Recent Question/Assignment
Part 2: Report
Due: 17:00 p.m. Sunday, 18 October 2015
Words: maximum 2500
Mode: Submit individually
Marks: MAN5703 – 30 / MAN6302 - 35
Your report should describe both the research methodology and the information gathered from all the relevant sources. This should allow you to make some general comments and observations.
At a minimum, you should include:
• An introduction - provide a brief description of the purpose of the report. Present the definitions or model of project quality management that underpins your work;
• Trends, research findings and assumptions;
• Data collection – describe your respondent’s commentary;
• Discussion/synthesis – describe what you found and what you think it means. What is the gap between actual and desired processes and outcomes and what appears to cause it? What are they doing well? What are they doing badly (refer to the theory).
• Recommendations. How can they close the gap – references to theory are expected. These must be correctly cited in-text and as end references.
You will submit a report of no more than 2500 words covering, at least, all the elements listed above which will be in a scholarly style adhering to the APA referencing.
SUBMISSION (Applicable to both Part 1 & Part 2 of the assignment)
Both submissions are via the links in the Assessment/Assignment section in Blackboard. Please indicate the word count on the title page (if applicable). I randomly check so please make sure that it’s accurate! Word counts do not include references. You will lose marks if you exceed the word limit. This will be pro-rata e.g. if you exceed the word count by 10%, you will lose 10% of the mark.
You are required to submit your work in two formats:
1. An electronic copy with a signed (checked) ECU cover sheet attached, submitted via Blackboard; and,
2. An electronic copy submitted via the Turnitin link on the Blackboard site. No cover sheet.