. Some correct determining of information requirements for complex situations. Correctly determines information requirements for complex situations. Determines complex information requirements, demonstrates some refining of requirements. Determines and refines complex information requirements.
Use tools to locate, generate and display information
3 marks Inadequately demonstrates the ability to use financial tools Some appropriate use of financial tools to locate, generate and display information. Appropriately uses financial tools to locate, generate and display information. Uses optimally appropriate financial tools to locate, generate and display information. Uses financial tools innovatively to locate, generate and display information .
Locate, collect, evaluate and use information appropriately (Note: use of the “Harvard system” is required. See the WSU library website for more information.)
3 marks Uses published information in a way that demonstrates an incomplete understanding of ethical and legal restrictions for distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution (for citing, referencing, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, remaining true to original context). Uses published information in a way that demonstrates some understanding of ethical and legal restrictions for distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution (for citing, referencing, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, remaining true to original context). Uses published information in a way that demonstrates a competent understanding of ethical and legal restrictions for distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution (for citing, referencing, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, remaining true to original context). Uses published information in a way that demonstrates an advanced understanding of ethical and legal restrictions for distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution (for citing, referencing, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, remaining true to original context). Uses published information in a way that demonstrates an excellent understanding of ethical and legal restrictions for distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution (for citing, referencing, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, remaining true to original context).
vUWS Assessment Link and ‘Additional Assignment Resources’:
Under the ‘Assessement’ link on vUWS there is a folder titled ‘Assignment’. Here you will find the assignment submission link and an folder called ‘Additional Assignment Resources’.
In ‘Additional Assignment Resources’ you will find:
- Assignment cover sheet (which must be submitted with your assignment and must be signed by all group members, typing your name is acceptable as signing for an electronic submisison).
- 2015 Annual Report for
- 2014 Annual Report for (if needed)
Marking Criteria:
The Criteria and Standards for marking the assignment are on page 2. This is also available on page 6 of the Learning Guide. Use this to help you prepare your answer to the assignment. It shows what we will be looking for in marking both questions and what mark you will get if you reach certain levels.
The main objective of Part B of the assignment is analyse the information from the financial statements in the Annual Report. However, as with Part A, the skill of describing concepts professionally and succinctly, while still highlighting the most significant points, is vital for effectively communicating your justification. It is important to adhere to the word limit.
Also as with Part A, it is also important to use appropriate referencing. If the reader of your report wants to further follow up any of the points you have made, correct referencing of the material is essential. You do not want the situation where the reader (or in practice, a client or manager) has to contact you to find out where the material came from!
When submitting the final version of your assignment, check you have:
? Clearly answered all questions, justified all conclusions and used the specified format, including:
o Assignment cover sheet o Appendix for calculations o Reference list
? Proof-read the assignment for spelling and grammar o Use “spell check” in Word to help if you have any concerns
? Met the requirement for the word-limit. Do not exceed 1 500 words in total for Part B and do not exceed the word limits stated per question.
? Submitted the assignment, including signed cover sheet, through the electronic submission link prior to 11am, Friday 19 August 2016.
o Only one member of each group must submit the electronic copy of the assignment o Any assignments submitted after 11am, Friday 19 August 2016 must be emailed directly to the Unit Co-ordinator ( and will incur a late penalty of 10% of the available marks per day.

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