Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment Information
Subject Code: MAN1000
Subject Name: Introduction to Management
Assessment Title: Individual literature review
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks: 30
Due Date: Week 10 - May 29th (11.50pm through Turnitin)
Assessment Description
Description: Corporate Social Responsibility in the modern organisation.
Corporate social responsibility is considered to be important to a manager’s job because society expects managers and organisations to behave in socially responsible ways. You are to undertake a literature review discussing the role of corporate social responsibility in the modern organisation.
Your literature review should consider the following:
• What is corporate social responsibility?
• How do organisations define their social responsibility?
• What is the role of management in delivering on an organisation’s corporate social responsibility?
• What are some of the ways an organisation can take up their corporate social responsibility?
• What are the arguments for and against organisations being socially responsible?
The literature review requires:
• A thorough research and treatment of the contemporary literature in the topic area.
• A range of references that should demonstrate breadth and depth of research.
• The incorporation of organisational examples as illustrative evidence.
• An ability to utilise the wider literature in constructing the narrative is displayed throughout.
• A display of critical evaluation and diagnostic skills in the choice of the data included.
• A display of critical evaluation in the choice of the information sources used.
• Appropriate and accurate use of the Harvard Referencing System.
You must use a minimum of 15 references:
• Text books: The prescribed text and at least 5 other text books
• 5 different academic journal articles
• 1 other source of your choice: Blog, newspaper, magazine or other Internet source
• No more than 1 reference may be general Internet based sources.
• Wikipedia is not to be used and does not count as an academic reference.
Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you within two weeks of submission.
Below is the feedback form, which will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback.
Marking Guide for Literature review
Student name: ………………………………..………………………………………….
Assessment Criteria: P erformance
Not Shown Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent
Introduction /1 mark
The introduction includes the following:
• An introductory sentence or two related directly to the question.
• A definition or explanation of a key term, cited from your discipline.
• A clear statement of the focus of the essay or the position being argued, your opinion statement.
Content /10 marks
The student has:
• Interpreted the instruction/question properly
• Clearly addressed the topic with appropriate elaboration of relevant subtopics
• Demonstrated an understanding of necessary
• Has identified sufficient and appropriate material from relevant and credible sources to effectively support the key points
Theory and Analysis /5 marks
The student has:
• Incorporated and applied appropriate theory throughout
• Key academic perspectives/views used to develop arguments
• Quality of the discussion which is supported by theory
• Compared and contrasted the views of different authors as part of their analysis
Conclusion /1 mark
The student has included in the conclusion:
• A brief summary of the main ideas presented in the essay.
• Confirmation of the opinion included in the introduction.
• Final evaluative comments on the relative importance of the arguments.
Research and Referencing /10 marks
The student has:
• Presented ideas and assertions that are substantiated through use of high quality reference material
• Provided in-text referencing
• Applied the Harvard Referencing style using the correct technique
• Used a minimum of 15 academic references, including textbooks and journal articles
• Appropriately presented and formatted the Reference List in alphabetical order.
Report Presentation /3 marks
The student has:
• Identified the key essay elements (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion)
• Given each section/paragraph a clear focus and line of thought
• Provided a writing style that is appropriate to the task.
• Used writing that is fluent and grammatically correct, with appropriate punctuation.
• No spelling or typing errors and given due regard to the rules of capitalization and abbreviation etc.
Total available marks – 30 Total grade/mark obtained: /30
Overall Grade: NN, PA, CR, DI, HD