Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment Information
This assessment tool is designed to gather evidence on your knowledge as well as abilities on identifying, evaluating and taking advantage of marketing opportunities by analysing market data, distinguishing characteristics of possible markets and assessing viability of changes to operations. Also, it collects evidence on key foundation skills outlined in unit of competency details. Your Trainer/Assessor will go through the unit of competency at the very beginning of this unit explaining each element, performance criteria, foundation skill, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that you will be assessed on via this assessment tool. You can find more information at httos://
This assessment has three parts:
• Assessment Activity 1 — Knowledge Questions: you will provide your responses to two written questions that assess their knowledge on relevant legislation, codes of practice, ethical principles, and national standards that affect marketing operations, as well as, statistical methods and techniques to evaluate marketing opportunities including forecasting techniques.
• Assessment Activity 2 — Report: based on the FitLite Health Club business simulation, you will write a report on marketing opportunities based on the information provided in the Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020.
• Assessment Activity 3 — Presentation: you will present your written report, gather feedback from key stakeholders and make refinements as suggested.
Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you the following document and discuss in detail prior undertaking this assessment:
• FitLife Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020.
In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must obtain satisfactory outcome in each part of this assessment. You must collate the following documents and submit to your Trainer/Assessor:
• knowledge question responses (Assessment Activity 1)
• report written in a professional format (Assessment Activity 2)
• slideshows used in your presentation (Assessment Activity 3)
• final version of your written report (after the presentation and feedback session).
Please refer to the following section -Guide for Preparing and Submitting Assessment- given in the next page to see submission requirements.
Remember! Your Trainer/Assessor is your best source of help. If you have any special needs, make sure you check with your Trainer/Assessor in advance of undertaking this assessment.
ILB5BMKG501 Version 5.0
Assessment Activity 1— Knowledge Questions Question 1
Write a report on how relevant legislation, codes of practice, ethical principles, and national standards affect marketing operations. You must include the following in your response:
• codes of practice • confidentiality and privacy issues • ethical principles
• legislation and regulations • social responsibility and cultural diversity • safety issues
You must ensure that all of the legal and ethical requirements listed above are currently active. You are to be deemed unsatisfactory for this task if you include outdated information such as a superseded legislation.
The word limit for your summary is maximum of 750 words (± 10% rule applies). Make sure you insert citation for your research following the prescribed citation format (refer to -Style Guide for Assessment Submission-).
Question 2
Briefly describe the following statistical methods and techniques to evaluate marketing opportunities, including forecasting techniques. For each item, you must provide a definition and how it can be used to evaluate marketing opportunities. Write In your own words. Maximum length of answer for each Item Is 50 words.
• Bootstrapping • Brand-choice models • Experimental design technique
• Central tendency • Conjoint analysis • Cross-tabulation
• Perceptual maps • Intention survey • Data mining
• Extrapolation • Game theory
Assessment Activity 2 — Report Writing Business Simulation: FitLife Health Club
Read the Wife Health Club strategic Marketing Plan 2015.2020 and familiarise yourself with the company. It Provides essential Information on the company's current status, future strategic direction and background, Including the following:
0 Executive Summary
0 Company Background
m Mission, Vision and Values
m Statement of Goals and Objectives
m Situation Analysis (including SWOT, BCG matrix, PEST/STEEP Analysis, and Market Trend Analysh)
m Statistical Analysis on Market Share, Competitors and 5 years Revenue Analysis
m Market Segmentation and the Marketing Mix
m Target Markets
m The Marketing Mix
m Financials.
You are encouraged to conduct external research from reputable and quality sources. Ensure you comply with the academic honesty standards outlined In Guide for Preparing and Submitting the Assessment section. You must submit only the finalised report (refer to Stage 2 below) in your portfolio.
Your report will have two stages:
• Stage 1: you are required to draft a report in which you need to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities to determine whether they can meet organisational objectives. It must also clearly document how current business operations need to be modified and what resources required to take advantage of newly identified and evaluated opportunities. This draft version will then be presented to the audience (Assessment Activity 3) to collect feedback, which you will then reflect the feedback on your final report.
• Stage 2: you are required to finalise your report taking the feedback gathered during your presentation (Assessment Activity 3) into consideration. This will be the final version ready to be submitted to your Trainer/Assessor with your portfolio. Your Trainer/Assessor will lead the feedback process.
Report Structure
Your report must have the following structure in an exact order:
Section Details must be covered
Cover page Executive Summary
Table of Contents Introduction
Evaluation of Changes to Current Operations
Appendices (optional) I
See section Writing and Submitting the Assessment (page 4).
• Terms of reference, Statement of topic
• Key findings summarised
• Recommendations summarised_ List of numbered sections in report and associated page numbers:
• Brief background information of the report.
• Make the purpose of the report clear to reader (Trainer/Assessor). . _ _ This section focuses on idea generation and must cover the following:
• marketing opportunities, potential new markets, opportunities to penetrate into these markets, and their likely contribution to FitLife
• entrepreneurial, innovative approaches and creative ideas to develop into profitable marketing opportunities__
This section focuses on idea screening and must cover:
• analysis of opportunities in terms of their likely to fit with FitLife's goals and capabilities as outlined in the strategic marketing plan
• how each opportunity may have an impact on current business and customer base
• assessment of financial viability of each marketing opportunity taking external factors, costs, benefits and risks into consideration
• investigation of potential competitors
• determine probable return on investment
• rank marketing opportunities on their viability, and likely contribution to the business
This section must cover:
• changes needed to current operations to benefit from identified marketing opportunities and the viability of making such changes
• how you would ensure continued quality of service to existing customers whilst facing an increased or different customer base yielded from the changes
• resource requirements for changed operations
• newly identified marketing opportunities, required changes and the viability of
making changes to current operations in order to accommodate smoothly
Summary and evaluation of the report's findings with the key recommendations.
List of reference material consulted during research for report.__
Information that supports your analysis. Not mandatory.
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You must ensure that you use appropriate headings and subheadings in your report based on the report structure tabled above.
See the Appendices section at the end of this assessment tool for sample templates that may be included within your report; you can use or modify the templates to suit your own needs. You must note that the templates are not a complete report. Your report will be considerably more detailed and require more work. The aim here is to provide you a set of useful tools to assist in your report writing.
BSBMKG501 Version 5.0 Created on October 2015 Page 8
Assessment Activity 3 — Presentation
you are asked by the FitLife Health Club management to present your ideas to your colleagues. The objective of your presentation must be to:
• communicate with the audience clearly, understandably and creatively
• present your ideas, findings and recommendations credibly to convince the audience and gain support and agreement
• satisfactorily answer questions and objections
• organise material in an effective and logical sequence and format for the presentation
• develop a range of support materials that can be used to present a variety of ideas and concepts for your presentation
• adapt to the cultural requirements of the stakeholders as they are from diverse backgrounds with diverse abilities
• apply techniques to control the flow of information
• get feedback on your ideas, which then will be reflected on your final report.
Conditions of Presentation
You must make this presentation professional, delivering the materials with confidence and being knowledgeable and flexible in responding to queries and feedback (see criteria in the checklist provided in the following page).
All resources must be provided to candidates in order to facilitate in delivering their presentation.
Your presentation must cover all aspects of your report in summarised form so that you can clearly communicate this material in a maximum time of twenty (15) minutes, including Question/Answer session.
Prepare a visual PowerPoint presentation to be presented to your group. Dress up professionally. Your assessor will be assessing you on your presentation and responses using the checklist given in the following page (refer to the section Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Presentation Checklist in the next page).
During your presentation, you will be given a final feedback by the audience, including your Trainer/Assessor. This will give you a final opportunity to adjust your report in response to feedback before the final submission. Your Trainer/Assessor will give you the final deadline to make the necessary adjustments and submit the finalised version.
Print and include any documents you use from an external source and reference any other information for your Trainer/Assessor.
You must submit your final report along with the slides to your Trainer/Assessor for approval on time without requesting extensions — this is a requirement of the assessment due to timely project delivery. Also, you must ensure that your report follows the prescribed format (refer to section: Guide for Preparing and Submitting Assessment).
Note: your presentation performance will be assessed based on the items listed in the Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Presentation Checklist provided in the following page.
It is a good practice to familiarise yourself with the checklist prior giving your presentation. This will enable you to understand what is expected of you to be deemed satisfactory for your presentation. Also, this will give you an opportunity to fully equip yourself for the presentation.
Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Assessment Activity 1 & 2
Assessor Use Only
Assessors please tick if the evidence supplied is enough to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Also, write comments on the quality of this evidence.
Assessment Task S NYS Comments
Assessment Activity 1— Knowledge Questions
Question 1
Question 2
Assessment Activity 2— Report Writing