Recent Question/Assignment

3. High Performance Diverse Workplace(Scenario Based)
Value: 40%
Due date: 18-Oct-2015
Return date: 08-Nov-2015
Length: 3500 words (+/- 5%) excluding references
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This assessment task requires that you synthesise your understanding of organisational culture and leadership with your theoretical and practical knowledge of OB in Australian organisations. The focus of this activity is to determine how the practice of OB must be redesigned and realigned in multiethnic/multicultural contexts to ensure cultural appropriateness and to achieve organisational effectiveness.
Australia has one of the world’s most culturally diverse workforces. Managing different cultural workgroups has ongoing implications on the success of the organisation. However, cultural differences leading to conflicts caused by ineffective communication and increasing moral and ethical degradation at workplaces continue to be issues of growing concern. Furthermore, as the workforce becomes more diverse and multigenerational, labour power may force improvement in the employment relationship and call for different kinds of leaderships. Recently, exploratory studies conducted in Australia have examined the blend of leadership styles/behaviours that different cultural workgroups preferred their managers to exhibit.
Using both literature and publicly available data:
1. Identify and critically analyse and discuss the communication challenges that a leader would expect to encounter in relation to the cultural diversity of many Australian organisations.
2. Critically discuss how leaders can address the ethical issues related to the cultural diversity in many Australian organisations.
3. Identify, synthesise and critically discuss an optimal mix of leadership styles/behaviours which would be aligned with managing culturally diverse workplaces; these should be sufficiently flexible, and able to be appropriately adopted in Australian organisations.
The purpose of the assignment is to build up a specific understanding of managing a multicultural workforce and behavioural practices. This is a multi-strand knowledge gathering research that focuses on critical strategic issues in leadership and employee behaviour.
This assessment assesses the following subject learning objectives
• be able to critically examine assumptions and propositions of theorising about organisational behaviour in general;
• be able to compare and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of organisational behaviour theories relevant to managers with human resource responsibilities;
• be able to critique and to apply organisational behaviour theories and concepts to case studies and/or issues in their own workplaces; and
• be able to evaluate current organisation practice and to develop strategies that may assist in the understanding and management of employee behaviour.
Marking criteria
There are three key themes to be addressed, all in relation to culturally diverse Australian organisations.
1. Identifiy, critically analyse and discuss the communication challenges that a leader would expect to encounter in culturally diverse Australian organisations (10 marks - see marking guide below: Information=3; Critique=3; Application=4).
2. Critically discuss how leaders can confront the ethical issues related to culturally diverse workforces in Australian organisations (10 marks - (10 marks - see marking guide below: Information=3; Critique=3; Application=4).
3. Identify and critically discuss the appropriate leadership models/styles for managing culturally diverse workplaces in Australian organisations (10 marks - see marking guide below: Information=3; Critique=3; Application=4).

4. Correct use of spelling, puncuation, grammar, syntax, and sematics; well-organised structure; the use of academic style of writing and the correct use of APA6 referencing (10 marks).
Please keep in mind that all the required points of the assignments need to be covered and all the questions need to be answered appropriately.

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