Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment 1 Project Evaluation / Initiation
Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date
Assignment 1 100 10.00% 05/08/13
For assignment 1 you will need to do all the activities specified in the following section.
Details for assignment will be published on the CIS3007 study desk during the semester. Please check the study desk regularly for details.
In the meantime in preparation for the rest of the assignments for the semester you need to do the following:
• read assignment specification and activities
• install the needed development environment
• familiarise yourself with the development environment
This will allow you to start making plans in regards to your design and assignment 2 design and reporting requirements.
Assignment 1 Activities.
a.) Download the instructions on how to download and install the needed software for development, the example programs, the textbook in pdf format.
b.) Follow the instructions and install the needed software for the course.
For the project you will need access to a Project Management Software and a UML diagramming software. If you have access to Project Management or UML software you can use that for the project but you will still need to do the steps associated with assignment 1 for activities c and d.
You can also use the Microsoft Project 2010 software provided by the university for this course. Follow the instructions
c.) Evaluate 3 web based Project Management software as a possible tool for the course.
d.) Evaluate 3 possible UML tools to use for the diagrammatic activities during this course
e.) Run and familiarise yourself with the sample solution we will be enhancing during the semester in the assignment specifications
f.) Identify different technologies used in the sample application that you will need to research on
g.) Using your selected Project Management tool create a new project and add to the project all the activities you have done so far and time taken.
Assignment 1 Deliverables.
You will be required to supply the following activities. The CIS3007 study desk will provide details and link to the submission page
• Printout the project activities from the Project Management software you are using (activity g)
• Discussion on the 3 Project tools evaluated and the strengths and weaknesses of the tool. Identify the tool you will use during the semester (activity c)
• Discussion on the 3 UML tools evaluated and the strengths and weaknesses of the tool. Identify the tool you will use during the semester (activity d)
• Screen capture of the sample solution running on your development computer (activity e)
Assignment 1 Optional Personal Project Proposal Deliverables
If you are looking at proposing a personal project please read carefully the requirements at the top of this document.
If you are looking at doing the standard project please disregard this section.
For person project proposal you need to include in not more then 2 pages.
• Your experience in developing J2EE or related technologies.
• The system description and operation as it currently operates and the environment that it operates in.
• Detailed list of proposed changes that need to be done to the systems to make it function in the J2EE environment and the technologies proposed to make this possible.
• Details on any information/software that might not be submitted for evaluation due to NDA requirements or security/privacy concerns.
• Description of the deliverables from the project and the submission options.