Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment details for ALL students (T 2 2013 MRKT20025)
Assessment item 2  Marketing research report
Due date: Monday of Week 10 at 1:00 pm AEST ASSESSMENT
Weighting: 45%
Length: 3500-4000 words
This Assessment item relates to the learning outcomes 1- 5 & 7-11.
Assignment submission
All assignments should be submitted online through the MRKT 20025 Moodle site. All reports will be
checked by Turnitin to compare the report to other sources and will provide students and lecturers
with a similarity score for the report. All reports with a similarity score index of more than 20% will
be checked for plagiarism (although it may not necessarily mean that the student has plagiarised).
Assessment task
Use the questionnaire on ‘Uses and Gratifications of Facebook’ in Moodle under the
‘Assessment 2’ link. Darren, a student at CQUniversity is doing a research on Facebook and
its uses and gratifications for university students. He wants to do an online survey with
students from most Australian universities to have a representative sample of the population.
You can check the following reference for more information about the topic:
Hou, J. 2011, ‘Uses and Gratifications of Social Games: Blending Social Networking and Game
Play’ First Monday, Vol. 16, no.7.
You are required to answer the following questions in relation to the Darren’s research:
1. Perform a critical analysis of the questionnaire Darren is using and suggest ways of
how to improve it.
2. Suggest a sampling plan to Darren for an online survey of Australian university
3. What are the considerations Darren should take into account when designing and
implementing the online survey?
4. How can Darren increase the response rate to his online survey?
5. Suggest a qualitative research design to accompany the online survey.
A strict report format is not required for this assignment. However, structure and presentation will
count. A title page, executive summary, table of contents, body (introduction, answering of all the
above questions) and a conclusion are required for this assessment. The total number of pages
students can submit in Moodle for this assessment is a maximum of 25 and the following
format is to be used: Font 12, Times New Roman and single spacing throughout the
assignment. There should be no appendices attached and all tables/figures should appear in
your body text.
Use the marking criteria as a guide to writing this assessment.
Important Note:
- Selection of literary support from Google, Wikipedia,,,, etc. will be treated very negatively. These
are not appropriate sources for your academic assignment.